Engaging and Awakening Others —

Navigating the murky waters of early family systems & cultural conditioning.

Likely, as you have been mindfully applying the process & context outlined in Decloaking, your life has felt more aligned … more yours. And as the godForce that you are already knows – there’s always more!

The journey through the Signature WEL-Systems® experiences is about depth.

Depth of connection to Self, and others.

How deeply do you seek accelerated personal evolution through the wisdom of your internal cues? 

And, what’s getting in your way of living from them?

For most of us, it’s our habits, patterns, historical and familial processes get in the way.

At this point in our journey we have come to  discover: The future is not a given; it is created. The question becomes: HOW are you creating your future –through habit and habituation or through considered choices? The approach you take determines the quality of your life: the habituated strategies leave you with more of the same, and considered choices expand your reality. It really can be that simple! 

You are now likely at a new choice point, where you are paying attention and noticing the magnetic pull of the default, and you are intentionally seeking to counteract it. 

You know how, yet it’s fucking hard. It’s hard because we don’t live in an isolated world – we share our lives with others. Others who are profoundly committed to the story of the status quo of their lives – they know what they know and they are who they are. 

So how do you now co-create with others a reality that is aligned for all?

Intergenerationally, women have been taught, through modeled behaviour, to find a way to put up with “what is” by manipulating our external reality to get what we want. 

What does manipulation look like? 

  • squeezing ourselves into a box to try and accommodate people and shape outcomes;

  • making ourselves small so another doesn’t feel threatened;

  • asking for permission instead of claiming what we want;

  • staying confused so we don’t have to claim what we want;

  • tying ourselves into a knot so we don’t face our reality for what it is;

  • tolerate the intolerable so we’re not offensive;

  • swallow our truth and vent our fire; abandon ourselves so we don’t abandon another. 

Yet you know: the only place of power comes from turning inward.

Whatever your survival strategies have been, I’m here to tell you: they do not have to continue to shape your future. 

In Decloaking, you were introduced to the processes of Nested Living Systems™ and Androgynous Baby™, which means that  you already know: patterns replicate at all logical levels.

Through mindful awareness and and engagement of Quantum TLC™, you can come to discover and integrate that the modeled behaviour you adopted when you were four does not have to direct your ‘now’, nor does it have to hijack  who you are capable of becoming. 

There is a different process to live life from, and the highest order context for evolution is godForce. When you apply the framework of the CODE Model to your experience, who you become changes. 

But as you change, you notice that those around you … do not. So how do you now engage and co-create with those around you differently? 

and yes, you have to take the lead …

Beyond showing you how to be resourceful in the world you're in…

Engaging and Awakening Others provides you with what you need to become resourceful in working with others to co-create the world in which you want to live!

Completing this five day intensive means you will walk away with far more than new knowledge. 

  • It means that you've walked through fire and come out the other side!

  • It means that you've delved into the places that you've often avoided going to...and found the treasures that have long awaited you.

  • It means that who you've become along the journey is not only someone that others can trust; that others can look to for support and leadership; but someone that you've discovered you really like to be!

  • And in the perpetual unfolding that is our lives, you now stand on a solid platform from which to move into the journey of creating your future with vision, courage and the clarity of mind that comes from knowing yourself.

  • This five day intensive designed to enliven your being at multiple levels of thinking. 

In this intensive, you will experience individual and group processes that accelerate evolution —

  • Old ways of being/living falling away and creating a space for the new

  • The resources required to be willing to stand alone and trust your creative process

  • Understanding of the dynamics of self-organizing, living organic systems and the leadership implications

  • Awakening to your unique ability to shape family, work and community systems

    Awaken your courage and the strength to: Be willing to stand alone.

Engaging and Awakening Others

is designed to help you:

  • understand the systemic implications of your world and how to influence it

  • Dissolve the box of cultural conditioning and invite living choice-point up to become the way of manifesting your meaningful life 

  • find your ability and the resourcefulness within to design and create the world in which you want to live and work and play, in a way that invites others to participate

The questions we will address are deep:

  • Who will you have become when you deconstruct who you believe yourself to have been historically and habitually? 

  • Who will you have become when you intentionally reclaim your internal cues so you can manifest your identity from Signal from Self? 

  • Who will you have become when you have collapsed the power structures that sustain your default? 

Engaging and Awakening Others is not for the faint of heart. It is a powerful experience that will leave you empowered to become whomever you choose to be.

Date TBD | 9 AM - 12 PM with a break then 2 PM - 5 PM EST | Over Zoom | Maximum 6 women | $2999]

Here’s how it works.

1 —

Five days in the deep dive

Like in Decloaking, we will gather over Zoom for five days, from 9 AM - 12 PM with a break in between and again from 2 PM - 5 PM.

2 —

Stay connected via Telegram

Over the next month, we will stay connected to one another as a group so we have accountability partners to connect with and access to coaching from me.

3 —

Exclusive Engaging audio files

These files are not available for public consumption — and there’s good reason for that. Once you complete the experience, you will receive the 25 “CD” Set to help you dig deeper after the experience.

Did I mention … Sacred Story day? 

For the first time maybe ever, you will have the platform to share your Truth uninterrupted and freely while the group actively listens.

This day alone can be profoundly transformational.

Here's what Louise LeBrun said to me once about the experience:

“When I created Sacred Story Day, it was grounded in both the recognition for and intention to deeply honour… to the fullest extent… having lived through/moved through/endured and overcome the deep wounding that so often comes with having been born.  

A time to fully embrace… cherish… hold close… and deeply value the ’self’ that moved through it all and brought us to this moment.  

A time to be seen and heard… fully and without interruption or redirection or judgement or advice…. and witnessed in the fullness of the wounding.  

A time to honour the journey.. the courage and stamina that has been required have emerged stronger and more authentic. 

The time to express gratitude to the aspect of us that took the journey... that brought us to this moment… and that is so deeply deserving of our gratitude. 

The time to recognize that now is the moment to free that aspect of ourselves that carried it all… and allow her to rest.  

The time to let go of the past…. breathe deeply into the now… and give ourselves permission to move powerfully into the future of our own creation.  

Sacred Story Day is a day of thanks and celebration!”

Curious what this is? Click here to listen to Louise’s description of the experience.

The truth is, there is nowhere else on the planet (that I’ve discovered) where you can delve into this type of depth into yourself and the relationships you care about, safely.

There is nowhere else that you will integrate so much history to be able to stand on new, fertile ground for creation – of your own choosing. 

The cultural and family systems conversation is a tough one, no doubt. It is the yucky stuff that lives inside of us that, when constrained, runs the show of our lives. But, when intentionally freed, it informs us how to become more resourceful and resilient in our lives. 

It really isn’t easy, and it is Life-enriching worth it

Over five days together, we will delve into the difficult yet life-affirming conversations that most people would rather avoid. 

But not you.

Because you now know and trust and are ready to embrace the stuff that hurts by delving deeply into it and freeing yourself from it.

I’m here to guide you through it, and Quantum TLC is your best friend. 

All in all, here’s what you get in this experience:

  • Five full days immersed in WEL-Systems based conversations that educate you to the power of the process. 

  • A deep dive into the processes of Androgenous Baby and Nested Living Systems in shaping how we see ourselves, our relationships, and our lives. 

  • A Sacred Story space of full revelation of the truth that you carry that you never gave yourself permission to own before. In simply telling your story, engaged and uninterrupted, you free yourself of the illusion you carried all along. 

  • The opportunity to delve deep into secrets and lies and free them with the truth. 

  • The opportunity to connect with other powerful women seeking to free themselves from secrets and lies and choose Evolution by Intention, instead. 

  • The exclusive audio files for this experience. Edgy, daring and provocative – exactly what’s needed after the experience to help you keep integrating! 

pay in full bonus

As a thank you for choosing this option, I will gift you with a complimentary one-on-one session with me (worth $399), redeemable anytime throughout the year OR free access to our monthly calls for 6 months.

All for a one time payment of


6 Month Payment Plan

$505/Month, for x6 Months

12 Month Payment Plan

$255/Month, for x12 Months

Secure your spot with a $500 deposit (to keep the space intimate, as you know is required for these intensives, I am capping the experience to six women).



Sarah W.

“I have created a pretty cool life from an early existence of learning to brace for survival.”

Claudine Louiselle

“Stela sees and challenges my bs. I know 'not now' very well. Now, I see and hear myself more often. In fact, I cannot NOT see myself anymore … ”

Randi White

“I know Stela can hold me in complete safety and take me where I want to go.”

Jennifer Hatt

“Stela is smart, brave, and devoted to this body of knowledge as a way to live. She has the technical knowledge and confidence to notice, invite, challenge, and hold firm in conversations that may be intense, but lead to great revelations and shifts in perspective. I am good at lying to myself. Stela challenges what feels ‘off’ to her and holds space for me to own my stories and choose: run the pattern or live differently?”

Remember, you can’t get it wrong.

Whatever the intuitive yes or no response is, invite and allow it to be in flow. 

Let your body do the choosing. It already knows.

All you have to do is honour it

[if there’s anything that holds you back when you know it’s a ‘yes’, talk to me … I’m happy to set up a discovery call with you so you gain clarity.
This experience demands you are intentional about your participation.]