Discover the ‘road map’ for

rapid, profound and lasting change.

Life-enriching explorations
that lead you back to Home to yourSelf.

This isn’t rocket science …

Your worldview will either keep you in bondage, or set you free. 

The good news? Your worldview is programmable.

What you program it with is entirely up to you.

[But left to its own vices, it will only keep repeating what it is familiar with… and what you’ve always known will give you more of what you’ve got …]

If you want your life to be different,
you must become different.

If you are ready to discover an alternative perspective to what you already know, welcome to CODE Model Coaching™ & the WEL-Systems® Body of Knowledge

For over 30 years, this body of knowledge has been transforming the lives of women who dare to step in. Birthed from intuition and backed by science, this paradigm of being has become a solid platform on which each of us can stand on to transcend our perceived limitations and transform our relationship with who (and what!) we know ourselves to be. In choosing to do so, we live magnificent lives!

“I stumbled upon this Life-affirming paradigm as ‘an addict’, embraced it as a way of life, and now educate the world to its power as the Guardian of the Vision of the WEL-Systems Institute..”

Yours Truly, Stela Murrizi

“The WEL-Systems approach to change emphasizes the importance of reprogramming one’s perceptions and beliefs as a fundamental requirement for transformational healing… it WORKS!”

Dr. Bruce Lipton, a leading expert in the field of epigenetics.

“Somebody in there wanted me dead; but through WEL-Systems conversations, I found the will to live!”

Randi White

I no longer wanted quick fixes that provided short-term relief. I was seeking true transformation—something with a greater impact.

After just a few months of engaging with the WEL-Systems® body of knowledge, my life has exploded with clarity and alignment. AND, I wanted more.

Celine Burlock

“Here’s what I’ve discovered after 30 years of engaging with others: People don’t need advice or to have their answers put in place by another. They need a more powerful and effective way to find answers for themselves; and find value in the process that takes them there.”

The founder of the WEL-Systems Institute, Louise LeBrun


Naming it — Your pain is the gateway to your evolution

A strange statement, indeed, but pain only exists to get your attention — your body has the answers. The key is discovering how to deCODE it's messages. Enter The CODE Model™ — the framework for understanding yourSelf, your mind, and your body. Because, you can’t change from within the box.

Claiming it: There is nothing going on inside you that belongs to anyone but you

Let the WEL-Systems® process help you get out of the box — understand how you came to be who you believe yourself to be and discover what you don’t yet know about yourself that will transform how you relate to yourself.

Choosing it: Getting conscious is the key

Who do you need to become to create the life you were born to live? Educate yourself to your potential and learn how to choose authentically and meaningfully. Consider that the power of choice as the bridge that stands between the past and the future.

Changing it— Space | Movement | Flow

Release the pressure valve and discover that it is safe for you to be in the full measure of your intensity. That’s what Quantum TLC™ is for. I’m here to provoke the wave so you learn how to engage this process, instead of your habit, in every moment of your life.

Christina Blackmon

“Stela holds space like no one elsesafe yet uncompromising, compassionate yet piercingly honest. She doesn’t just guide you through the work; she walks with you into the fire, making damn sure you don’t turn away from what’s been buried beneath the surface for far too long.”

Working together will provide you with

a complete process

for accelerated personal evolution 

so you know exactly what to do in those push-comes-to-shove moments that make you feel crazy.

(FYI: no, you’re not crazy — your worldview is.
Let’s help you create internal safety to discover who you truly are)

1 on 1 Decloaking Discovery

Five weekly calls to help you ground into the Signature process of Decloaking

Calls entirely focused on applying what you learn from listening to the audio files.


for 5 weekly calls X 1.5 hours each, plus ongoing Telegram (voice over the internet) and email support

You already know that if you keep living how you’ve always lived, you’ll get more of what you’ve got. 

If you are ready to interrupt the habituated patterns of your life, unveil the beliefs that keep you captive, and discover an alternative way to live, then this five week process may be for you. 

Decloaking is the introduction to a an alternative way to live – a way that leaves you empowered to find your own answers. 

This is for you if: 

  • You are ready to live differently and are seeking individualized support to embrace the process of Decloaking. 

  • You have listened to the Decloaking and Living Authentically audio files (and/or are listening now) and want support to integrate what you learn into your daily life. 

  • You want individualized, full support in a one-on-one capacity.

Decloaking & Living Authentically Intensive

A Signature WEL-Systems offering for a reason!

This small group, life-altering experience transforms who you are and awakens you to your potential to design your life. 

Discover how to trust yourself. 


for five consecutive days of exploration

In an increasingly busier and faster world filled with polarizing content, uncertainty prevails. So many changes, so many challenges, so much advice from so many sources. How do you decide what's right for you?

It's not just about how to keep up. It's about learning how to trust yourself – and discover how to awaken to more powerful and effective ways of moving through your own life.

Decloaking… and living authentically! isn't just any conversation – it's one that will change your life. This is not a training (relying on practices and techniques) but is a small group, life-altering experience that transforms who you are and awakens your potential to design your life. Whether it's your first time or whether you're back again to dive deeper and accelerate your evolution, your experience of transformation always includes safety, science and a touch of the sacred.

This extended, Open Forum conversation:

  • is guided and shaped  by the urgency of what's meaningful to you;

  • offers you new, cutting-edge and life-altering thinking;

  • unfolds in a safe place that allows you to think differently, know differently and engage differently; and

  • invites, cajoles, provokes and compels you into reclaiming more of who you already are and discovering who you are capable of becoming!

Take a moment to listen to what’s possible for you, from your 5-day Decloaking and Living Authentically Experience… 

Then say yes to your own accelerated evolution!

  • Stela sees and challenges my bs. I know 'not now' very well. Now, I see and hear myself more often. In fact, I cannot NOT see myself anymore …

    Claudine Loiselle

  • I can stand firmly in my own experience and say, you, Stela, have changed my life. You have added tremendous value to my life. When I found you at the retreat I wept in your arms because I felt that I had come home. What you offer is like nothing and no one I have ever experienced before. I have found meaning and expansion and awakening in your offerings.

    Anila Rehman

  • And stela, this work you are doing cuts through like a knife. You got me from chaos and barely surviving to thriving

    a deeply concerned mother

  • Stela is a brilliant leader. She shows up in the full immensity of her whole self and is so committed to living this process as she gets curious about her own life and her own inner world. She models it out loud and shares from that place as she educates on a very beautiful way to move through a chaotic world.

    a deeply concerned mother

  • What makes me trust Stela with my life and yours … trust without question both her willingness and ability to stand with me as I take a stand for myself…is the depth of her compassion and caring. Her willingness to stay …present and engaged…without judgment and without the need to protect herself.

    Louise LeBrun

  • Stela is incredibly supportive, straightforward, brilliant, unapologetically provocative. I recognized in her the wounded healer, she walks the talk! Thank you for shining your light.

    Frederique Suriya

  • Stela is committed to your evolution as she is her own. She will go as far as you are willing, and may even push the edges a bit to places you did not believe possible and, of course, they are. Stela is smart, brave, and devoted to this body of knowledge as a way to live. She has the technical knowledge and confidence to notice, invite, challenge, and hold firm in conversations that may be intense, but lead to great revelations and shifts in perspective. I am good at lying to myself. Stela challenges what feels ‘off’ to her and holds space for me to own my stories and choose: run the pattern or live differently? I trust Stela to hold the highest level conversations and the tough conversations, if needed, to invite everyone to reclaim their own divine selves.

    Jennifer Hatt

  • You fucken rock! Your awareness of the little parts of us that hide, YOU reveal. You stayed present to what was moving through me and my boundary. You stayed present to yourself during what it called up in you. I hear Louise (LeBrun) say often: as CODE Model Coaches, the people we engage with can only grow to the level WE allow OURSELVES to grow, reveal and be seen, and you, Stela, demonstrated fearlessness within your growth! A sense of curiosity within yourself and within me. Really this was a magical moment for me and because of that, my life is different. Your willingness, and fearlessness, helped me and I want people to know that.”

    Karina Evangelista

  • I attended a six day residential WEL-Systems Retreat with Stela as facilitator. This experience was the highlight of my life! Stela is simply extraordinary as a coach. She is the godForce embodied, wisdom, calm, ultimate generosity and intelligence speaking to, and uncovering that place in me. She is that self realized and courageous soul that dares to see your truth call you up on it. There are no words to express my gratitude and knowing Stela. I know she can hold me in complete safety and take me where I want to go.

    Randi White

  • Hands down, this was the best coaching experience I’ve ever had. You are an incredible coach, mentor, and woman, and I am beyond grateful that our paths crossed.

    Christina Blackmon

not sure what you need?

Book a free 45 minute coaching call!

Let’s get to know each other! Please fill out this application as openly feels comfortable. Your answers help guide our call, ensuring we get to the core of what you are looking for.

My intention is that you will leave this 20 minute Zoom conversation with:

  1. Deeper understanding of your own needs, desires and goals

  2. Answers to these questions: Are we compatible to work together? Do we have that ease and chemistry that great relationships are built upon? What does working together practically look like!?

  3. Guidance on your next step, including potential referrals if it turns out I am not the coach for you.

Everything you share here and on any call with me is 100% confidential.

Please only apply for a conversation if you’re serious about working together.

— Stela