The life you seek is waiting for you to claim and create.
because yes, you can.
I have done a lot of deep inner work, but nothing—nothing—has ever cracked me open quite like Decloaking with Stela. This wasn’t just another coaching session, self-help program, or course—it was a soul-level activation.
From the moment I started actively seeking out Stela’s content and containers, I felt an intense energy shift. It was as if the missing puzzle piece I had spent years trying to force into alignment—through effort, searching, and sheer will—was finally placed. And just like that, I was aligned. No forcing. No overthinking. It just felt right. More than right. There was a fire inside me—igniting curiosity, awakening something deeper.
Decloaking was my first paid deep dive into Stela’s purpose and chosen way of life, and the decision to fully commit wasn’t easy. I had a packed schedule, clients, and obligations, and stepping away from my business for five days felt impossible. But something nagged at me. A deep, unshakable inner knowing told me: Go all in. Don’t wait. Not for the next experience in 2026. Not for a more "convenient" time. NOW.
And I’m so damn grateful I listened.
Anyone who has been in Stela’s presence for even two minutes knows she is a no-BS, straight shooter—but her passion is otherworldly. She isn’t just talking the talk—she is embodying this work at a cellular level. So I wasn’t surprised when I realized that Decloaking wasn’t surface-level chatter. It was raw, unfiltered, and deeply transformative.
Stela holds space like no one else—safe yet uncompromising, compassionate yet piercingly honest. She doesn’t just guide you through the work; she walks with you into the fire, making damn sure you don’t turn away from what’s been buried beneath the surface for far too long.
I wish I could call this experience "transformational," but let’s be real—that word has been watered down, hijacked, and overused. And even if it hadn’t, it still wouldn’t come close to describing the depth of awakening, the unraveling, the raw power that is STILL moving through me. This wasn’t just change—this was a complete recalibration of my very being.
This experience wasn’t about fixing anything. It was about finally seeing myself—fully and completely—without the layers of conditioning, trauma, and self-protection I had unconsciously built up. The insights, the emotions, the visceral shifts—I felt them in my body, my mind, my entire being.
There were moments I wanted to resist. My old patterns clawed their way back in, trying to take control. But the container Stela created, the reflections from the group, and the profound intelligence that surfaced within me made it impossible to turn back.
Once you see yourself, you can’t unsee.
And that is the most powerful gift I have ever received.
A week later, I’m still processing. Still integrating. Still unfolding into a version of myself I only thought I knew before. This isn’t a one-and-done kind of experience—it’s a lifelong recalibration. And I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
If you’re ready to stop hiding from yourself—if you are truly ready to Decloak—then step into this experience. But be warned: Once you do, there’s no going back. Only forward.
Forever grateful,
Christina Rae Blackmon (2025, after completing my Signature offering — Decloaking and Living Authentically intensive)
With Stela as my coach and context leader, I trusted the entire process and allowed my true Self to emerge. It felt incredible! After this immersive experience, I felt my consciousness expand beyond what I had imagined... I was stepping into the greatest adventure of all: discovering my true potential—my own Magic! The quantum world of my own internal elixir. Through processing the layers of information surfacing during and post Decloaking program, I’ve found a deeper trust in my body—and I’ve also discovered my voice. My authentic voice.
What amazes me now is how little—if at all—I care about others' opinions. The “hero” strategy is loosening, and I’m seeing new possibilities for living as my true Self. With each impulse moving through my body, my voice—my authentic sound—resonates into the world, nourishing my creative life force.
I’ve realized there’s nothing scary about this process of truth emerging, though it may shake those around me. Shaping my worldview, my life, and most importantly, who I believe I’m capable of becoming is the greatest gift of power! It makes Mountains move.
"Shake and Shape" is my new motto. Shake—as the world trembles from the resonance of my sonorous frequency- the vibration of aligned words flowing from my Signal as One movement… One declaration. Shape—bringing my desired creative intention to its highest expression.
- Céline Burlock (2024, after completing Decloaking and Living Authentically intensive) is a seasoned spiritual and transformation coach, counselor, Akashic reader, and Qi Gong instructor with decades of profound experience.
I no longer wanted quick fixes that provided short-term relief. I was seeking true transformation—something with a greater impact. After just a few months of engaging with the WEL-Systems® body of knowledge, my life has exploded with clarity and alignment. AND, I wanted more.
It’s like traveling for me. Before my first trip, I thought: "If I could just go to this one place, I’ll be satisfied." But after going, I only longed for more and began yearning for greater adventures. After my first WEL-Systems conversation, I wanted more and…more expansion.
That’s when I reached out to Stela to discuss what could be possible and what was next. I decided to enroll in Decloaking.
The 5 day experience felt like a roller coaster ride. I uncovered blind spots, illusions, and long-standing strategies that no longer served me—keeping me trapped in a small, limited way of living. At times, I felt the urge to stop breathing, to run away, to avoid what was coming up for me but, staying present to myself was life-changing.
During my first session with Stela, I distinctly remember the words she said to me… “This is a safe space…Your safety is very important…” I knew instinctively I was not just in the right place but in a compassionate and considerate space. This was a new experience for me.
During the coaching and the everyday messages through Telegram I have evolved so much. I can now say that I am the godForce and that itself says so much about the impact Stela’s coaching has had on me.
I have come to understand how listening to my body and breathing gives me insights of my truth, and helps me speak with clarity and courage. There is so much more layers I have begun to see and most beautifully integrate instead of pushing it out or stuffing it in.
I intend to pursue this paradigm with women like me and engage in meaningful conversations through the explorations that WEL-Systems offers. I am very thankful and appreciative of the work Stela has done with me and her presence in my life is very valuable.
~ Neetha Mary (2024), after completing a five week one-on-one exploration — One on One Decloaking Discovery
I would like to share my experience of coaching with the WEL-Systems® model over the past six weeks with Stela. Two months ago, I had read a wonderful book called Sekhmet Rising by Louise LeBrun. This book was unlike any I had read before and I had read many. It was filled with real and raw stories of women like me and it resonated deeply. It was the first time I was hearing about this paradigm called WEL-Systems and my curiosity piqued with the stories of the women in the book. I knew this model had profoundly changed their lives and also rippled consequently into their relationships too. So, I uncharacteristically took a risk and reached out to Louise.
Louise put me in touch with Stela and little did I know how profound this trail was going to be in my life.
Stela is committed to your evolution as she is her own. She will go as far as you are willing, and may even push the edges a bit to places you did not believe possible and, of course, they are.
Stela is smart, brave, and devoted to this body of knowledge as a way to live. She has the technical knowledge and confidence to notice, invite, challenge, and hold firm in conversations that may be intense, but lead to great revelations and shifts in perspective. I am good at lying to myself. Stela challenges what feels ‘off’ to her and holds space for me to own my stories and choose: run the pattern or live differently?
I trust Stela to hold the highest level conversations and the tough conversations, if needed, to invite everyone to reclaim their own divine selves.
-Jennifer Hatt (2023, after completing Decloaking and Living Authentically intensive) is is a professional writer, author, consultant and CODE Model Coach™ connecting personal evolution to the writing experience.
I attended a six day residential WEL-Systems Retreat with Stela as facilitator. This experience was the highlight of my life! Stela is simply extraordinary as a coach. She is the godForce embodied, wisdom, calm, ultimate generosity and intelligence speaking to, and uncovering that place in me. She is that self realized and courageous soul that dares to see your truth call you up on it. There are no words to express my gratitude and knowing Stela. I know she can hold me in complete safety and take me where I want to go.
-Randi White (2022, after completing Decloaking and Living Authentically intensive)
Kelly Walters
Before meeting Stela I was always seeking, searching for that "fix". She came highly recommended to my by a close friend. Stela is presence, authenticity, consciousness, and wide awake. She is able to bring me back to my Self with sometimes just her presence or a question, (it's uncanny how she helps move stuff/emotions/energy inside me so quickly). She can read people and see underneath their cloaks like nobody I've ever met. She speaks to my soul and basically introduced me to the I Am that I AM! She seems magical and yet has made so many women, myself included feel that we are also magical. This world , mine and yours needs to consciously evolve we need to wake up and she is a bridge to helping me become conscious. Her passion for this paradigm is seen in her teaching and how she devotes her time to me and other women. She is amazing and powerful and I highly recommend her!

the women of WEL-Systems
given the profoundly transformative nature of the work we do
perhaps you’d like to listen to some stories …
Here are a few things that I have come to know about Stela over these last years. There are many words I could use to describe who I have come to know her to be: fierce… courageous… fearless… unrelenting… edgy. She hears and sees things and is unwilling to look away and pretend that she does not. Her grasp of this WEL-Systems® body of knowledge is broad and deep; her trust in the natural unfolding of its expression is without question. All of these are formidable and compelling and immensely powerful in the dance of perpetual evolution for its own sake. What makes me trust her with my life and yours… trust without question both her willingness and ability to stand with me as I take a stand for myself… is the depth of her compassion and caring. Her willingness to stay… present and engaged… without judgment and without the need to protect herself.
Such immense RIG for herSelf and others… and all of it, expressing in wave after wave after wave of her own great joy in this Life-altering journey of discovery! Does not get much better than that.
- Louise LeBrun
To read Louise’s full post on why she chose me as the Guardian of the Vision of her life’s work — the WEL-Systems Institute, click the link below. It will redirect you to the Institute’s site.