
& Living Authentically

Integrate your pain and engage from your potential by discovering how to live from this cutting-edge, life-altering, accelerated process.

The Signature Experience developed and refined over 30 years of field testing by the WEL-Systems® Institute.

You are an intelligent woman who has walked the path of self-discovery…

You are well educated and you’ve heard the gurus, you’ve read the books, you’ve done the programs, and you may have even walked the desert for forty days.

You may have found glimpses of what you’re looking for, but nothing really stuck.

You took pieces of the puzzle and tried hard to see what the pattern is – how do these pieces fit together? 

…yet despite the hard work you have done on understanding yourself, you keep falling short.

A critical piece is missingand you don’t know where else to look.

I hear you; I’ve been there.

Our culture’s emphasis on the intellect is hurting us — reinforcing the belief that if we know better, we’ll do better.

Turns out, that is a lie.

(tho be it a pervasive & persistent one)

Here’s the thing: Making sense of, understanding and figuring it out cannot lead to self-discovery.

It simply doesn’t work because the intellect is the wrong tool for the job.

So, what’s the “right” tool? Your body.

Your body carries truths that have become invisible to youlike breathing in and breathing out – that keep you hostage to the familiarity of your habits and history. 


If you know how to decode the messages of the body, then you can never deceive yourself again.

If you know how this process works (and it is my life’s mission to teach it to you), then you can always live from the truth.
By choice. With intention.

Is that what you want? To live from the Truth, rather than the unexamined illusion? If so, you’re in the right place …

In the process of Decloaking, you will learn how to trust yourself as you discover how to awaken to more powerful and effective way to move through the world.

(It is a process I didn’t know existed yet saved my life.)

The process of Decoaking is an opportunity to discover and integrate layers of what you didn’t know you didn’t know is running the show of your life – your thoughts, your choices, your beliefs about yourself and your world, your hidden strategies, your behaviours, and ultimately – your body. 

It is a process to apply in your push-comes-to-shove moments that you want to engage your habituated pattern, because you want to live from the essence of who and what you are (not the programming of who culture thinks you should be). 

This is not something everyone wants – but those who chose to participate in this  unequivocally life-altering experience, do.

This five day intensive is for you if you want to …

🪄learn a tried & true process of how to live from the truth rather than the illusion.

🪄learn how to be yourself, whomever that happens to be.

🪄learn how to trust that you are safe in being yourself.

🪄expand your context for living.

🪄find a way to feel vibrant and alive, not stay stagnated in the rotting smell of what was.

🪄find a way to integrate what was so you emerge as the truth of what is.

if you are ready for a true paradigm shifting experience, join us for —


& Living Authentically

For women who are ready to change their lives by becoming different

Decloaking is the “how”.

Created by the WEL-Systems Institute® and refined over 30 years of field testing, Decloaking offers you new perceptual filters to consider living your life from.

🪄Decloaking is a massive default & habit pattern interrupt.

🪄It is a new perceptual filter that encourages you to
get to know yourself intimately.

🪄It is an opportunity to discover and own what’s meaningful for you.

🪄It is a small group, life-altering experience that transforms who you are and awakens your potential & capacity to design your life.

This extended, open forum conversation is not a training or therapy.

🪄It is not a practice or technique.

🪄 It is guided and shaped  by the urgency of what's meaningful to you;

🪄It offers you new, cutting-edge and life-altering thinking;

🪄It unfolds in a safe place that allows you to think differently, know differently and engage differently;

🪄and it invites, cajoles, provokes and compels you into reclaiming more of who you already are and discovering who you are capable of becoming!

The truth is, Decloaking is not just any conversation – it’s one that will change your life.

Jennifer Hatt

“I lived and released a lifetime in the five-day experience.

My recent Decloaking experience was a rebirth of my life in the quantum paradigm...”

  • I have been sitting this morning with … what the hell happened this past week? It feels like a lifetime ago that I filled my Beetle with aware and awake women and engaged in daily transformation with our powerful group. So much in so little time, it feels easy to dismiss or glide by, until I pause and open … darkness becomes universe, filled with energy, peppered with stars...
    My recent Decloaking experience was a rebirth of my life in the quantum paradigm, pushed this time from a foundation solidified by knowledge I invited and allowed to penetrate, models and structures I labelled as ‘Newtonian strategies’ that in fact draw me deeper into mySelf and my own awareness. I am a prolific storyteller, and for years even as I evolved as a quantum being in a human experience, I have used storytelling to dim my light, slow my progress. Why? Deeply held cultural beliefs that I was ‘too much’, beliefs that I have fiercely defended and railed against for most of my life, a brilliant and exhausting start-stop that kept me spinning in place under the illusion of progress. 

    This morning, I embrace the strengthening wind, feel the sturdiness and quiet of my home as a metaphor of my safety within, invite the energy of the gathering storm as a reflection of my own gathering strength.

    I have spent the morning with emails and messages from folks inquiring how I am, how was my week, and each has been a marvellous invitation to sit with my experience, write what comes up. Some of what I’m sharing here I’ve shared with others. Some is unique to what I’m feeling now, in your presence. 

    It for me was a week of brilliant moments that erased the walls between ‘good’ and ‘bad’, ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. The delight of breaking through concrete, releasing stories, coming home … the joy of good food and waterfront views and each other’s company … the dark pressure of repressed rage … the agony of cracking open family systems and ‘sacred’ beliefs … the slimy caress of constant dampness in a rental property once beautiful and now crumbling as a hostage to greed,  and allowing ourselves to be hostage to our stories within it … the terror and frustration of not being heard in a paradigm in which we have little power, reminding ourselves of the power we do hold in the paradigm of infinity … all of it I now feel in a seamless experience in which I am continually transformed, breath by breath. I wouldn’t change a thing. I do choose, however, NOT to repeat it all again :) 

    I know different and choose accordingly.
    I lived and released a lifetime in the five-day experience. I lived and released another lifetime in my two days with you, Stela. Every breath, every moment, a mindful presence in our ongoing journeys … powerful and awesome … I thank you with the deepest of RIG for it all.

    Quick summary for all: there was gorgeous vistas and ocean swimming and an afternoon at my beloved monastery and a morning of transformation in a thrift store (plus a new wardrobe for me at the grand cost of $60) and endless conversation that ebbed and flowed as effortlessly as the tide …Mahalo and much RIG to you, Stela, for being fiercely you and fiercely committed to all who choose to step into their own power … completely unfuckwithable … a gift to us all.
    This is all my experience, of course, and it continues to remind me of the power of our engagements and the mindful moments they create. What started for me as a Zoom call a couple of years ago has blossomed into these lived experiences that in turn fuel new powerful creations through lenses clearer, sharper, wider, ever changing. 

    Today that looks like me sitting here writing to you. In a few moments, it will look like me sitting with my coffee on my deck … literally, on my deck since the furniture has been stowed for the ‘storm’ … watching the blue sky dance with the clouds and feeling the breath of the world, warm and fierce.

Stela Murrizi

“Through the process and context I was introduced to in Decloaking and Living Authentically I found mySelf and I never looked back.” - from my testimonial of the experience.

  • Experiencing Decloaking and Living Authentically with Sheila and eight other godForces has forever transformed the context in which I now live my life.

    I have spent years attending programs and working with institutions (therapy, anyone?) that only taught me perpetually failing strategies of how to "manage" my "symptoms/trauma/expressions" rather than how to own the Truth of my experience (my fire) so that I transform my life by evolving to BE all that I already AM. Not "broken" or in need of "fixing" or "incomplete", but rather whole, unique and absolutely essential to my world.

    There is something incredibly powerful that happens when your vulnerability is witnessed, uninterrupted, in a safe space full of women all deeply curious and fiercely committed to their own personal evolution simply for it's own sake.

    During the five days of the experience, I learned and internalized that I can, if I choose it for myself, create a life that I deeply cherish. I cannot create that aforementioned life from the confines of deeply entrenched cultural conditioning of the past nor from the self-constructed and perpetuated dramas stemming from the deep unconscious strategies running my life. I can only create it by letting go of the fear of facing my Self, and by asking the bigger questions that lead me to live from the now, the choice point of WHO I AM rather than from the past, the who I have been conditioned to believe I am. It means moving from living from the conditioned unconscious strategies of the past (survival/scarcity/fear) to a space where I consciously make meaningful choices for myself that are congruent, clear, and authentic. Given that safety is an inside job, freedom only comes because I choose to create a sacred and intimate relationship with my core Self.

    Through Decloaking and Living Authentically, I learned how to satisfy my hunger for MORE, how to begin to let go of the confines of cultural conditioning and the prevailing myth of the intact family, how to live from the choice point, how to unapologetically express my voice, how to connect with women who empower themselves, and how to create a safe space for self-intimacy.

    Most importantly, I learned the transformative power of a full and conscious breath. In the world of quantum science, quantum healing IS possible, and quite frankly, much preferred.

    Sheila and the paradigm of WEL-Systems has given me my life back. The past does not define me, the moment I live in is where potential lives, and the future unfolds from the choices I make today.

    We are so intensely powerful -- Decloaking and Living Authentically has helped me BE just that. I am simply stoked to discover more about mySelf and what else is possible for me by partaking in the next experience-- Engaging and Awakening Others!

Celine Burlock

“I’ve found a deeper trust in my body—and I’ve also discovered my voice. My authentic voice.”

  • I no longer wanted quick fixes that provided short-term relief. I was seeking true transformation—something with a greater impact. After just a few months of engaging with the WEL-Systems® body of knowledge, my life has exploded with clarity and alignment. AND, I wanted more.

    It’s like traveling for me. Before my first trip, I thought: "If I could just go to this one place, I’ll be satisfied." But after going, I only longed for more and began yearning for greater adventures. After my first WEL-Systems conversation, I wanted more and…more expansion. 

    That’s when I reached out to Stela to discuss what could be possible and what was next. I decided to enroll in Decloaking. 

    The 5 day experience felt like a roller coaster ride. I uncovered blind spots, illusions, and long-standing strategies that no longer served me—keeping me trapped in a small, limited way of living. At times, I felt the urge to stop breathing, to run away, to avoid what was coming up for me but, staying present to myself was life-changing. With Stela as my coach and context leader, I trusted the entire process and allowed my true Self to emerge. It felt incredible! After this immersive experience, I felt my consciousness expand beyond what I had imagined... I was stepping into the greatest adventure of all: discovering my true potential—my own Magic! The quantum world of my own internal elixir. Through processing the layers of information surfacing during and post Decloaking program, I’ve found a deeper trust in my body—and I’ve also discovered my voice. My authentic voice.

    What amazes me now is how little—if at all—I care about others' opinions. The “hero” strategy is loosening, and I’m seeing new possibilities for living as my true Self. With each impulse moving through my body, my voice—my authentic sound—resonates into the world, nourishing my creative life force.

    I’ve realized there’s nothing scary about this process of truth emerging, though it may shake those around me. Shaping my worldview, my life, and most importantly, who I believe I’m capable of becoming is the greatest gift of power! It makes Mountains move.

    "Shake and Shape" is my new motto. Shake—as the world trembles from the resonance of my sonorous frequency- the vibration of aligned words flowing from my Signal as One movement… One declaration. Shape—bringing my desired creative intention to its highest expression.

Decloaking will help you discover

an alternative process

to engage & live from. 

🪄 learn how to decode the messages of your body 🪄 reprogram your mind 🪄and calibrate for safety in your nervous system.

This is the process to apply in those push-comes-to-shove moments that make you feel crazy.

This is the process that will compel you to embrace accelerated evolution as an intentional way of life!

… all in a reliable & replicable (aka scientific) way.

All for $2300

Randi White

“This experience was the highlight of my life!”

I attended a residential WEL-Systems® retreat with Stela as the facilitator. This experience was the highlight of my life! Stela is simply extraordinary as a coach. She is the godForce embodied, wisdom, calm, ultimate generosity and intelligence speaking to, and uncovering, that place in me. She is that self realized and courageous soul that dares to see your truth and dare to call you up on it. There are no words to express my gratitude and knowing Stela. I know she can hold me in complete safety and take me where I want to go.

Karina Evangelista

“This was a magical moment for me, and because of that my life is different.”

Stela, I was honoured to be a part of your first Decloaking intensive, and you fucken’ rock! Your awareness of the little parts of us that hide, YOU reveal. You staying present to what was moving through me and my boundary, you stayed present to yourself during what it called up in you. I hear Louise LeBrun often say: as CODE Model Coaches™, the people we engage with can only grow to the level WE allow OURSELVES to grow, reveal and be seen, and you, Stela, demonstrated fearlessness within your growth! A sense of curiosity within yourself and within me. Really this was a magical moment for me and because of that my life is different. Your willingness, and fearlessness, helped me and I want people to know that.

By the end of the five days together, you will leave with

a greater sense safety,

& trust in your inner cues to guide you.


🪄A sense of unfathomable personal power to create your life, your way.

🪄A deep trust in yourself and the women you choose to spend you time with. Truth is, there is something incredibly powerful that happens when your vulnerability is witnessed, uninterrupted, in a safe space full of women all deeply curious and fiercely committed to their own personal evolution simply for it's own sake.

🪄An internalized ‘knowing’ that you can, if you choose it for yourself, create a life that you deeply cherish. You cannot create that aforementioned life from the confines of deeply entrenched cultural conditioning of the past nor from the self-constructed and perpetuated dramas stemming from the deep unconscious strategies running your life.

🪄 You will discover how to ask yourself better questions that expand your context for living.

🪄 You will learn how to let go of the fear of facing your true Self so you live from the now, the choice point of who you are rather than from the past. Who you have been does not have to define who you will become.

🪄 The wisdom that who you have been conditioned to believe you are does note define you. Moving from living from the conditioned unconscious strategies of the past (survival/scarcity/fear) to a space where you consciously make meaningful choices for yourself that are congruent, clear, and authentic.

🪄 The discovery that safety is an inside job, therefore freedom only comes because you choose to create a sacred and intimate relationship with your core Self.

🪄A process that compels you to satiate your hunger for more while letting go of the confines of cultural conditioning and the prevailing myth of the intact family, how to live from the choice point, how to unapologetically express your voice, how to connect with women who empower themselves, and how to create a safe space for self-intimacy.

🪄 You will learn the transformative power of a full and conscious breath. In the world of quantum science, quantum healing IS possible, and quite frankly, much preferred.

🪄 The past does not define you the moment you live in is where potential lives, and the future unfolds from the choices you make today.

🪄A new tried & true process to engage when a challenge presents and your habituated way is no longer serving you.
🪄An introduction to a new paradigm of what is a human being, what it means to transform by choice, and an ability make congruent choices.

“Here’s what I’ve discovered after 30 years of engaging with others: People don’t need advice or to have their answers put in place by another. They need a more powerful and effective way to find answers for themselves; and find value in the process that takes them there.”

Louise LeBrun

“The WEL-Systems approach to change emphasizes the importance of reprogramming one’s perceptions and beliefs as a fundamental requirement for transformational healing… it WORKS!”

Dr. Bruce Lipton

Hi, I’m Stela.

As the Guardian of the Vision of the WEL-Systems Institute, Decloaking is my sacred mission.

I believe that if every woman, man and child lived the process of Decloaking, our world would be a peaceful, joyful and magic-filled place. I know, from personal experience, what it’s like to live from secrets and lies and what it’s like to live from the truth of my experience.

The first led me to the rooms of Narcotics Anonymous declaring myself an “addict” and the latter — well, led me here.

My intention with this five day intensive is to educate women who are seeking to live empowered to an alternative way of being. Through a tried & true methodology that worked for me and hundreds of women throughout the last 30 years, I help women to discover how to improve their relationship with themselves by being their most magnificent authentic Self!

I firmly believe, because I live it, that what’s missing “out there” is the education of how to live the paradigm shift about who & what we are as human beings. We know from modern science and ancient wisdom that we are far more than we have been taught to believe we are.

If you are seeking transformation into your highest potential: Decloaking and Living Authentically intensive is the place to be.

Gift yourself this experience at least once in your life… I promise it will transform you.

With deep RIG for your evolution, Stela Murrizi

Guardian of the Vision of the WEL-Systems® Institute | Certified CODE Model Coach™ | Evolution of Consciousness Thought Leader | Educational Speaker | Yoga Teacher | MA Criminology | Devoted Mother & Wife

This experience is for you, if…

+ You are ready to transform the quality of your life and are looking for a tried and true process that compels you to start living from the power of your authenticity, making choices that nourish you instead of deplete you.

+ You feel the pull to explore how the WEL-Systems processes can help you transform your pain into truth so you live authentically.
+ You are eager to emerge as the “more” that you are capable of becoming by discovering the power of your breath, its relationship to your body, and its capacity to transform through surrender.

+ You are ready to deconstruct and transcend the old culturally conditioned programming that leaves you feeling uncertain of yourself, so that you intentionally reconstruct the new in a way that comes from trusting your inner cues and your body.
+ You are eager to emerge as the “more” that you are capable of becoming by discovering the power of your breath, its relationship to your body, and its capacity to transform.

+ You are curious about how your life would transform when you shift your perceptual filters about who & what you are as a quantum biolgoical human.

Christina Blackmon

“Hands down, this was the best coaching experience I’ve ever had. You are an incredible coach, mentor, and woman, and I am beyond grateful that our paths crossed.”

Got questions?

All you need to know…

  • Details of the experience:

    + 5 full days of transformative WEL-Systems® educational explorations with group CODE Model Coaching™
    + over Zoom

    The container for this experience is deeply intimate, therefore there will be a maximum of five women participants.

  • This is an intensive for a reason. It is not a retreat and it is not cathartic — it is deep inner work that leads to integration. It shows you how you came to be who you believe yourself to be, and then goes on to introduce you to what’s possible when you live the WEL-Systems way.

    The experience is not a course, or a workshop, or a book study. Instead, it is an educational and experiential initiation into a Mystery School that awakens the Sacred in you (these conversations are framed within the paradigm of the WEL-Systems® body of knowledge). 

    I don’t talk to you, we explore together; this is why it is five days long. It is an opportunity to learn and practice how to walk the walk of becoming your own best friend.

    It is a deeply intimate conversation with a small group of women that provides each of us with the opportunity to reclaim our most difficult innermost truths so that we free ourselves from the internalized lies, anchors, and age-old double binds. When we do so in each other’s company, we free ourselves from the internalized shame that has run the show of our lives. 

  • Fill out the form and get on the wait list. If you’re new, set up a discovery call.

    Reach out even if you have not yet made up your mind… because when the impulse moves, listen! Intuition is, after all, how you transform the quality of your life.

  • You are welcome to pay the full price via e-transfer at once. If you need a payment plan, let’s talk.

  • In order to reclaim your personal power, you must be willing to get to know yourself differently. This is where the educational audio material comes in …

    Listening to the Decloaking and Living Authentically audio files is mandatory for this experience. Find those here.

    Listening to these audio files is mandatory because they provide a larger context from which to contextualize our discoveries. If we are going to expand our mind, we must expand our framework of mind …

  • We cannot predict the future, but a good way to know if this is right for you is to take action on the following:

    1. Check out this YouTube channel I created with videos about this experience.

    2. Listen to the first “CD” from the Decloaking and Living Authentically and see if the way of life feels attractive.

    3. Book a complimentary discovery call with me to settle your uncertainties.

    4. If you’re new, join us for an Igniting Your Potential call you so get a direct experience of how the group coaching works. Your first call is always complimentary!

      My belief about it? If you made it to here, you’re a right fit.

  • Once you sign up, we will have an introductory call to the experience AND we will connect via Telegram to ensure you understand how this works.

    Generally, here is what is required:

    • listen to the selected audio material individually and on your own time,

    • show up on time,

    • engage with the group as the wave moves in you,

    • and stay Present as each woman reveals the truth of her experience. That’s it!

  • These calls are long because there is no easy and quick fix for transformation.

    For those who have been to my calls before, you know it takes depth and breadth to be both willing, and able, to really hear the whispers of your truth.

    It takes time to re-educate yourself into your potential.

    It takes time to coach you through your experiences.

    I can appreciate that transforming your pain into power takes both effort and time.

    Plus, you DO get a two hour break in between … we all need that power-nap!

  • That really depends on who the person is and what is being shared.

    This is all about YOU, and because it is a small group of women, you get hours of personalized coaching.

    Plus, don’t forget the Telegram coaching after!

  • Telegram is an encrypted platform where I do all my private V-IP coaching.

    It is a way for us to stay connected to one another during the month so that ‘aha’ moments are shared and explored in the group.

  • This is the foundation of the process for the journey ‘Home’.

    The WEL-Systems Institute has been a pioneer in transforming women’s lives through cutting-edge practical wisdom for over 30 years. 

    This body of knowledge provides the educational foundation required to leap into the quantum, matriarchal paradigm that unapologetically declares: I AM the godForce manifesting in tissue. And so are you.

    To find out more about this life affirming body of work, check out the website.

    It is what transformed the quality of my life, and if you apply the process, it can transform yours too.

  • Great! Let’s unpack them together. Just message me with anything that comes up for you. I’ll do my best to support you in your evolution.

Ultimately, this is one of those experiences you embrace by leaping first & trusting the newfound process as you emerge anew.

Curious if this intensive is for you?

Email me to get on the waitlist and find out more.

What are you curious about? Let’s talk!