Individualized coaching tailored specifically to you & your needs.
For women who are ready to explore an alternative perspective way to live.

How we get started working together …
Decloaking Discovery
Five weekly calls to help you ground into the Signature process of Decloaking.
Calls entirely focused on applying what you learn from listening to the audio files.
for 5 weekly calls X 1.5 hours each, plus ongoing Telegram (voice over the internet) and email support
You already know that if you keep living how you’ve always lived, you’ll get more of what you’ve got.
If you are ready to interrupt the habituated patterns of your life, unveil the beliefs that keep you captive, and discover an alternative way to live, then this five week process may be for you.
Decloaking is the introduction to a an alternative way to live – a way that leaves you empowered to find your own answers.
This is for you if:
You are ready to live differently and are seeking individualized support to embrace the process of Decloaking.
You have listened to the Decloaking and Living Authentically audio files (and/or are listening now) and want support to integrate what you learn into your daily life.
You want individualized, full support in a one-on-one capacity.
One off CODE Model Coaching
Customizable to your unique needs
for up to 3 hours plus 7 days of email support
So, you feel stuck and are looking for a way to navigate your inner landscape and once again make sense of your life.
These one-off calls are intended to help you explore the truths that have become invisible to you and keep you captive to a loop of thoughts that go nowhere. Far beyond solving a problem, these explorations are a guide to help you discover your own answers.
This is for you if …
You are seeking to interrupt what’s not working and redirect for what does
You are curious about working with me and/or how the WEL-Systems body of knowledge can help you make sense of your life
You are looking for a customized approach to your immediate needs
Whispers from Within
A ten-day stream-of-consciousness writing retreat intended to propel your Self-discovery.
For the love of writing…
includes 1 hour intention-setting call, ten days of writing, and a 1 hour integration call.
You feel a tension building inside you and you have no words to describe any of it. You are looking for some answers, but you don’t even know what the question is …
This 10-day writing experience is intended to awaken the layers of what lives in the depth and inform your conscious mind. Because the writing is stream-of-consciousness and you are to write for half an hour a day uninterrupted, the process provokes information to flow in your body differently.
This is for you if …
You are looking for answers to something you have no words for or you want to explore a particular topic / theme over an extended period of time
You respect writing (journaling) as a form of profound self-expression
You are a writer seeking to trust the outcome of writing freeflow – aka authentically
Day of You: In-Person Intensive
An intimate and ceremonial deep dive devoted to you.
Gather with me in my home in the two acres of Boreal Forest for a day devoted to you!
for all day coaching intensive (from 10 AM to 5 PM) that includes an one hour intention setting call and an integration call.
This retreat is bespoke and 100% catered to you. We will delve deep into meaningful and explorative conversations while enjoying a tea ceremony, set intentions, unearth and shift the stories and beliefs that stand in your way.
The goal of this retreat is to support you to see yourself clearly so that you leave feeling calmer and safe in your body. In other words – let’s rewire your nervous system to calibrate for safety!
You will leave with a newfound connection to yourSelf and a deeper anchoring into your values and desires. You may not know the way forward, but you will trust your intuition to guide you…
This is for you if:
You want to be in-the-flesh with 100% of my support focused on your needs for a full day
You are looking for something deep and profound that you know requires depth of time and commitment to yourself
You want to establish a way to feel calm and safe in your body
Customized Monthly Retainer
A full month of customized coaching by yours, truly!
Fully unique-to-you-and-your-needs packages.
$499 to 1999
for a month of unlimited support in a fully customized package.
I accept a maximum of four clients a month.
You want your life to be different, and you know that the details matter. Instead of waiting for a scheduled call, you want to explore your inner landscape now – after all, that’s where the point of power is.
You also realize that ongoing support helps you make sense of your experiences in a way that leaves you empowered to make congruent choices. And you really crave for your life to align to your authentic Self.
Here are some ways we can mix & match to customize your package: one on one call(s), unlimited email support, and Telegram support (text and voice-over-IP for short on-the-go messages).
This is for you if …
You know that by staying in the deep conversation about yourself on an ongoing basis you will discover the power of the details – after all, what lives in your basement is creating your reality
You want to learn how to stay in the tough conversations as it all surfaces, and in the process practice embodying the WEL-Systems way
You want support to pay a attention to different things differently and believe it’s a good thing to have an accountability buddy that is committed to being with you all the time
You know that by staying in the tough conversations with yourself out loud is the key to continuously claim the truth of your experience and in doing so discover you are safe to be you.
Invest in the process
Reprogram your mind and nervous system so it serves you.
The familiar will get you more of what you’ve got; exploration of how else you might choose to live your life today will lead to a different life — of your choosing, of your intentional creation.
Don’t wait any longer…