Igniting Your Potential
Women gathering round the proverbial fire, talking.
About life. About meaning. About Self-exploration.
Commitment free monthly online gatherings.
Who it is for: women seeking an alternative way to get to know themselves.
What it is: monthly thematic calls whose conversation is client-led. You will receive a 20 minute teaching, followed by group and individual coaching during the call to help you reframe your problems so you take ownership of your life.
Where: over a private link on Zoom
When: Day: first Monday of every month; 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm EST
Why: Because through conversation we can discover a perspective shift about ourselves that can transform our life. Truth is, the conversation you are in will either expand or collapse your worldview.
Women gathering, talking can transform the world.
$45 for the three hour session
Think about the last conversation you were in …
Did it enliven your curiosity? Did it inspire you or motivate you to evolve? Did it nourish your deep inner knowings?
If the answer is ‘no’, then the time has come to change the conversations you choose to participate in.
Engage in conversations that expand your mind.
Because before you can change a conversation with another, you must change the one that goes on inside your head.

The conversations we engage in
define the parameters
of what we believe is possible.
Discover safety
Discover that not only it is possible, but it is a biological imperative.
Educate yourself
and develop capacity
Live from the truth the quantum sciences show us about who and what we are as human beings. You are the shaper of your reality; not victim to it.
your perceptual limitations
Discover what lives in the gap between what you intellectually know and how you life. Dip your toes and discover an alternative way to live.
If living life the same way you’ve been living is not working for you, then join us to explore:
how else might I choose to live my life, today?
Because who you have been is not who you are capable of becoming.

With a new perspective comes a new realization.
With a new realization comes a new choice.
With a new choice comes a profoundly different life.
-Louise LeBrun
Let’s explore together: what else is possible?
Commitment free monthly online gatherings.
Who it is for: women seeking an alternative way to get to know themselves.
What it is: monthly thematic calls whose conversation is client-led. You will receive a 20 minute teaching, followed by group and individual coaching during the call to help you reframe your problems so you take ownership of your life.
Where: over a private link on Zoom
When: Day: first Monday of every month; 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm EST
Why: Because through conversation we can discover a perspective shift about ourselves that can transform our life. Truth is, the conversation you are in will either expand or collapse your worldview.
Women gathering, talking can transform the world.
$45 for the three hour session
the water is fine…