your results
Congratulations! You are almost a unicorn!
You Boundaried Badda$$, you!
Woohoo!! You are clearly a woman of conviction.
You know what you want and you go after it.
You say yes when you mean yes and you say no when you mean no.
You value peace of mind and clarity of vision, and you are not afraid to call a spade a spade.
You also know when you pull away because there is no point in talking to a brick wall, is there?!
The results of this quiz show you:
Since you got the boundaried badda$$ result from the quiz, “good girl” conditioning is NOT pervasive in your life.
For most women, that’s simply not the case.
Women have been intergenerationally taught to value “being nice” over being authentic (aka boundaried).
In fact, we have been taught to ignore any inner cues that hint at truth. In doing so, we have learned to live confused, second-guessing ourselves and feeling powerless to own our choices.
My point is – this isn’t unique to you. It is true for all women everywhere.
What’s unique to you is how you’ve internalized this conditioning.
Even though you’ve got this result… I still invite you to
Explore the dreaded B-WORD conversation: Boundaries.
Join us for this five day bootcamp exploring all things boundaried living.
This is not yet another passive workshop – this is a five day challenge intended to provoke your thinking about yourself.
Because continuing to buy into the “being nice” mindset has a deadly personal cost.