A year from now, who will you have become?
Becoming a Boundaried Bada$$
For women who are ready to break up with being a “good girl” and become authentic, instead.
So you have awakened to the mold that shaped you into who you have believed you should be. And you are tired of even trying, anymore.
If you are ready to awaken to your power and live from resourcefulness and resilience… you are in the right place.
The date is TBD [Every second Sunday from 10 AM - 2 PM EST | Over Zoom | Maximum 6 women | $2499]
Living with your own Self as your guide is your birthright — it is your essential nature.
And it comes effortlessly to us when we are taught how to stay connected to our inner cues to guide us.
Alas, that is not how most of us are taught to live.
Instead, we are programmed to give our most precious commodity — the power of our attention — to the expectations of the external world.
In other words, we are taught to give the full measure of our attention to everyone and everything else.
The more we self-sacrifice, the more society rewards us with “good girl” points of nobility and honour.
Meanwhile … the pain builds, and expectations pile on …
As you awaken to a different potentiality for yourself, you notice that you bought into a bill of goods that did.not.deliver on its promise.
In fact, that bill of goods made you believe that conformity and compliance would keep you safe.
But it hasn’t — instead, it has kept you trapped in a reality that feels cold, uncertain and foreign.
While you feel the compulsion to fix it, you also now know that no matter how much you give, it is never enough.
No matter how much you deplete yourself, the chaos around you prevails (perhaps, even amplifies).
And you have had enough.

Instead of repeating what you’ve always done…
Reclaim your personal power.
Embrace the truth of your experience.
& Live from the sacredness of authentic connection.
Who will you have become when you grasp that giving up your internal peace creates and sustains the reality you experience?
Who will you have become when you understand that you can only change the world “out there” when you have changed the world “in here”?
Who will you have become when you grok that it’s not about the world “out there” but who you will choose to become in the face of it?
Who would you become if you stopped playing nice and became real, instead?
Shifting your identity to reflect who you truly are is no easy feat.
And, it is imperative.
After all, who you become is the platform from which the future gets built.
The way you choose to make choices becomes the foundation for the quality of your life (and that of your children).
When choices come from a place of inner power, your life transforms.
burned out because you are constantly waiting for permission to be yourself.
pissed off from playing nice and pretending to be who you’re not.
exhausted sustaining an imaginary and inauthentic identity.
fearful of being ‘found out’, excluded, or shunned.
resentful because you lack capacity to set clear and congruent boundaries.
enraged from feeling unable to create the life you desire.
uncertain from constantly second-guessing yourself.
depleted from racing the clock, unable to keep up with the undercurrent of not-enough.
bullied from the loud voices in your head that bully you into compliance.
grief that your life is passing your by and you are not living it. burned out from seeking to sustain intergenerational belief systems that you know – deep in your belly– do not serve you (or your children).
Fire misdirected and turned inward is highly self-destructive.
What’s the alternative? Keep doing what you’ve always done, and you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got …
Truth is, there are consequences of continuing to live from an internal place of powerlessness.
Are you feeling any of the following?
Don’t burn yourself out.
Instead, discover how to turn your fire to fuel for transformation.

Becoming a Boundaried Bada$$
Is a year long group coaching experience for women who are ready to break up with being nice so they can be authentic, instead.
Is a year long experience that invites you to discover how to reclaim your wholeness, transcend your perceived limitations, and embody the Boundless LeaderSelf™ you were born to be!
Is an experience for women who are ready to embrace their power in an evolving community of allies.
[The yearlong starts February 2025. Every second Sunday from 10 AM - 2 PM EST | Over Zoom | Maximum 6 women | $2499]
Sarah W.
“I have created a pretty cool life from an early existence of learning to brace for survival.”
Claudine Louiselle
“Stela sees and challenges my bs. I know 'not now' very well. Now, I see and hear myself more often. In fact, I cannot NOT see myself anymore … ”
Deeply concerned mother
“This year-long conversation was an ongoing process to take a dive into a completely new context of how to experience it all.”
Jennifer Hatt
“I trust Stela to hold the highest level conversations and the tough conversations, if needed, to invite everyone to reclaim their own divine selves.”
Let’s unpack how the experience works and what you can expect:
Every month, the same group of women (up to 8) gathers over Zoom for an educational component & open forum CODE Model Coaching.
In this space, we talk about all the things you think but never gave yourself permission to own out loud.
Because when you embrace the truth of your experience, out loud, and in the company others, you unleash your power & reclaim your birthright to live free from the constraints of the culturally conditioned programming you’ve held in your whole life.
These calls are where the magic happens as we practice the process of what it takes to live empowered.
TELEGRAM support
Telegram is a voice-over-IP app that is epic in sharing messages in our own time and space.
This app is how we keep in touch and ensure you engage the moment rather than let it pass you by.
In this way, you get almost-real time coaching throughout the year.
This also invites you to stay in touch with a community of women finding their footing in how to live this way.
These original audio files that help us contextualize our experience.
We start an exploration of what is a woman? (as we listen to the Sexual, Sensual and Spiritual Beings audio files)
Next, we get curious of what gets in the way of us living a life of power: enter the Women and Fear audio files.
Then we explore what it takes to take ownership of our own becoming through the Boundless LeaderSelf audio files.
Finally, we embrace what it means to live as the power of permission that each of us must become in the creation of the world we wish to see manifest. Enter Cultural Crones.
*Please note that purchase of these audio files is separate from the investment in the group coaching.
weekly EMAIL & AUDIO
Each week, you will receive a thought provoking thematic email exploring topics that matter most to women. These emails come in written and audio form. They set the tone for the month’s exploration.
These emails help you reframe how you define a concept, which then helps you evolve beyond the perceived limitation of the thing. In the emails, I offer you journaling questions to ponder so you intentionally explore your inner landscape.
The monthly conversations are directed by the participant interests. However, here are some examples of what we generally cover:
What is a woman?
How the process of relating is
Why intimacy matters in Self-worth.
Resentment and power and the power of resentment.
How to create your life by showing up (not self-muting).
How to discern the voice of truth from the voice of fear.
Education to an alternative: a paradigm of power.
The importance of discernment and individuation.
Surrendering to the wave of information and living intuitively.
How to choose authenticity as boundary.
What it means to be yourSelf, tell the Truth of your experience.
Here’s the thing—
Reclaiming and embodying an internalized attitude of power takes time.
Our familiar and habituated patterns of thought consistently get in the way.
It takes depth & commitment to live from an empowered state of being.
That’s why this is a yearlong experience, and not a one-day workshop.

By the end of the yearlong,
you will have become more yourSelf
Here’s what you can expect you will —
+ reclaim your personal power by learning how to set intentional boundaries while letting go of cultural constraints that ensure you play small
+ connect with women who support you along your journey of becoming unapologetic and unfuckwithable
+ learn how to move through the world with certainty and conviction, even when you feel most uncertain
+ discover what it’s like to be free to speak the truth of your experience unapologetically within the safe container that is a WEL-Systems based conversation
+ expand your framework for how you hold yourself to show up in the world
+ befriend your transformational fire and learn how to use it intentionally to transform yourself and your reality
+ make friends with your intensity
+ give yourself a chance to get to know the aspect of Crone that lives inside you, differently
+ relinquish your preconceived notions of who you have believed yourSelf to be and discover: I AM whole
+ integrate the perceived limitations of being a particular age / gender / race / cultural identity
+ discover the powerful Force that your Crone is, if she is freed from the constraints of the cultural conditioning that you still believe is real
+ learn how to begin to energetically reclaim your Wise Woman and integrate her into your daily life
+ gain the courage and discover how to become your authentic Self
This yearlong journey is not for the faint of heart; it takes great courage to step into intentional transformation into the truth of the Powerhouse that you are.
Your investment for the year?
For less than a $7 cup of coffee a day, you get:
+ monthly educational explorations of topics that matter most to women’s reclamation of power (and overcoming what gets in the way)
+ 4 hour monthly CODE Model coaching calls to help you integrate in real time what you learn so you live it, every second Sunday of the month starting February 9th
+ almost-real time ongoing coaching and support throughout the year through a private Telegram group
+ weekly thought provoking thematic emails exploring all things essence of woman
+ contextualizing the themes from the WEL-Systems audio files as they pertain to you in your life right here, right now
+ journaling questions to guide the intentional exploration of your inner landscape
+ group email coaching to help expand your context for what you are as a human being
+ additional links to content intended to educate you to the power consciousness as a way of life
Plus some sweet bonuses:
+ 20% discount on any one-on-one services you use throughout the year
+ access to all the courses available throughout the year
+ $25 cost for the Igniting Your Potential gathering (a saving of up to $240/year)
pay in full bonus
As a thank you for choosing this option, you will receive a complimentary one-on-one session with me (worth $399), redeemable anytime throughout the year.
All for a one time payment of
6 Month Payment Plan
$420/Month, for x6 Months
12 Month Payment Plan
$215/Month, for x12 Months
Real life women. Real life results.
Nope, this yearlong is not for everyone.
But, it is for you if…
+ You are tired of being everything to everyone — living your life from their definitions — and you want to start living from the power of your authenticity, making choices that nourish you instead of deplete you.
+ You are ready to deconstruct and transcend the old culturally conditioned programming that leaves you feeling uncertain of yourself, so that you intentionally reconstruct the new in a way that creates healthy relationships with intentional boundaries.
+ You have heard that the WEL-Systems way of life can help you transform your pain to fuel your fire so you transform that which is harmful into that which is holy.
+ You are eager to emerge as the “more” that you are capable of becoming by discovering the power of your breath, its relationship to your body, and its capacity to transform through surrender.
+ You are willing to find a way to take response-ability for your life, so you stop blaming others and instead take ownership for the quality of your own life.
+ You are curious about how your life would transform when you shift your perceptual filters about who & what you are as “woman” and you discover a way to intentionally let go of roles, strategies, culturally conditioned identities, as well as the the need to prove yourself and your worth to another.
+ You are ready to start living unapologetically by trusting your instincts, innate wisdom and the deep whispers of your truth and telling the truth.
+ You are excited to stay awake because you care deeply about the future of your grand/children, Gaia, and the state of the embodied Soul. To live awake, you must discover, luxuriate in, and live from the essence of your being.

Hi, in case we haven’t met…
I’m Stela Murrizi
I educate women like you into their potential so they create intentional and meaningful lives from a place of personal power.
Here’s what I know for sure, because I have lived it — you are not broken or in need of fixing.
Instead, your how-to-be-a-woman programming has led to a life of internal conflict & struggle because of the expectations to conform instead of be your true Self.
Feeling stuck, struggling and lack of meaning are all the outcomes of a powerlessness mindset.
I have lived there for over 30 years of my life, and I know what it takes to transform the pain into possibility. I chose to be the Guardian of the Vision of the WEL-Systems body of knowledge because the process saved my life.
It taught me how to be myself, while honouring the sacred path of each person I care about. Not easy, but doable.
If the time has come for you to take back your life, then consider that the only way to do so is to change your internal state. In other words, become internally boundaried. Because this isn’t about how your life looks on the outside– it’s about how you feel being you, inside your skin.
So if you’re ready … join me in this yearlong to discover and integrate the powerful process and context that is offered by embracing the WEL-Systems way of life to help you become your most powerful boundaried Self!
Trust me, the journey is so worth it …
Got questions?
All you need to know…
Details of the experience:
+ 12 monthly group coaching calls (WEL-Systems® | educational & thematic explorations | group CODE Model Coaching™)
+ over Zoom
+ January 2025 - December 2025
+ Second Sunday of every month
+ 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM EST
+ weekly educational emails in written and audio format
+ group Telegram and email coachingThe container for this experience is deeply intimate, therefore there will be a maximum of eight women participants.
The investment for this experience is: $2499, with payment plans available. PS- that’s less than $7/day!
The cost covers:
+ individualized support in the group coaching call every month
+ educational component on topics that matter most to women
+ weekly thought provoking thematic emails exploring all things essence of woman
+ journaling questions to guide the intentional exploration of your inner landscape
+ group email coaching to help expand your context
+ additional links to content intended to educate you to the matriarchal consciousness way of living
+ a private podcast with all past and future introductions to the calls to keep you connectedReclaiming and embodying an attitude of power takes time.
We must learn … practice … then become.
That’s why this is an intimate container over a year.
First of all, it’s a year long with the same group of women, so the commitment to yourSelf is immense. The experience is not a course, or a workshop, or a book study. Instead, it is an educational and experiential initiation into a Mystery School that awakens the Sacred in you (these conversations are framed within the paradigm of the WEL-Systems® body of knowledge).
I don’t talk to you, we explore together; this is why it is four hours long. It is an opportunity to learn and practice how to walk the walk of becoming your own best friend.
It is a deeply intimate conversation with a small group of women that provides each of us with the opportunity to reclaim our most difficult innermost truths so that we free ourselves from the internalized lies, anchors, and age-old double binds. When we do so in each other’s company, we free ourselves from the internalized shame that has run the show of our lives.
Fill out the form and set up a discovery call.
Reach out even if you have not yet made up your mind… because when the impulse moves, listen! Intuition is, after all, how you transform the quality of your life.
You are welcome to pay the full price via e-transfer at once, which gives you an additional added value of a one-on-one call with me, redeemable anytime throughout the year.
Or you pay monthly over six or twelve months.
This yearlong experience is about exploring what it means to be a woman in our world, with the intention of embodying the energy of power. In order to reclaim your personal power, you must be willing to get to know yourself differently. This is where the educational audio material comes in …
It is imperative for this yearlong experience to listen to the following audio files in your own time:
+ Sensual, Sexual & Spiritual Beings (details found here)
+ AND the Women and Fear (details here)
+ AND the Cultural Crones: The Power of Permission audio files (details found here)
+ AND the Boundless LeaderSelf™ audio files (details found here)Listening to these audio files is mandatory because they provide a larger context from which to contextualize our discoveries. If we are going to expand our mind, we must expand our framework of mind …
We cannot predict the future, but a good way to know if this is right for you is to take action on the following:
Listen to the Cultural Crones audio files for free and see if the conversations appeal to you.
Listen to the first “CD” from the Decloaking and Living Authentically and see if the way of life feels attractive.
Book a complimentary discovery call with me to settle your uncertainties.
If you’re new, join us for an Igniting Your Potential call you so get a direct experience of how the group coaching works. Your first call is always complimentary!
My belief about it? If you made it to here, you’re a right fit.
Once you sign up, we will have an introductory call to the experience AND we will connect via Telegram to ensure you understand how this works.
Generally, here is what is required:
listen to the selected audio material individually and on your own time,
show up on our monthly call,
engage with the group as the wave moves in you,
and stay Present as each woman reveals the truth of her experience. That’s it!
These calls are long because there is no easy and quick fix for transformation.
For those who have been to my calls before, you know it takes depth and breadth to be both willing, and able, to really hear the whispers of your truth.
It takes time to re-educate yourself into your potential.
It takes time to coach you through your experiences.
I can appreciate that transforming your pain into power takes both effort and time.
That really depends on who the person is and what is being shared.
Generally, you can expect about half an hour per participant.
Plus, don’t forget the Telegram coaching!
Telegram is an encrypted platform where I do all my private V-IP coaching.
It is a way for us to stay connected to one another during the month so that ‘aha’ moments are shared and explored in the group.
This is the foundation of the process for the journey ‘Home’.
The WEL-Systems Institute has been a pioneer in transforming women’s lives through cutting-edge practical wisdom for over 30 years.
This body of knowledge provides the educational foundation required to leap into the quantum, matriarchal paradigm that unapologetically declares: I AM the godForce manifesting in tissue. And so are you.
To find out more about this life affirming body of work, check out the website.
It is what transformed the quality of my life, and if you apply the process, it can transform yours too.
Great! Let’s unpack them together. Just message me with anything that comes up for you. I’ll do my best to support you in your evolution.

Yes, you could wait another year for the noise of the external world to stop. But you’ll likely be thoroughly disappointed.
Instead, choose the path that will help you become resourceful and resilient.
That is what will make the difference.
Over the next year, discover and implement a new way to transform your internal state into that of power.
Here’s how:
Stop Longing, Start Claiming
We start February 9th, 2025