Whispers from Within™

Exploring yourSelf through writing.

Stream of consciousness writing is a timeless and powerful way to explore your inner states for the purposes of Self-discovery.

You may not know what’s there, yet you sense its emergence, anyway. Perhaps the time has come for you to explore what is nudging you through this ten day writing process.


for two hours of coaching pre & post the 10 days of writing.

Whispers is stream of consciousness writing experience intended to awaken your truth to the surface.

Whispers is a 10-day, one-on-one writing experience intended to propel your evolution

Includes a one-hour conversation the day before we begin;

10 consecutive days of email writing exchanges;

and a one-hour conversation the day after the writing ends

About the process:

How it works

You commit to a minimum of 30 minutes a day for ten days.

You write unedited (stream of consciousness) everything that shows up for you in that moment, discomfort and all.

You press send when the writing feels ‘complete’.

I will respond with what your email awakens in me about me and return those thoughts to you.

10 consecutive days; no skipping days.

Why it works

Whispers from Within’ was developed long ago, following an insight from years of working with others. My observations of this process were first captured in an article I wrote, called “Layers of Discovery’; elucidating the elements of a naturally-occurring flow of information – in its myriad forms and presentations – through the structures of the body/mind we refer to as ‘I’ or ‘me’. Once these were given definition, it became a simple process to extrapolate from the specifics and ‘reverse engineer’ a process that would reflect this power and allow for an awakening via conscious, intended choice rather than by accident.

– Louise LeBrun

“The great question is: are you willing to commit to your Self for 10 consecutive days, every day, without faltering?”

Louise LeBrun – Founder of the process

Curious about the power of the experience?

Listen to this conversation with author Jennifer Hatt and feel the potential for yourself.


How do I get started?

Just email me to get started and I’ll guide you from there.

What is the cost?

$499 for two – one hour coaching sessions and the ten day writing exchange.

How do payments work?

E-transfer is preferred.

Free resources to help clarify the process and why it works.

These are all resources from Louise LeBrun, the founder and creator of the process.

This blog post clarifies why this process works and how. Hint: it is based on the Predictable Structure of Thought, which means that it outline the process of how we come to know our truth.

Are you a good candidate for the experience? Find out in this blog post.

Read about the details of the experience and what to expect in this blog post.

Lastly, listen to the vibration of the voices of these two women who have completed the process and decided to speak their truth about it in this podcast episode.

Low cost resource

New Paradigm: New World is an incredible purchase that will help you begin to reframe how you hold what’s real and true for yourself. After all, there are lots of different ways to see the world… how’s your worldview working for you? (unfortunately only available on Apple devices)

Is this experience right for me?

Find out in this blog post or email me to inquire.

Are there any requirements for this experience?

That you show up and type for 30 minutes uninterrupted every single day for 10 days and share the email with me. I will respond back.

Can I email you with questions?

Of course! I welcome your questions anytime. I’ll do my best to support you in your evolution.