The Power of Real: Why Authenticity Transforms Your Life

We hear this word authenticity a lot. It is overused, in my opinion, just like the word transformation. It’s as if the words are losing their deep and powerful meaning. Nonetheless, this word matters.

And living authentically matters – quite frankly, it transforms our life. 

But what does it mean and how do we know what kind of life it will lead to? 

Well, I created this brochure and this 20 minute presentation to explore with you exactly that. 

All of the women I work with are both intrigued by becoming authentic (and as I remind everyone, this is a process of becoming, it is not a one-and-done), and terrified of it. 

Why are we so terrified?

What do we think will happen when we embrace authentic living?

What do we believe we will lose

Perhaps you think being authentic will cost you relationships you care about.

Perhaps you think it’s going to alienate you.

Perhaps you think your life will fall apart. 

The old must deconstruct for the new to reconstruct.

In some ways, yes the old will have to deconstruct to make room for the new – but that’s a good thing! You want the old to deconstruct so you can intentionally reconstruct it, by choice

For example, if I had continued to hang on to an identity of an “addict”, then I would be trapped in its limitations forever. I had to no longer identify as an addict and notice the strategy of addiction instead. In the moment of letting that go, I noticed that who I am is not an addict – which frees me to explore who am I

So what identity statements are you holding on to that are keeping you hostage to a fixed version of you? Perhaps you’ve outgrown that version and it’s time to notice. 

Authenticity is freedom.

If you’re afraid of noticing, I’m here to remind you that this is a powerful thing that will lead to a better quality of life. I've witnessed firsthand how embracing our authentic selves can lead to deeply meaningful and fulfilling lives. 

That’s why I’m sharing this message with you. 

Authenticity is a force of creation – when we create authentically we shape and direct the quality of our life to match that vibration. 

What’s the alternative? Create from cultural conditioning (programming, ingrained cultural stories). These two paths lead to vastly different outcomes. 

So here are the ten ways living authentically will improve the quality of your life.

  1. You will trust yourself and your body. Authenticity fosters self-trust, and self-trust feeds authenticity. It’s a feedback loop that allows us to make aligned choices and shape the quality of our life. 

  2. You will stop bracing against what you know and instead give it voice. Once you stop bracing, immediately your body softens and the nervous system can process the information that is in flow. In that, you will trust what you know and that you know. 

  3. You will stop being in so much pain (emotional, physical, mental, spiritual). Pain comes from resistance – not ownership. The moment you own a truth, no matter how painful it was to brace against it, you free yourself from the pressure of seeking to keep it together. 

  4. You will create boundaries without feeling guilty, because you will trust it’s for everyone’s highest good. The only reason we feel guilty for setting boundaries is because we feel attached to a particular outcome that we feel responsible for. That’s how “good girls” are conditioned – to keep it all together, even as it’s falling apart. But when you’re authentic you trust the falling apart is necessary to create the new. 

  5. You will improve the quality of your relationships. You will attract and be in the presence of only those who support and enliven you. You will not give your time and energy to “fix” anything you have no control over or anyone who doesn’t want your help. Instead, you will focus your attention on those who want to be in your presence, and cherish your contribution to their life. Allyship over sisterhood. Choice over dogma. Moment of truth over obligation. 

  6. You will become emotionally resilient and resourceful. You will never again be victim to manipulation, coercion, or gaslighting. You will know how to differentiate between states because the vibrations of truth feel so different. Once you know how to do that, you will never not-know. 

  7. You will come to know the immensity of your personal power and you will not second-guess yourself. You will know what’s real and true for you, and therefore which choices align with who you are capable of becoming (not away from who you have been). True power comes from knowing how to live from your inner cues, and trust it wholeheartedly. 

  8. You will gain clarity and alignment. Embracing authenticity will help you uncover your blind spots and historical or familiar illusions that keep you trapped in a limited way of living. Once you know how to differentiate the lie from the truth, your life explodes with clarity! And therefore you make aligned choices. 

  9. You will be healthier and wealthier. When you let go of obligatory responses, you also let go of an internal state of resentment. When you do that, you free the fuel that is your fire – and you transform your fragmentation into wholeness, your constriction with flow, and your uncertainty with confidence. In that, you align with what works for you and the quality of your life improves! 

  10. You will free yourself from cultural conditioning. This is the first and most critical part of it all. Because without first awakening to the fact that who you believe yourself to be is a by-product of cultural conditioning, you will be trapped in the illusion that it is who you are (when it is not). So, first thing’s first, free yourself from the confines of cultural conditioning by awakening to the vibration of truth, honesty, realness, and authenticity. 

Want to download the guide to keep?

Finally, the journey to authenticity demands a willingness to break old habits, engage in honest self-reflection, trust your body's guidance, and own your truth, even when it's… unpopular. 

Are you ready? 

Let’s find out by answering these questions: 

If you answered yes to many of these questions, I invite you to consider the next steps.

A powerful starting point for this journey is the Decloaking and Living Authentically audio files by Louise LeBrun, the founder of WEL-Systems. This can be a powerful pathway to discovering your authentic self. You can even test it out for free to see if it resonates with you.

If you're looking for personal support on this journey, please connect with me.

Thank you for joining me in this journey of self-exploration. It’s not always easy, and it’s always worth it …

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