I am Primordial Sound, Emanating. (poem)

I am primordial sound

I am the grunt
I am the squeal
I am the moan
Of endless pleasure.

I am the mother.

The gasp between orgasms.
The soundlessness
Of emptiness,
Of depth
Of infinite space.

Filled with the essence of purity.

I am the deafening silence of winter, pitch black darkness.

I am the screech
The wolfs howl
The soul, devoured.

I am the laughter of innocence.
I am the curiosity, provoking.

I am as raw as woman birthing child.

I am unapologetic and loud.

I am deep as sorrow,
Ancient as grief.
The wailing of a mother
Who just lost her child.

I am the joy of the dance.
The beat of the drums,
I am wild.

I am the movement, free flowing
Barefoot on the ground.

I am a gypsy soul,
Belonging only to The All.

I am the sound of sweetness,

I am the vibration expressing through silence,
I can only be felt,
Once you allow it.

I am as deep
And as layered
as the depth of a single multiple orgasm.

I am sacred.

I am transcendence.
I am transformation.
I am trans.

I am the ferocious roar, demanding.

I am the beat
Of the heartbeat
perpetually in flow.
From body to body
TImeline to timeline
Without a pause.

I am the rhythm of life,

Inhaling desire,
Passion, exhaling.

I am a rhythm as lush
and as tempting
as a woman's hips, swaying.

I am the whosh of the blood rushing
Through your veins.

You could hear me effortlessly, once.

When I comforted you
In your mother's womb.

I am the faint
Yet infinitely deep internal
Voice of truth
That you can only hear
In total silence.

I am profoundly powerful
In my authentic delivery of Truth.

I am your voice
Before the language
Of another
Consumed you.

Can you still hear me?


In a world filled with "experts" and opinions-masked-as-truth, I believe it is absolutely imperative to be able to hear the sound of your own vibration.

Join me this January, "Unveil Your Truth, Reclaim Your Self".


When Women Own Their Essence: Jennifer Hatt is "Choice, Unleashed"


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