Upcoming Experience: Cultivating Connection

Happy new year to you, reader!

This past year has been a particularly strange one for me, and for most people globally. Still, it has been a profound invitation to keep evolving and creating spaces of inclusivity, exploration and conversation. It has been the kind of year that has challenged me to walk the walk even more... to go even deeper... to create more generous spaces where people feel validated in the multiplicity of perspectives and the ownership of our own unique, individual, majestic truth! 

As part of the 7 Days of Rest and Sacred Renewal initiative, I have created an experience called "Cultivating Connection: Women in Ceremony" with the intention of mindfully slowing down and listening to the insights of the moment. We will start with a gentle, intuitive, kundalini flow which includes breathwork, meditation, and movement. Then we will connect through a sharing circle where your only requirement for participation is full, activated Presence.

Please share with other women (trans, non-binary, two-spirited) who you believe might benefit from participating. This event, as all events in the 7 Days of Rest and Sacred Renewal are free of charge. Donations, as always, are welcome! To check out what else is going on in the 7 Days of Rest, click here.

Date: Friday, January 7th at 5:00 PM EST.


In 2022, Choose What Lights You Up: Create With Intention


When Women Own Their Essence: Jennifer Hatt is "Choice, Unleashed"