How to live in alignment: The power of choice

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Choice is such an incredible word, and it is a word of power.

It is in the process of choosing that we actually determine the outcome that is called our life.

So in that moment that I'm in, if I choose door number one, it leads me in a particular pathway and then I get to make choices from that new space into a plethora of other spaces and depending on which choice I actually make. That's the path that I create for myself. If I choose door number two, then now it's moved me in a different trajectory, and that is the life that I choose for myself. I think this is very simple to understand, right?

The choices that you make determine the quality of your life. This is not rocket science.

What we don't know how to do in our culture, and this is global an intentional creation and systemic sustenance of ignorance. So in other words, our culture teaches us how to remain ignorant. If you're looking at social media, the attention is to pull you away from yourself and into some other world and clickbait and all these sorts of things, just so that you're not in your body, but you're in someone else's world.

Mindlessness has become a go to strategy for living our life because mindfulness is hard. Mindfulness takes work. Mindfulness demands you show up. Mindfulness demands you, your essence, whatever your consciousness, whatever your life force is actually present in your body looking through a wide perceptual filter into your reality without getting lost in the distractions, in the derailing, in the in the places and spaces that keep you ignorant.

The significance of choice, and I would add mindful and intentional choice, cannot be overstated. Why? Because the moment that you make a choice, and the choice that you make in the moment, directs the quality of your life. So when you say yes to something that you want to say yes to, something that lights you up and you have no idea why or, where that came from or, you just know that, Oh my God, yes, this is exciting and I want this.

And so you just dive right into that thing. When you dive into that thing because it's exciting because it lights you up. That choice is a congruent choice. So that choice, in other words, is an aligned choice, and in that alignment, you can only create alignment because that's how the nature of the laws of the universe work, right?

It's like when you engage from a place of alignment, you create more alignment and you amplify it. But —the opposite is also true. The opposite of that, where you want to say yes but it's impolite to do so because you have stories, fears, uncertenties about that yes and so instead of noticing the yes what you do is you capitulate…and give in to the no.

Women do this on a regular basis where inside of ourselves, we know if it's a yes or no. Yet we keep doing the opposite because we have belief systems and values that do not align with what we think the yes, the outcome of the yes would be. So in other words, if I want to, I don't know, pursue my career in something unconventional, like coaching or art, but I want to. I know I've got this. I know I'm powerful. I know I am the creator of my reality… and I tell my husband. “Oh, I don't know about that…”

So now I begin to second-guess myself. AM I sure I want to do this? This mindset of second guessing is here because we don’t know how to make congruent choices. We don't really know how to trust the body to move us forward, but we are familiar with a cultural conditioning that creates a reality where we constantly align with should.

In the example that I chose to use, the “should” that would come up would be, I should be supportive of my family. I shouldn't take a risk because the risk doesn't just impact me —that's not a nice thing to do, right? It's not nice for me to take a risk and probably fail. I shouldn’t take away from my family.

The outcome of holding ourselves back? A lifetime of resentment.

And who do we direct that resentment to? Our husband, our children, our work, our neighbor, our loved ones. So we redirect away from the thing that we know we wanted. We actually might even forget about it, right? Like it might become a distant memory after some years and we redirect into another direction.

Meanwhile, we're constantly agitated and all of these awful things, all because we don't know how to make congruent choices that propel us towards our alignment rather than away from fear.

The WEL-Systems® Paradigm — the work I’ve devoted my life to, provides a framework for how to make congruent choices.

So this is what The CODE Model™ does — it helps you decode the messages of the body so that you're able to notice what the truth, in that moment, and begin to get curious about it. And engage a process of integration.

In our model of the world, we call that Quantum TLC™ (quantum triggering life choices). Without that trigger we wouldn't know that this is a critical choice point.

When we know the background of how and why this works, which is what the process of Decloaking and Living Authentically is all about, and you can start with the audio files, and even more than that, you can start with the free first CD set that educates you to what this is and why it matters, and you get to choose if it's for you.

When you know how this all works together, how the pieces of this puzzle fit together, when you know the framework, and you know the process to engage in the triggering moments show up … you're not afraid.

So, push the pause button. So back to the example that I was using with, this hypothetical husband and wife, the wife knows that the pressure inside her body now is an indicator for her to pay attention, not to give up on what she knows to be the truth.

Intentionally push the pause button.

But to push the pause button sufficiently to create enough internal and external space for movement of information, so all of this information must move in her body so that she can notice how these things interconnect and intersect. Which she wants, which are meaningful to engage and which are not, which are stories and which are reality. So her husband's fears do not need to become her lifelong consequences.

So in that moment of the great pause that becomes the bridge between past as it has been and the creation of the future as it will be.

In that example used, if the wife does not pause, all she's now done is put a lid on her truth and redirect to someone else's fears… and her own. As Bruce Lipton likes to say … BS = belief systems. So BS, bullshit, or belief systems, however you want to frame it. But belief systems that are cultural and historical, not real and rooted in who you are.

In that moment, that's one path, right? Like that. That's the bridge towards one particular pathway. And it is so freaking predictable. Now, the other path, the path where the woman knows how to push the pause button. This is so critical.

30 seconds to push the pause button to relieve the pressure in her body to create enough space in her body to relieve the pressure so that information that is labeled “pressure” begins to be in flow. In that pause, she might discover that — wait a minute, okay I hear you dear husband, I hear your stories in my own mind and history and I hear my dad's voice and I hear my mom's voice and I hear all of this… I also hear this other much more subtle much more congruent much more Powerful voice that just says, take the step. Follow this path.

So I might choose to follow that path. I’m scared, but I do it anyway because I trust I am moving in a direction of my calling. I may not know where it’s going to lead, but I follow anyway.

But we're taught to be afraid of the unknown — the space of potential and possibility!

Now, this is a whole ‘nother episode for later, but for now, the unknown is the point of power. So the unknown is where you actually want to be. In that moment of taking that step toward the aligned choice, what has now happened is she has created the opportunity to create an aligned life because the next moment she will trust the choice more and it will amplify.

Choice is like a muscle. The choice point, the choice, the exercise of the choice, the choosing of the choice, the trusting of the choice, all of that is like a muscle where you do it once and then you do it again and then you continue to trust it and the process becomes much more effortless as you go on.

Without intentional choice, our patterns repeat

…and then we wonder why is this happening? But it's happening because without a mindful and intentional pattern interrupt of the habituated thoughts, we're stuck in same old.

This is where The CODE Model, the creation out of deep energy model, is so imperative because it becomes your framework for understanding and questioning and considering and pondering your experience.

When you're intentionally pattern interrupting the habituated way of responding, you create an opportunity for discovery and step into your potential. And your potential does not exist in your history. Your potential exists in the intentional creation of your emerging authentic self.

The question that I encourage you to keep in your awareness is: are you choosing mindfully or are you repeating your history and your habits?

So this can be as simple as, for example, you're mindlessly scrolling on your phone and you notice, Oh, I'm mindlessly scrolling on my phone. Do you now intentionally push the pause button and put the phone down? Or do you just go, Oh yeah, anyway, and keep scrolling? It's that simple, because in that moment you have made a choice that directs you in the creation of your future. In that moment, you have shaped the next moment and the one after that until you change trajectories intentionally.

Let’s end with this thought — Choosing is an action. It is an action, that when it is fueled by intention, can lead to a magnificent life.

So, if you want to manifest, design, create, and live an intentional life, the process of choosing must become intentional for you.

How does what you read apply to your life, in your moment, right here, right now?


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