Transformation Requires Safety (science, and a touch of the sacred)!
Transformation is one of those experiences that so many people search for yet few people actually discover.
Fewer still embrace it as a way of life.
Here’s what I have come to discover for myself: every person can transform, if they are eager, by discovering how to be safe in their body. Safety, as it turns out, is an inside job that needs to be nurtured and sustained – not as a strategy (say, matras) but as a process and a way of life.
So, if you are ready to connect to that authentic part of yourSelf, then read on (or listen on).
Here’s what I have discovered in my journey of personal evolution: Transformation requires safety, science and a touch of the sacred (Louise LeBrun). The science is crystal clear – we are quantum biological beings whose essence is the whole manifesting uniquely. Now, how do we live as THAT which we know we are?!
The science is clear: we are quantum biological beings.
Bruce Lipton’s science shows us our self-receptors are on the outside of the cells, therefore receiving a signal from outside of our bodies.
Gregg Braiden’s science shows that, quite literally, in our DNA is etched “god eternal”.
Nassim Haramein’s science shows us that we are the Field interacting with itself in an infinite loop of live living.
So many people intellectually know this information, yet how many people know how to live it?
That’s what this exploration today is all about: living the transformation you are seeking to become.
Where does safety come from?
Safety comes from our willingness to slow down and go deep.
Safety comes from being willing to tell ourselves the truth of our own experience. It comes from being Present in the moment we are in, engaged in the discomfort for discovery. It demands trusting our inner cues to be the truth-tellers we intentionally follow.
Safety comes from being willing to be real and raw and authentic with ourselves in order to discover what’s true and meaningful for us, so we can choose to live from it. After all, that’s what transformation is all about: choosing to live from the new, not the old (habit).
The alternative to intentional transformation? Story. Habit. Intellectual pursuits of more information from outside of ourselves. A vague sense of hope that if we read the right words in the right combination we will somehow poof, transform.
That’s just not how it works. More content will not get you your life back.
Willingness to slow down and go deep, will.
In a world that is speeding up at a pace that we can not keep up, I am inviting you to intentionally slow down. Slow down breathing. Slow down your thoughts. Slow down the experience you are having in your body.
Slow down to catch up. Slow down to hear your Truth. Slow down to discover that which is meaningful for you.
You won’t discover that in yet another how-to book. You can only discover it by going deep.
In my search for evolution, I was desperate to transform. On the outside, my life looked perfect. I had the stable government job. I had finished my Master’s (first person in my family to do so!). I had an incredible man by my side. I was young and seemingly healthy.
And I was steeped in addiction. I was steeped in self-loathing. I was steeped in immense pain that I didn’t know what to do with.
In other words: my perfect life was killing me. I wanted to numb the intensity of the pain so badly that I spent a decade steeped in addiction. Numbing, of course, only works temporarily because the Truth will not be silenced. Eventually, I was diagnosed with and drugged for anxiety, depression, bipolar personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, hypothyroidism, and a vague IBS (among others which I legitimately cannot remember).
Eventually, I got to the point where the pressure was so intense, something had to give. I knew I was on the edge of something … I just couldn’t live the epitome of the status quo anymore …
That’s when I discovered the WEL-Systems® body of knowledge, and my life transformed forever.
Not because I learned the content of the paradigm, which I did, but because I realized that this body of knowledge is not about the content, it’s about living the transformation I was seeking. It became the platform from which I got to know myself differently. It became the platform from which I could build on the Truth of my experience, and no one else’s. It showed me how to slow down so I can see the bigger picture, and in doing so, discover how to make different choices.
After all, as quantum biological beings, choice is the platform for Creation.
For so many, making choices sounds like a fault and blame conversion. That whole “you made your bed now lay in it”. That’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the power of congruent choices that stem from a place of deep, authentic connection to one’s Self / Truth. Choices that are made on a platform of curiosity and compassion for one’s Self.
Here’s a fundamental truth that is necessary if you are seeking transformation (and the safety that comes from choosing it): you have to be willing to go deep, not just skim the surface. What you need is already inside you – not in a book or a guru somewhere ‘out there’. All you have to do is be willing to discover it …
And in a world that is predicated on lies and decrepit, trust is lacking … I get it. Which is why I invite you to try things on for yourself, and choose what feels ‘right’ for you.
Transformation, by its very nature, is not easy. It demands we trust the process. So you have to discover which process will you choose to trust: my habituated ways of moving through the world were killing me, despite how much I knew. Now that I have discovered and chosen to trust this way of of living, my life is very different.
I don’t work for the government because it was killing me to contribute to a dying institution. I don’t teach yoga because it is far too small of an exploration of Self. I teach women how to live from the WEL-Systems paradigm because it works.
And it all starts with slowing down sufficiently to be able to differentiate story from truth.
To hear your Signal from Self speak (in other words, that whisper of truth that is always present yet never invasive). In living the WEL-Systems way, I discovered how to differentiate the voice of Truth versus the voices of cultural conditioning (which, by the way, are many and varied and incredibly loud). I’m here to tell you, they are a version of a story. They feel real, and they are not any more real than you give them voice. But to know what that means and how to differentiate, you have got to discover what it is like to live from a process of decloaking.
This is why I create the experiences that I create: so that women who are seeking transformation, find it.
Transformation does not exist in the box of what you already know. You cannot rearrange the pieces you know to complete the puzzle. There is far too much you do not yet know that have become the undercurrent for how you live your life. Are you curious to discover?
For me, it was imperative to discover how to live from the essence of my being – not some strategy, not someone else’s truth, not someone else’s story, and certainly not my own history. Intentional creation of my life from a platform of authenticity was imperative for me. Is it, for you?
I now live my life from a place of the unknown, yet profound trust in what presents. It is who I have now become. Transformation has become a way of life, with connection to my intention being the platform for creation. (After all, what’s the alternative? Scattered in someone else’s opinions?! No, thanks.)
Truth is: living transformation is not easy. It demands devotion to living better. Not because you have evidence, but because your body is hungering to delve into the unknown that it knows holds the potential of our birthright.
Transformation demands time. In a world pressed for time, the illusion of scarcity and not enough ironically takes up most of our time. Transformation demands we intentionally pause, and be in the here & now of our lives. This moment is what holds the potential.
Transformation demands Space. In a world compressed in space, the invitation of transformation is to slow … everything … way… down… starting with our breathing.
Transformation demands presence. In a world divided by the illusion of separation, distraction and dissociation cannot suffice.
Transformation demands an intentional village. In a world where women are constantly pinned against each other for comparison, transformation requires an intentional community. Women, unwavering. Women, actively empowering each other to discover more of their own Selves. Women, un-threatened by your success.
Bottom line: Transformation demands a willingness to know one’s own true Self. It requires that we stop all the external noise that tells us who we should be, and be willing to delve deep, deeper still, into the depths of our Being to face it all. It is only in doing so that we discover the jewel that lives deep inside our core … our belly … the essence of our Being.
Transformation demands a platform of curiosity for the unknown, and compassion for not having known.
If your inner truth won’t leave you alone, I invite you to consider listening.
Start here, with this free mini-ecourse designed to help you discover the fundamentals of transformation.
Then, delve deeper with the Decloaking and Living Authentically audio files. These are essential to the creation of a different, more meaningful and more authentic life.
The only question that remains is: are you ready?
If you’re ready to get started on your journey, I recommend starting with this…