Dear Declan: The root of magic

Dear Declan,

This morning I woke up with deep feelings of something I can only call a mix of grief and regret about the world our generation is leaving behind to yours. You see, as a collective, we have done something ugly with our time here on earth – we have betrayed ourselves, time and again, by being unwilling to be confrontational with dishonesty (thank you, Louise, for those words). In having done so, we have enabled illusion and lies to plague our existence, desperately calling it not-that. 

“If you know better, do better.” - Turns out, it ain’t so. 

I used to believe that if people knew ‘the truth’, they would act from their highest intention – that is, they would align themselves with the truth (evolving though it most definitely is) and act from it

Turns out, that simply isn’t true. 

Most people live their lives denying themselves the truth of their own experience.  They know what they know but they refuse to call it what it is because calling it what it is would mean they have to face it head on and take ownership of having allowed it to manifest and continue. Turns out, people would rather turn themselves inside out than ever take response-ability for their own lives. 

Instead, they spend a lifetime defending the indefensible, denying the undeniable, and dismissing the indismissable. At least, they try. But the primal survival vibrations of fear, rage, and despair plague their body. Still, they fight themSelves to continue pretending. But the body is the final frontier – and it will never stop the pain unless and until we learn how to hear its message (which, by the way, it never, ever lies).  

And our collective bodies are dis-eased, my dear child. They are dis-eased not because of the illusion that “there’s something physically wrong” (strange concept to keep replicating in a world where quantum is the foundation of all that exists. But, that’s what happens when you don’t understand how energy predictably shapes reality). They are dis-eased because they are unwilling to be confrontational with untruth. 

They are willing to soften it, to massage it, to dance around it, to avoid it, to dismiss it, to overshadow it – but they are unwilling to do is confront it.  

Even in more modern cultures, the prevailing cultural norm is to teach individuals to make excuses. To find reasons to deny ourselves the full measure of The Truth our body is revealing. 

Why would we do such a life-draining thing?! In short, it’s this: to keep believing what we (and our family, community, and chosen storytellers) believe despite all the mounting evidence to the contrary. In a world that claims to worship ‘reason’ and ‘science’, the vast majority of people live anything BUT that. No wonder a plethora of diseases prevail! 

It’s hard to change your mind. There are consequences to doing so …
And, there are consequences to not doing so. 

Disease is the effect of our thoughts – our thoughts are the cause for disease. 

Science over the last several decades has categorically concluded that disease is caused by the quality of our thoughts (aka “stress”), not necessarily genetic abnormalities (which, by the way, are rare. Check out how we can control biology through “electroceuticals”). In other words: most people find themselves sick because they are so committed to the worldview they already have that they actively sustain their illusion by feeding it ongoing lies, simply not to have to change their mind. 

I suppose it's hard to change your mind when everyone around you believes what they believe and expects you to believe the same – or else. We are bred from a very young age to align with those who raise us (most significantly: our mothers). Their worldview is imposed upon us not because it’s what’s ‘right’ or ‘real’ or even good for us – instead, it is imposed upon us simply because they say so. And by that I mean that what they model to us (and their limitations) become our lifelong habits of thought.

Parenting is power, no two ways about that. 

Curious about what you’re modeling to your children? Check out this free resource I created a while back. Not an easy conversation, but an absolutely necessary one. 

Curious about how else you might choose to parent? Check out this book about becoming the “Guardians of the Vision” instead of molders of citizens. 

Ultimately, few people actively seek evolution by intention (and all that it implies).

Fewer still stay in the game long enough to find it. For most people (myself included for the first decade of my transformation journey), it is really hard to stay in the truth that emerges from our very being and live from it. So much gets in the way…

You see, every-thing in the default of the culture has been designed to ensure the parent-child model of hierarchical authority is replicated every-where. To the point where grown-ass men legitimately believe the likes of our PM and President Trump to be the “leaders of the free world”. I mean, all I’ve got at this point is LOL. 

After a lot of fighting and bracing inside myself seeking to save the world from its undeniable misery, I have finally (thank you, p?andemic) come to categorically conclude: There is no way to reason with the insanity that we are dealing with. Doublethink and doublespeak have become a way of life. The evidence is everywhere, everyone knows, but they keep pretending it couldn’t be so … and your generation will pay the price of our chosen collective ignorance. 

“No, dad is not an alcoholic,” as dad takes gulps from his beer. “Your dad is doing this for your own good,” as dad smacks you across the face and mom defends him. “Dad really loves you – you’re daddy’s faaaaaavourite little girl,” as dad molests you in your two-year-old-bed and mother pretends she knows nothing. “Really, your mom wants the best for you,” as mom denies you that which she knows is meaningful to you. “Your mom would do anything for you,” as mom can’t be bothered to pay you any real attention. “Mom wants you to be independent,” as mom manipulates you into compliance and alignment out of obligation. 

Here’s what we collectively teach our children: Prove to me you love me, trust me, and align with me – no matter what. Something about a commandment of ‘honour thy mother and thy father’ comes to mind… yuck. 

Bizarre world we live in, indeed. A world where we worship illusion-as-real and shun truth and its deliverers. “Don’t shoot the messenger” they say, but they consistently shoot the messenger. It’s as if s/he who says it makes it real! I suppose it makes sense in a world that needs a scapegoat, and a world where devoted, unquestionable alliance with blood and kin is sold as imperative. (Well, makes sense though, doesn’t it? If our mothers abandoned us, the world would devour us whole. So, we make intelligent choices to deny our own truth and align with that of mom. Brilliant.)

But, while we’re no longer children in need of protection from the big - bad - wolf, we have become adults who are terrified of anything that would render us different. Things like, not fitting in, of not pleasing people, of standing out, of being shunned, of being shamed, of being excluded, of being perceived as crazy, of being deemed an outsider. For most people, that fear of not-fitting-in feels far greater than the consequences of betraying ourselves by denying ourselves the truth of our experience. So, we perpetually betray ourselves and in the process have created the kind of world where illusion is perceived as real and reality (anyone who dares speak to it) is scapegoated as conspiracy. 

The problem is that in playing pretend we seek to manage and control the small stuff so we feel safe. Ironically, in doing so, we create unsafety. We make our worlds smaller and smaller, tighter and tighter, repeating the same thing we know doesn’t work (but we hope if we perfect doing it, it just might) and teaching our children to do the same… year after year, child after child … Ultimately, we become so engulfed in our self-imposed bullshit that paying attention to anything but our own misery feels unmanageable

For we know, if we dare to go there, we could no longer live in the status quo of our miserable lives. And there are consequences to that

So, we double down on the control of things and the betrayal of truth so that we ensure we continue to be ‘right’ about our intergenerational and familiar worldview. And the children become the ones we bully into accepting our long-ago outdated and false belief system. Then, we find ways to make them wrong for not being able to fit into the predefined box of our cultural and familial expectations. Enter lifelong medications and “modification therapies” and “diagnoses” and “how to parent for anxiety” or “anger management” books, etc. 


The children really are the ones paying the price for our collective violent comma. 

I don’t know what makes some people awaken to their own bulshit and actively seek to change their mindset, while others don’t. I do know it’s hard work to do so, because it demands choosing to stay awake in the face of collective comma (and we are well trained to seek approval from authority). It demands intentionally choosing the truth of your unique experience over the agreed upon collective story. It demands being willing to stand alone… 

All I know is, I did everything by the book and all I got in return was dis-ease. Perfect life, still dying. But I was unwilling to not face the truth – so I searched far and wide to discover what lived in the gap between what I intellectually knew (which was a lot about a lot) and living it. I wanted to find a way to live it, not just be able to tell a smart-sounding story about it. 

So, here we are, in a world where the trans-human is becoming human, men are becoming women, and women are becoming men. A world where identity politics rule and divide-and-conquer through ideology has never been easier or more subtly pervasive. Here we are, creating a world where confusion about who you are as a state of being is normalized and idealized (to fit in, of course). Here we are, enabling the creation of a world of lost souls that will reach for the first technological solution imposed upon by our trusted-no-matter-what “leaders”. 

Such are the consequences of fearing confronting our ugly truth. Irony is, it won’t get less ugly the more we pretend – it will get worse. 

But you can choose to be in this world, and not of it …

You can choose to see what you see, hear what you hear, know what you know – and choose from the truth of that

You can choose to notice what happens when we don’t viscerally grok who and what we are as quantum-biological beings. 

You can choose to notice what happens when people are not deeply and intimately connected to and living our purpose and intentionality. 

You can choose to pay attention to the inevitable consequences of  what happens when the power of our attention is split in every possible direction other than what matters to us. 

You can choose to notice what people who are primed to be victims to another’s creation (cause) live like – and choose the alternative that is modeled to you daily

You can choose to notice that your power comes from how you choose to pay attention, and to what. When your attention is in your inner cues, your life will be magical. If your attention is split in the “buffet of insanity” (thanks again, Louise), then it becomes feed for someone else’s creation. 

You can choose to notice how the Force of your attention amplifies the truth you carry, OR the worldview of another – that of y/our familiar and favourite storytellers. 

So, here we are … 2024, you are four years old and thriving. You are born into a family unit that is awake and aware of who and what you are as a quantum-biological being. As the observer who directs and shapes your world through energy. As the godForce manifesting in tissue. As The All who intuitively knows the divine rules of the universe. As the I AM who groks the possibility of evolution within the infinite game of Life. 

I trust that as you grow up and (likely) face unfathomable external circumstances, you will be so deeply connected to your essence that you will know exactly who you are and what you stand for. 

You will know and trust which ‘voice’ is yours and which is an installation of anothers – including my own! You will know and trust your body to guide you. You will listen to and trust your intuitive impulses. You will choose from that space of congruency that can never lead you astray. You will trust what you know, what you hear, and what you see. And in living this way, your life will be magical, no matter the external circumstances … 

Here’s what I’d like to leave imprinted in your psyche: 

“There is an emerging recognition that unless and until the body is fully engaged and takes the lead, that which could move at the speed of magic simply lumbers along... often dreading the next step... as we insist on relying on the wrong tools for the job.  When the recognition occurs and courage takes the lead, we are both surprised and delighted to discover just how easy it can be!  And it's easy because it is our birthright; it is the essential nature of our Being; and it will eventually, without doubt, become our last resort.  We will be forced to try or lose ourselves to the vortex of destruction that so quickly offers a deadly exit from our fear, confusion and uncertainty.  There are other ways.”

The roots of magic live in the essential Force of Creation: your attention.


Transformation Requires Safety (science, and a touch of the sacred)!


Becoming Indifferent to What People Think