Becoming Indifferent to What People Think

Prefer to listen? Listen to the solo episode here.

 It's been a heck of a journey and I finally find myself in an internal place where I have become increasingly indifferent to what people think … and I believe you should, too! 

 Below are some thoughts that spurred from an email to a client recently. 

 As a generalization, most people live their lives from the ‘box’ of the cultural conditioning they have internalized as real, and they have no idea what it means to expand their context so that their lives become bigger, more -- aligned, congruent, magical

 Instead, most people live a lifetime of seeking to ‘be right’ about their life – no matter if they’re engulfed in fear, rage, outrage, hopelessness, despair, powerlessness, etc etc etc. 

 Why in the world would I seek their approval? Cultural conditioning was why, and now I am awake to a different reality: it is no longer intelligent for me to do so. 

 Seems like an insane concept to me, right now … but I know I lived my life that way. 

 Truth is, once you discover an alternative way to live that leaves you empowered because you trust your own inner cues, the approval of those who have no idea eventually becomes foreign. I would start here, with the Decloaking and Living Authentically audio files

 When you know how to stand on solid ground because you trust what you see / hear / know / sense, you notice how profoundly limited people are in their perceptions and beliefs. Not a fun way to live! 

 As you stay with the alternative, internal referencing through Quantum TLC™ becomes the default! That's the point ... and, it will always have to be chosen. 

 Why? Because every single thing out there will push you into the default! Few people will understand, and as you delve deeper still, even fewer people will understand. How congruent will you choose to stay in the face of a sea of misunderstanding and disapproving people?

 From where I stand: they don't know what I know. If they knew what I know, they would live differently. And they would believe different things. So their lives would be better.

 I know what I know and I am unwilling to pretend otherwise... I am unwilling to compromise ... to pretend ... to second-guess ... to gaslight myself. And in that, I am becoming increasingly indifferent to what people think. 

 But this is a process that demands you stay with your truth, unwavering. It demands you question your own bullshit so you discover the truth.

 And your life gets better ... and better ... and better ... until you forget why in the world you believed you wanted what you thought you wanted in the first place! So strange ... yet so true. 

 Because I am unwilling not to be my Self! 

 And I believe so should you ... 


Dear Declan: The root of magic


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