Living differently is a choice.

I live my life from a place of depth, and become of that, I live a deeply fulfilling life free of fluff. Now, more than ever, the surface stuff bores me, because I know the deeper I go, the more Space I create inside my body … the more free I am. 

So many illusions plague us. For whatever reason, we sooner would rather feel there’s something wrong with us than we would face the fact that our culture teaches us to be illusioned

And that illusion is sustained everywhere we look, in every system, in every conversation, with every person we meet. We are all subscribed to the same illusions, polarized. But the point is: it’s all illusions.

The more we are willing to intentionally face into the illusions and unveil them for what they are, the more free we become. And the more free we become, the more powerful we know ourselves to be. The more powerful we know ourselves to be, the more we know: I AM the Choice Point. Whatever choice I now make, I must own

A fantastic place to be, once you viscerally grock the depth of its power. 

But what does it take to get there? First of all, willingness to discover that which has no words and any words we put to it diminish its essence; nonetheless, these are the words I would put to it: our own Divinity.

When willingness is present, ability follows. That’s what the WEL-Systems® body of knowledge gifts us with – discovering ability and increased capacity for willingness. As we do, we spiral into a different reality than most … and in doing so, we live far more meaningful lives, because they are not out of obligation but out of desire to evolve! 

Evolution by Intention is intended to be a way of life.

Embracing our wings: It’s your difference that makes the difference.

Today, Louise LeBrun released this spectacular blog that I invite you to read if you are looking to find a way to create a more meaningful life, for yourself. 

“Evolution by intention, for its own sake… is a perspective with very different presuppositions.

It implies that ‘evolution’ is our natural state. That ‘intention’ is causal and can be shaped as we see fit. That evolution – in and by itself – IS the prize; IS the destination; IS the reason we are here – in the flesh – to begin and end with.” 

Evolution by Intention is not for the faint of heart – it is for those who are so profoundly dissatisfied with their seemingly “perfect” lives that the internal pressure leads them to a new reality that propels them into Self-discovery.

“How else might I choose to live my life, today?” has become my favourite, most cherished mantra. There is what’s available to me through the limitations of the cult-ure I find myself in, then there’s what’s available to me when I discover how to live from the Truth of my own experience. My body, the conduit of Truth, can never lie. So if I feel sensations in my body, I know it is my Truth seeking to evolve…     

Indeed, this evolution by intention thing is a critical choice if we are to live lives that align with our choice to descend into a world of matter, free of the constraints of conditioning -- it's not real. That's the most mind boggling thing of all. It's not fucking real! And the more I let go, the more I discover how unreal it is ... and in that moment, choose from the Truth of what IS real.

Creation, for me, is imperative. Being visible in how I live differently so that those who are seeking will find, is imperative. Living in alignment with my truth from the inside-out, is imperative. I have little space left for another's judgment -- the so-called pandemic really helped me with letting go of what illusioned people think of my choices. 

Generally, most people are deeply conditioned to remain committed to what they have been taught to believe (daring to differentiate from history and the family system is a profound act of courage– it terrifies most people). The only outcome of seeking their approval is driving myself crazy, been there done that and I'm never going back. 

I am fortunate because I have found a way that allows me to self-validate, to self-trust, to know -- like really truly viscerally know my own Truth, even when another cannot see it. I have found a way to make peace with that. The power of the Boundless LeaderSelf ™ is strong within me ... 

Embracing the power of choice will set you free; but first, you must integrate with what gets in the way.

Fear, Shame & External Referencing: the most effective control mechanisms. 

I know I am not my body ... I know I AM the Force that propels the Signal that animates the body. The body is the tool that the I AM that I am  needs in order to have a visceral experience of Life, living

When I own that, I notice that my body is a conduit for the I AM that I am, it is not who and what I am! It is a conduit for “me” to express in a physical universe. 

Once we awaken to and viscerally grok this, and there is a true & tried 30 year old process in place that helps us do so, we become unstoppable in the depth of trust we have in the creation of our meaningful lives.  

Unfortunately, for whatever reasons that I won’t get into today, the power of who and what we are as godSelves is the very power that most women are terrified of. Most of us know something different, because we birth the Divine into a world of matter, but we keep identifying with the familiar lineage of ‘powerless’ and ‘victim’ of life in order not to have to take any response-ability over the quality of our own lives.

Yet… we created our lives with our choices! Once we own the power of choice in the creation of it all, we free ourselves to choose meaningfully.

And if I'm not living the full measure of that, the question becomes: what gets in the way ...? 

I've discovered that it is the power-stripping couple: fear and shame. These two are the  yuckiest of control mechanisms because once we internalize them and believe their power to be real, that keeps us enslaved in our own misery, feeling powerless and unworthy. 

We don't reach for fear and shame intentionally -- they sort of hijack the device of the body effortlessly and their intensity takes over. Because we've been taught to believe they're real, we live our lives as if they are. When the truth of it is: they are not. They are a means to an end: self-betrayal, self-sabotage, self-destruction. (I wonder, who benefits as we slowly self-destruct…?)


Once we discover how to no longer Self-silence, our lives blossom with potential. To be able to hear ourselves, we first have to be willing. Once we are willing, we can choose to become intentional and present, noticing that all that moves through our body is simply information-in-flow ... and the information has a message. 

For me, the message generally boils down to: how BIG a life will I choose to create, for myself? Am I living the life I am here to live, or am I succumbing to habit and history and familiarity and someone else's story? 

External referencing is a waste of life. Truly, it really is. There is no-one out there without their own limitations, and if we allow their limitations to become our own then we are trapped. The only thing that breaks that prison is moving inward. It's so plainly simple, and equally as 'hard' -- because it takes intentionality. 

We have been taught that we are creatures of habit -- this is only true so long as we buy into the story that perpetuates illusion.

I am not a creature of habit, nor am I a slave to my thoughts -- I am an intentional godForce, engaging. Once that is discovered and owned (and there IS a process, starting with this), our lives transform.

The ultimate question for me remains: who will I choose to become in the face of it all?

Evolve with Intention ...


Women & Fear: Becoming resourceful and resilient in chaotic times

Fear is the  greatest mind killer. From a different perspective, fear can be an invitation to evolution. It can become our invitation to becoming resourceful and resilient. That's what we'll explore in this two day conversation on Wednesday July 31st and Thursday August 1st, 10 AM - 2 PM, over Zoom, 10 women max, $395 + tax

Find out more here

Decloaking and Living Authentically 

This five day intensive is the place to be if you are ready to transform the relationship you have with yourself, your body, and your mind. This is a Signature WEL-Systems based experience that introduces you to the paradigm. Because if you want to live a different life, you must become different. To become different, you must discover how to make different choices. To make different choices, you must discover your are safe doing so. It's all interconnected. Join us to find out how.

September 26th – 30th
10 AM – 1PM & 3 – 6 PM EST
over Zoom

Find out more here

Are these experiences for you? Book a discovery call with me and find out. 


Becoming Indifferent to What People Think


Fear Paralysis: It's okay not to have all the answers...