Declan's Birth Story: When my Story Became His-Story??

A few months ago I decided to participate in a writing contest of birth stories facilitated by the Doula Support Foundation. I won an honourable mention, so that's pretty awesome! Still, for me, it was the invitation to write the story that mattered most. It allowed me to put pen to paper something I'd been holding close to my chest, and by writing about it publicly, it helped me integrate bits and pieces that were still feeling disconnected. It was a profound experience, and one that I would recommend to anyone who has given birth before!

Read our birth story here!

I would also love for you to join me this Saturday October 30th at 2 p.m. EST for the virtual Birth Sharing Circle 2021. Myself and the other winners will be sharing our birth and writing experiences. You will hear our stories and you will be supporting an incredible organisation that helps empower women during one of the most critical transitions of their lives... Tickets are available on Eventbrite by donation.

Here are some pictures of part of our 20 month journey together! Enjoy :)


Mistaking the Shell for the Soul


The Warrior Strategy: If I am right and I am good, then I am safe