Revelations &

Choice Points

“It’s not our intellect or our knowledge that will change our lives; it is our willingness and ability to ENGAGE!”

Louise LeBrun

Stela Murrizi looking at the camera.



Transition Time: From captive to creator

Transition Time: From captive to creator

Here’s my promise to you: if you keep doing what you’re doing, believing what you believe, you’ll keep creating what you’re creating. Every choice you make either maps to your history and limitation, or to your potential and expansion. Why? Because that’s how choice works – if you don’t know how to choose from your Emerging Authentic Self, then you are trapped in seeking to create change from your culturally conditioned self. Yikes! Not only not fun at all, but also impossible. 

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CODE Model Coaching™: It's about how you choose, not the choice itself

CODE Model Coaching™: It's about how you choose, not the choice itself

That is what trusting what the full measure of the godForce we each are looks like. Never betraying the Truth of my moment, nor giving directives on how to live your meaningful life. Truly, my greatest gift to each person that crosses my path is empowering them to the process of choice, while being indifferent to the choices they make. I trust this makes sense.

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A Mother’s Internal Cues Matter to Our Children’s Evolution

A Mother’s Internal Cues Matter to Our Children’s Evolution

Children are intimately fine-tuned to the inner state of their mothers. It is the state of our mothers growing up that shows us the appropriate responses to the world. So if the mother dissociates (the I AM that she is disappears), children sense that and respond accordingly by developing their adaptive strategies to cope with their environment. 

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The Subtle Art of Self-Manipulation

The Subtle Art of Self-Manipulation

Self-manipulation is an interesting thing. It is so easy to never have to notice, because, of course, there are far too many external manipulations going on -- all of which are easier to notice than those we have internalized against ourselves. Yet it is in the naming it that we claim it.

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Unlock Your True Potential: Redefining the way we see ourselves holds the key to freedom

Unlock Your True Potential: Redefining the way we see ourselves holds the key to freedom

Decloaking and Living Authentically 1. introduces you to a reliable and predictable process you can engage today to begin transforming the quality of your life. 2. Decloaking is the stepping stone to a paradigm shift from being externally referenced to being internally referenced. THAT is the single, most massive mindset shift you can make that will free you from the confines of cultural conditioning internalized through your upbringing. Make friends with your mind, make peace with your life.

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Dear Declan: A love letter on your third birthday

Dear Declan: A love letter on your third birthday

So, this mother's best advice to my three year old? Be yourself, and tell the truth! Notice where you deny, defend, dismiss, avoid. Notice where you think you know best. Notice where you hook yourself to an illusion to try and sustain the status quo of your life. Notice when that's no longer serving you. Notice your unfolding mindfully in every breath, and choose every choice consciously. Seek the higher order truth that's beckoning to be revealed to you, and you will find it ... over and over and over ... 

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Dear Declan: Pay attention, differently

Dear Declan: Pay attention, differently

If I achieve one goal in my lifetime, I wish it to be that you grow up knowing your true Self, your essence, your I AM. It is only by knowing this that you do not fall victim to another's construction of the world. If you notice the patterns playing out in the world and choose mindfully that which is meaningful for you, I know you will be okay.  I share these thoughts with you because I have come to discover that there is nothing in the world that is more powerful than you knowing your essence... your truth ... yourSelf. 

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WEL-Systems® conversations: The ticket to freedom

WEL-Systems® conversations: The ticket to freedom

WEL-Systems® experiences are sacred conversations among equals. While there is no hierarchy, no gurus, no teachers, no master, there is a massive educational component to point us toward consideration of the existence of an alternative paradigm that directs us toward honouring and respecting our own inner cues. In essence, the whole point is to show us how to become, and live from, and internally referenced space. 

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Choice: The bridge between the past and the future

Choice: The bridge between the past and the future

As a species, I believe we are at a critical choice point: we can choose evolution by intention ... OR drama. As Louise LeBrun has previously said "there is a bottomless pit for both of them". The good news: YOU get to choose. Right here, right now. 

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I call on the Mothers: Embrace Your Inner Wise Woman

I call on the Mothers: Embrace Your Inner Wise Woman

Women, mothers to the creation of Life, give a shit. Because of that, it falls on us to awaken, embody and express from the matriarchal consciousness that demands we let go of what isn't working and engage DIFFERENTLY.

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Some of my most cherished pieces…

01 —

How CODE Model Coaching transforms lives

“I am the first of my long line ancestors afforded the freedom to be able to choose, to create my life in whichever way it is meaningful for me in each unfolding moment. What a gift I have given mySelf — one I am eternally grateful for and intend to honour, as if my life depends on it, because it does.” 

02 —

Dear Declan: A love letter to my son

“I am choosing to write these letters and post them publicly because I know I am not alone in what I see unfolding “out there”. I know I am not the only mother who is deeply concerned. And… I know that I choose not to hide in the closet, pretending, because there is no power there.”

03 —

Transcending A Life of Mediocrity

“What else is possible when you embrace the fundamental lie that plagues our global cultural beliefs? Everything is peachy out there and if you feel anything but numb to all the (utterly indisputable) bullshit, then there’s something wrong with you.”

04 —

How this process changes lives

“Today, I know well that the past does not serve me. It helped shape me, it has provided me with an opportunity to learn more about myself, and it does not define me. I know, with every single breath, I can choose choices that serve me, as I am, in this moment.”



Here’s how you slow down…and listen to the whispers of your inner truth.

Paradoxically, it is in slowing down that you accelerate your evolution!