I call on the Mothers: Embrace Your Inner Wise Woman
I believe the future of the world is in the hands of women.
Women, mothers to the creation of Life, deeply care.
Because of that, it falls on us to awaken, embody, and express from the matriarchal consciousness that demands we let go of what isn't working and engage life differently.
After all, critical mass can only be reached when women awaken to their power, embody their courage, and intentionally choose to live from that place of deep inner knowing and congruency.
It takes women staying awake for culture to transform.
I would rejoice in being part of a collective culture that values:
matriarchal consciousness awakened and engaged (instead of transhumanism stemming from the toxicity of imbalanced and internalized patriarchy)
reciprocity and interconnectivity (instead of an eye for an eye)
internalized sacred personal responsibility (instead of blaming, shunning, and shaming)
personal accountability and holding others accountable (instead of deferring to failing institutions)
courageous fearlessness (instead of victim paralysis)
engaged sacred fire transforming what is to what we choose it to be (instead of wild-fire burning everything in its way)
internalized knowing of the majestic interconnectivity of all things (instead of separation, disconnect and discontent)
I am clear: without the awakened, unedited and engaged voices of the Mothers (as wise women), our species is fucked.
Mothers: I call on you.
Right here, right now.
To dare to step into that which is holding you, your voice, and your children hostage.
I invite you to consider the possibility that your limitations become your children’s limitations.
Is this what you want? If not, I invite you to awaken to the possibility that you are immensely powerful.
Today is the day to intentionally make the choice NOT to pass the intergenerational bullshit on to your children to deal with.
Make it your life’s mission to take personal, sacred responsibility now
… so that you may free yourself to hold all perpetrators (no matter their shape, size or power) accountable, courageously shame-free.
And in doing so, creating a Protective Cocoon of safety for your children to grow up in.
What does it take to transform yourself into the wise woman you were born to be? I believe it takes a profound ability to not only know yourself, but to trust yourself, and from there engage your life with impenetrable boundaries that render you and your children unfuckwithable.
Discover and explore the part of you that is unapologetic, because you know what's at stake. (I don't see the WEF so-called leaders apologizing for their creations.)
Your life belongs to you.
Choose. Evolve with Intention into your highest potential ... in every choice you make, with every breath you take.
Let your voice roar in it's unwavering demand to transform the culture your children grow up in.
Embrace personal accountability so our children are not doomed to lurk in the background while predators penetrate their bodies and minds with indoctrination programming them to accept the violations and tolerate the intolerable.
The Crone is birthed in FIRE! The Crone is birthed in outrage. She emerges from the cocoon of compliance and goes ...fuck you, I'm not doing this anymore.
- Louise LeBrun
No one will save us from ourselves or from the predatory paradigm 'out there'.
There is no prince Charming.
YOU must choose to step up and step in because you care.
It is women's sacred responsibility to protect our Creations. Our children, our culture, Gaia, the intuitive teachings of Spirit and Soul.
We are at a pivotal point in our history where the choices we make will either turn us into biodigital convergents (already in the works), OR will honour the union of body, mind and spirit that WE ARE and ...evolve.
The choice is ours.
And we can only make it right here, right now.
If we hang on to hoping what was will one day be, we're doomed.
If we hope someone else will fix it, we’re fucked.
If we keep relying on our patriarchal institutions to represent the majority, we’re being wilfully ignorant to reality.
If we defer responsibility one minute longer, we will find ourselves and our children in a predicament we’d rather not be in.
THAT is why I’m here.
For those of you who are attuned to the violations but don’t know how to embrace your most graciously ferocious self, I am here to remind you: You are attuned and brilliant.
It is your cultural conditioning / programming that is responsible for you doubting yourself.
You are far from crazy, though you do live in a crazy-making world.
I believe it is time to stop giving in to it, perpetuating it, recreating it.
The time has come to trust yourSelf.
The time has come to just STOP. Check in. Notice. What’s congruent? Make choices from that place of congruency, because your body told you.
As women, we intimately know that. After all, we birth consciousness into a world of matter. We don't birth with our minds, we birth with our bodies and intuition.
And once we birth, we tender and care for our creations -- we do not abandon them in an offshore country, pretending we didn't do it.
Because we deeply care for our creations we are the Protectors of our children’s birthrights.
The time has come to mindfully let go of what isn't working and consciously create the world we want to live in ... the world we want our children to grow up in.
To do that, we need to step up and claim our fullest potential.
We need to integrate the Crone aspect of ourselves NOW.
Who is the Crone? And why her?
The Crone is the unfuckwithable wise woman that lives inside each and every single one of us.
She is the powerhouse that shapes and directs her life through magic.
She has been through the transformation and discovered her true essence.
You do not need to be a certain age to embody her. You simply have to give yourself permission to awaken to her power ... because you know it is time.
If you are curious about what is the Crone (other than the patriarchal image of the ugly old and lonely witch), I encourage you to savour and devour the following audio files that will help you contextualize within yourself What is a woman? Who is the wise-woman? Why must we embody her? What is personal power? How do you reclaim your personal power? How do you live as the wise woman that you already are? How do you make choices that align with the wisdom of the Crone? Who are you capable of becoming as you embrace your wholeness as you embody your inner Crone?
...and, what does it all mean in the creation of your meaningful life, today?
Decloaking and Living Authentically is the set of audio files that we start with in order to begin to break the concrete of what you hold as your fixed reality (when in fact, it may not be so). Who knows? Care to find out? Start here. In the process you will also learn about what the WEL-Systems way of being has to offer you, should you seek to pilgrim through this sacred spiritual journey.
The Sensual, Sexual & Spiritual Beings (found here) audio files offer you an opportunity to explore what it means to be a woman through the continuity lens of maiden, goddess, crone.
Cultural Crones: The Power of Permission (found here) is an offering that invites you consider how embracing the power of the crone has the capacity to transform the quality of your life, because you say so.
Hungry for a much deeper dive?
I have created the opportunity for a deep and significant dive into the domain of all things embracing our wholeness through reclaiming the power of the Crone in my upcoming year-long experience called "Unapologetically Unfuckwithable: Embracing the Crone that I AM".
Indeed, it is a yearlong commitment ... because that's what it takes to embody transformation.
then ... connect with me for a complimentary discovery call.