Whispers from Within™: Emerging intelligence through freeflow writing

The power of stream of consciousness writing: explorations with an author

Today on Sparking the Sacred, we are in conversation with Jennifer Hatt.

Jennifer is a CODE Model Coach™, an author and a publicist. As a fellow colleague and an enthusiast of the WEL-Systems® original experiences, Jennifer has agreed to be my guest in this episode where we explore what it was like for her to engage the Whispers from Within™ experience with me.

In this conversation, Jennifer and I talk about:

  • what makes this experience so unique for Self-exploration

  • what engaging the process revealed to Jennifer about herself (you won't be expecting it!)

  • how challenging it can be to stay with writing stream of consciousness for half an hour a day

  • the power of reclaiming our story through writing, unedited and engaged

Listen to the podcast here.

What is Whispers from Within™?

Whispers from Within is a ten day stream of consciousness writing experience that allows the visceral truths that are out of our awareness to be revealed through the process of writing. Powerful stuff, indeed, because you never know what you will discover ...

To learn more about what is the experience, visit my new website page here that describes the process and gives you access to WEL-Systems® based links that explain how and why the process works.

For those of you who love Jennifer's vibration, reach out to her directly to enjoy a Whispers from Within experience with her as your facilitator!


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