“I lived and released a lifetime in Decloaking.”
The work that I do, dear reader, is deep soul exploration and excavation. I love experiences that are rich in nutrients for my being. Such is the nature of the coaching coaching experiences I facilitate... But, don't take my word for it. Now I'd like to share with you one woman's unsolicited experience of working with me during a five day Signature WEL-Systems® intensive called Decloaking and Living Authentically. Jennifer Hatt is a prolific writer and a woman of deep courage and insatiable hunger. When she wrote me an email unveiling the truth of her experience over the five days, I giggled with joy! With so much gratitude, I have her permission to share it with you, trusting you will find meaning in Jennifer's revelation below.
Jennifer Hatt is an author, communications consultant, publishing doula and CODE Model Coach™ . Find her at ownyourstorynow.com
I have been sitting this morning with … what the hell happened this past week? It feels like a lifetime ago that I filled my Beetle with aware and awake women and engaged in daily transformation with our powerful group. So much in so little time, it feels easy to dismiss or glide by, until I pause and open … darkness becomes universe, filled with energy, peppered with stars... My recent Decloaking experience was a rebirth of my life in the quantum paradigm, pushed this time from a foundation solidified by knowledge I invited and allowed to penetrate, models and structures I labelled as ‘Newtonian strategies’ that in fact draw me deeper into mySelf and my own awareness. I am a prolific storyteller, and for years even as I evolved as a quantum being in a human experience, I have used storytelling to dim my light, slow my progress. Why? Deeply held cultural beliefs that I was ‘too much’, beliefs that I have fiercely defended and railed against for most of my life, a brilliant and exhausting start-stop that kept me spinning in place under the illusion of progress.
This morning, I embrace the strengthening wind, feel the sturdiness and quiet of my home as a metaphor of my safety within, invite the energy of the gathering storm as a reflection of my own gathering strength.
I have spent the morning with emails and messages from folks inquiring how I am, how was my week, and each has been a marvellous invitation to sit with my experience, write what comes up. Some of what I’m sharing here I’ve shared with others. Some is unique to what I’m feeling now, in your presence.
It for me was a week of brilliant moments that erased the walls between ‘good’ and ‘bad’, ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. The delight of breaking through concrete, releasing stories, coming home … the joy of good food and waterfront views and each other’s company … the dark pressure of repressed rage … the agony of cracking open family systems and ‘sacred’ beliefs … the slimy caress of constant dampness in a rental property once beautiful and now crumbling as a hostage to greed, and allowing ourselves to be hostage to our stories within it … the terror and frustration of not being heard in a paradigm in which we have little power, reminding ourselves of the power we do hold in the paradigm of infinity … all of it I now feel in a seamless experience in which I am continually transformed, breath by breath. I wouldn’t change a thing. I do choose, however, NOT to repeat it all again :)
I know different and choose accordingly. I lived and released a lifetime in the five-day experience. I lived and released another lifetime in my two days with you, Stela. Every breath, every moment, a mindful presence in our ongoing journeys … powerful and awesome … I thank you with the deepest of RIG for it all.
Quick summary for all: there was gorgeous vistas and ocean swimming and an afternoon at my beloved monastery and a morning of transformation in a thrift store (plus a new wardrobe for me at the grand cost of $60) and endless conversation that ebbed and flowed as effortlessly as the tide …Mahalo and much RIG to you, Stela, for being fiercely you and fiercely committed to all who choose to step into their own power … completely unfuckwithable … a gift to us all. This is all my experience, of course, and it continues to remind me of the power of our engagements and the mindful moments they create. What started for me as a Zoom call a couple of years ago has blossomed into these lived experiences that in turn fuel new powerful creations through lenses clearer, sharper, wider, ever changing. Today that looks like me sitting here writing to you. In a few moments, it will look like me sitting with my coffee on my deck … literally, on my deck since the furniture has been stowed for the ‘storm’ … watching the blue sky dance with the clouds and feeling the breath of the world, warm and fierce.
Truth is, living the Decloaking way is profoundly transformational -- like, discover-how-to-live-your-unique-truth-and-free-yourself kind of transformational. It is life altering.
If you are curious about the experience, you may consider:
a self-directed path: download and listen to the Decloaking audio files (Louise LeBrun’s original creation)
a one-on-one Decloaking Discovery exploration
the Signature five day group intensive, Decloaking and Living Authentically
To discover if the experiences are for you, I invite you to book a discovery call with me — it will help you clarify if this path is for you, or not.
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