Following the trail Home to yourSelf: One woman’s story
Let me start by declaring how fortunate I am because I am surrounded by women who are as courageous as they are curious -- and that feeds my Life Force and keeps me engaged in what matters.
Most recently, I have been engaging in a one-on-one Decloaking Discovery exploration with an incredible and audacious woman named Neetha Mary. Below you will find the truth of her experience in working with me. This 'testimonial' is a powerful declaration of what’s possible for those who are brand new to the world of WEL-Systems®. If that is you and you are curious, read on…
I would like to share my experience of coaching with the WEL-Systems® model over the past six weeks with Stela. Two months ago, I had read a wonderful book called Sekhmet Rising by Louise LeBrun. This book was unlike any I had read before and I had read many. It was filled with real and raw stories of women like me and it resonated deeply. It was the first time I was hearing about this paradigm called WEL-Systems and my curiosity piqued with the stories of the women in the book. I knew this model had profoundly changed their lives and also rippled consequently into their relationships too. So, I uncharacteristically took a risk and reached out to Louise.
Louise put me in touch with Stela and little did I know how profound this trail was going to be in my life.
During my first session with Stela, I distinctly remember the words she said to me… “This is a safe space…Your safety is very important…” I knew instinctively I was not just in the right place but in a compassionate and considerate space. This was a new experience for me.
During the coaching and the everyday messages through Telegram I have evolved so much. I can now say that I am the godForce and that itself says so much about the impact Stela’s coaching has had on me.
I have come to understand how listening to my body and breathing gives me insights of my truth, and helps me speak with clarity and courage. There is so much more layers I have begun to see and most beautifully integrate instead of pushing it out or stuffing it in.
I intend to pursue this paradigm with women like me and engage in meaningful conversations through the explorations that WEL-Systems offers. I am very thankful and appreciative of the work Stela has done with me and her presence in my life is very valuable.
~ Neetha Mary
If you would like to explore the stories of the women in the Sekhmet Rising book that inspired Neetha, check it out here.
If you're curious about how the five week one-on-one Decloaking Discovery experience Neetha and I co-created in the last five weeks can help you transform the quality of your life, email me to chat.
And if you're curious about the deep dive that is the process of Decloaking, start with the audio files and then email me to explore what's possible for you. My job is to help you find what you're looking for ...
If you’re ready to live the truth that is who you are, check out when the next five day Decloaking and Living Authentically intensive is coming up. I'd love to see you there!
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