How Quantum Ideas Can Change Our View on Disease
This blog post is written for the women who fed up with the conventional narratives of disease and are curious to discover how else they might choose to interpret the presence of dis-ease in their body.
In the last few months, I have had a number of women show up on my holloeck with a plethora of various diseases plaguing their bodies and minds. Some are suffering from anxiety, some from hives, and others still from cancer and IBS. The range and intensity are varied, and the bottom line is this: none of them have found what they are looking for in conventional medicine treatments, including therapy.
I wont get into the details in this blog, however the medical system has a particular theoretical background that comes from the presuppositions of Newtonian Science (aka ‘old science’). Its roots are deeply steeped in hierarchy and authority as external (the doctor knows best because they are the expert so you better do as you’re told or else. Sound familiar?!).
There exists an alternative…
For over 30 years, the WEL-Systems® Institute has been helping women heal diseases of mind and body by inviting them to reframe how they contextualize “reality” (including disease). Reframing our understanding of what disease is while discovering a process to apply in our push-comes-to-shove-crazy-making moments gives us a formula to live our life by, disease-free. It starts with understanding our body is not mechanical, but a quantum-biological processing device (what does it process? Energy and information in flow). More on that here: Chakras and the Quantum Biological Human™.
Personally, over the last seven years that I have been immersed in this paradigm, I have healed myself from a plethora of so-called “lifelong” diseases of both body and mind. How did I do that? By staying curious to discover what I didn’t know that I didn’t know. Much of what I didn’t know is an alternative mindset about what is disease. Below, you will find a short summary of how else to contextualize disease, if you are curious …
Disease from the Quantum model of the world
In the quantum model of the world, disease is nothing other than a messenger of truth. In other words, if you are feeling discomfort that eventually turns into disease (dis-ease), it means that you have been ignoring the truth of your experience for far too long that it eventually took root in the body. The body, from this paradigm of the world, is the final frontier... meaning that before it becomes a disease in the body, it has been seeking to get your attention in more subtle ways for a long time.
As a generalization, what gets in the way of us hearing our Truth and making it muddy are our beliefs, values and attitudes adopted as children through the process of parenting (and reinforced through culture). Grokking this viscerally is so important because it provides us with an opportunity to free ourselves simply by discover and alternative process to engage that is not familiar and historical. The death grip of the family systems stuff is ... well, brutal. And in order to evolve through and past that, we have got to discover how else to live else to get to know ourSelves ... how else to contextualize our experiences.
Enter the introductory process outlined in the Decloaking and Living Authentically experiences (self directed audio files, five week one on one exploration, or where the magic happens — the five day intensive).
So, below you will find some information that I sent to a client recently about how we conceptualize disease from the WEL-Systems paradigm. I encourage you to read it, and keep in mind the choice point in this model: do I choose to believe myself a Newtonian (aka physical being) or a quantum biological being (aka quantum)? You and I are always at the choice point (red line in the middle) of how we come to conceptualize ourselves ... if we believe ourselves to be Newtonian, we will be trapped in the Newtonian limitations (unless and until we discover an alternative that we are willing to accept as real).
Below you will find some information on interpreting disease from the WEL-Systems paradigm (from an email I sent a client):
I wanted to take a moment and share with you what I know about disease in the body.
Before I delve into it, it's important to share with you that I see the world differently than most people do. A lot of what I share comes from a particular framework that says there is a predictable structure to thought (both energy and matter), and when we know how to decode the messages of what's presenting, we get to the root of it by integrating its messages, and we live dis-ease free. This is not theoretical for me -- I have literally healed myself from addiction, borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder, hypothyroidism, ibs, depression, anxiety, among others I have long ago forgotten by applying the process I now teach to women who are seeking integration of Self.
For now, let's explore: what is disease? There are multiple models of conceptualizing this, and I believe you know the allopathic way is incomplete.
From my perspective, here are some fundamentals that I hold to be true about what we label dis-ease. If one of these does not resonate or if you have questions, I welcome the opportunity to explore further.
What we label disease is the outcome of a structure of mind that holds the energetic framework for that particular type of dis-ease to present. In other words, before there can be disease, there is a mindset that precedes it and holds it in place. In the quantum world, the observer always affects the observed.
The body does not lie; in fact, it is the ultimate Truth teller (or maybe the ultimate bulshit detector lol). Why? Because that's its purpose.
When we know how to de-code the messages of the body, we can digest and metabolize the intelligence it holds by being mindful of the process of integration. This is the essence of my work.
Disease is an intelligent response; it is information seeking to be in flow in the body. When the information descends down logical levels (chakras in the body), it coagulates around matter and creates disease.
Discovering the intelligence of disease is far more potent if we look at it metaphorically. It's not about the physicality of the thing -- it's about what it represents on a deeper level.
The body is the final frontier -- meaning, by the time the information makes its way to the physical frontier, it has been trying to get your attention for a long time in different (more subtle) ways. The more we ignore those, the stronger the message gets as it spirals down logical levels and roots in physicality. That's how disease manifests and gets worse. The more we fight it, the louder it gets.
Are you with me so far? It's okay if not ... keep reading anyway. Presuppose for a moment what I shared is true, and read as if it is (you don't have to believe it, but humour me, just in case).
So, here are some questions you might ponder about for yourself, because how you experience the specifics of the disease makes a huge difference, and gives us information to build upon. This is how CODE Model Coaching works — it is an opportunity to decode what your body is seeking to communicate with you conscious mind. And we cannot do that with generalizations only — we must get into specifics!
Consider asking yourself questions such as the following:
Where in your body does disease show up?
Which side?
How often?
Is it chronic?
What precedes its symptoms’ arrival?
Are the symptoms predictable?
Is there a pattern you've noticed?
How do they feel?
Are they systemic? Or localized?
If localized, where?
How 'intense' are they?
How long do they last?
All of the answers to these questions will give us more information on how to deCODE the messages of your unique experience. Once we know more about the quality of the disease as your specific experience, we can explore further. Until then, what I'll share below are some generalizations from my worldview for you to consider.
As a broad generalization, disease carries information for you to discover about yourself. By the time the disease takes root in the body, it has spent a long time seeking to get your attention differently. By the time it reaches the body, you simply cannot ignore it any longer — it gets your attention! The more chronic it becomes the more it lets you know that it cannot be silenced, it cannot be defended or defeated, it cannot be made 'nice' with. The message must be heard, digested and must transform the old and make way for the new.
Bottom line: I believe your body is showing you what you now need to pay attention to for the next layer of your evolution.
If you were to consider your disease from a metaphorical perspective, what information might you become aware of about your experience?
Alright, I think I'll leave it there for now and trust that if something resonates and you are curious to explore it further, you will let me know and we'll go from there ...
Thanks for asking the question! I think that takes immense courage ... Please note that I am here, for whatever exploration you are curious about.
If you'd like to explore this a bit deeper, consider listening to this podcast episode on Pain and Illness: the CODE Model Perspective and this one on Pain: An Invitation to a Better Life.
This blog is not exhaustive of how we interpret disease from this paradigm — it is only a small glimpse that I would like to delve into further in the future. It feels imperative, now more than ever, to explore why so many women are getting sick with diseases that have a ‘fire’ quality to them. Perhaps the time has come for women to pay attention to the rules they carry about how they are allowed to experience their own fire so they no longer turn it inward and burn themselves. Perhaps the time has come for women to surrender the immensity of the stress that demands they be who they are not, out of some sense of obligation (and the shame and fear that sustain it in place). Perhaps the time has come for women to no longer take on that which does not feel aligned because they feel they should.
Perhaps, for some women, women like you, it is time to recontextualize our understanding of disease so we become at-cause for the quality of our lives, rather than at-effect for it. In other words, by discovering how else to conceptualize disease from a quantum perspective, we take ownership of it and in doing so, free ourselves to discover its message. We are not victims of our biology — how much evidence do we collectively need to finally grok this?! We are not even observers to reality. We are creators of it through our choices.
The choice point, the here & now, is the only point of power.
If in the here and now you choose to confront the information disease carries head-on, you will discover the intelligence.
If, on the other hand, in the here and now you choose to fight and brace against (say, through invasive procedures or toxic pharmacologicals) a disease-as-something-defective, the more the “disease” fights back. The reason it fights back? It has information to reveal to me, should you be willing to listen and discover. Please note that if you fight, the disease always wins …
But, there exists another way — one that leaves you far more empowered in creating a life of meaning.