When you viscerally relax into this fact, you discover the joy is in the journey. And in that journey, there is always more

More to explore. More to discover. More to integrate. More to become

For most people on this planet, this process of perpetual evolution for its own sake feels exhausting. They are seeking that promised one-and-done solution. The One Answer that will solve all their problems, once and for all. The One solution that will finally transform them like Cinderella into the full measure of their potential. Wave of the wand, and there you are – fully enlightened (past tense, because it’s done). 

Alas, despite the fairy tale endings of ‘happily ever after’, this is not how transformation works in this realm. On this planet, in this body, transformation is possible in the blink of an eye, as you will hear in this incredible conversation with Celine Burlock and I, and it categorically demands we show up for ourselves, time and again, seeking not to “feel good” but to become…to evolve with intention into our highest potential. 

Few people really grok that there is no “done”. There is no finish line. There is no there to get to. There is only the here & now. The moment we are in, engaged with Presence and Intention (or not). 

When our moment is engaged with Presence and Intention, our life transforms. How we show up in the world transforms. Who we become transforms. Who we are capable of becoming transforms

In this juicy conversation with Celine Burlock, we delve deep into the territory of all things accelerated personal evolution, what it takes to rebirth ourselves, and what gets in the way. So many people settle for “good enough” and what happens is they lose track of what matters to them: connection to their Truth / Self / Signal / I AM. 

Celine Burlock is an incredible woman with whom I connected with immediately when I met her in a Navigating Chaos exploration with Louise LeBrun. In that call, I bore witness to her re-emergence into this paradigm. Then I read her chapter in Sekhmet Rising": The restlessness of women’s genius and I was enamored with the depth of her courage and curiosity, engaged.

That’s when I decided I needed to be in conversation with this woman, so I invited her to explore with me her story of re-emergence into her Self in my podcast, Boundless LeaderSelf™ (for now, available on Spotify and shared on YouTube).  

Celine has been around the WEL-Systems® block for a long time. As you will hear in this episode, she went on to create a wonderful life for herself … and in a cumulation of events, she discovered that what she had created was simply not enough – and she manifested a serious concussion that finally got her attention to reconnect to that which she intuitively knew would bring her back to herSelf: the WEL-Systems way of life

In this episode of Boundless LeaderSelf, Celine and I explore: 

  • The power of quantum (and therefore instantaneous) healing through WEL-Systems based conversations 

  • What it took for Celine to reawaken to her fire for Creation

  • The power of the body's innate intelligence leading the way 

  • What it takes to stay committed to our own evolution 

  • Explore the transformative moments and energetic shifts that illustrate the multidimensional nature of personal growth

  • How the family hero strategies women adopt are detrimental to our well being and in the process of people-pleasing we orphan ourselves 

  • “If I get lost in serving others, that’s when my body will manifest these diseases” - Celine 

  • What lives on the other hand of servitute: “creation beyond persona”, as Celine says 

  • The redefinition of “I matter” far beyond self-esteem

  • The process of rebirth and how messy it is, versus seeking to remain in control

  • The terror of feeling out of control and the grip our internalized stories have in our life and well-being 

  • Looking for “the final answer” out there in a sea of self-help books versus surrendering to an authentic moment in Quantum TLC™ (and life transforms!) 

  • Overcoming the belief that “I need to be fixed” 

  • Embracing one's true self amidst cultural conditioning can be a messy, yet liberating process. 

  • How the quality of our life transforms when we go for depth rather than more surface level explorations 

What if the key to transforming your life lies in simply letting go and surrendering to the great unknown that I AM? 

Delve in and explore what’s possible for you …

(00:01) Reclaiming Self

(14:30) Transformation Through Surrender and Trust

(22:45) Embracing Self-Transformation and Ownership

(38:04) Unfolding Creation Through Boundary Weaving

(58:19) The Messy Journey of Self-Birthing

(01:10:50) Discovering Depth Over Breadth

In this juicy conversation with Celine Burlock, we delve deep into the territory of all things accelerated personal evolution, what it takes to rebirth ourselves, and what gets in the way. So many people settle for “good enough” and what happens is they lose track of what matters to them: connection to their Truth / Self / Signal / I AM.

Who is Celine Burlock? 

Celine Burlock is a seasoned spiritual and transformation coach, counselor, Akashic reader, and Qi Gong instructor with decades of profound experience. Driven by deep compassion and an unwavering commitment to support others, she empowers clients on their journey to self-discovery. Her grounded, embodied wisdom, coupled with a compassionate presence, creates a sacred space for true transformation. In this space, clients reconnect with their true Self, rediscover their authentic Signal, and are guided to engage their life with greater purpose and meaning.

If you’d like to delve in, do so here on YouTube (audio only, I find video too distracting – more on that later), or here on Spotify. If you find the explorations meaningful and contributory, let others know! Rate the show :)


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