Revelations &

Choice Points

“It’s not our intellect or our knowledge that will change our lives; it is our willingness and ability to ENGAGE!”

Louise LeBrun

Stela Murrizi looking at the camera.



The Joy of the Journey: There is always more

The Joy of the Journey: There is always more

Few people really grok that there is no “done”. There is no finish line. There is no there to get to. There is only the here & now. The moment we are in, engaged with Presence and Intention (or not). 

When our moment is engaged with Presence and Intention, our life transforms. How we show up in the world transforms. Who we become transforms. Who we are capable of becoming transforms

In this juicy conversation with Celine Burlock, we delve deep into the territory of all things accelerated personal evolution, what it takes to rebirth ourselves, and what gets in the way. So many people settle for “good enough” and what happens is they lose track of what matters to them: connection to their Truth / Self / Signal / I AM. 

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A Mother's Transformation: The impact of embracing the Crone (testimonial)

A Mother's Transformation: The impact of embracing the Crone (testimonial)

Looking back on the mom I was to the mom I am now. Massive difference. It’s not perfect and never will be and that’s ok. It was never supposed to be perfect. My old parts were supposed to move and integrate and my daughter has kept that going.I was so caught up in the external of what’s the best way to do x. Now I decide as I go what works and what doesn’t. What’s authentic for us in each moment as we become more. I direct that. I have so much more trust in what I feel is right for us in each moment. I think my daughter feels that as well.

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Unlock Your True Potential: Redefining the way we see ourselves holds the key to freedom

Unlock Your True Potential: Redefining the way we see ourselves holds the key to freedom

Decloaking and Living Authentically 1. introduces you to a reliable and predictable process you can engage today to begin transforming the quality of your life. 2. Decloaking is the stepping stone to a paradigm shift from being externally referenced to being internally referenced. THAT is the single, most massive mindset shift you can make that will free you from the confines of cultural conditioning internalized through your upbringing. Make friends with your mind, make peace with your life.

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Real & Raw Creations in world that worships illusion

Real & Raw Creations in world that worships illusion

What does it take to create sustainably that which light you up?"Creation from Crone energy feels very different, very certain, very unshakable. It's the ability to see the much larger picture, the greater context within which my creations unfold, and trusting that because they are creations of deep RIG (respect, integrity and generosity of Spirit) and joy, they are sustainable. They are creations that make my heart skip a beat when I think about having created them. That another looks at it and does not see what I see is entirely irrelevant to me... " 

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I AM Intensity, Undiluted

I AM Intensity, Undiluted

It is in the flow of intensity presenting that life unfolds. It is in the flow of the information moving that truth can be revealed. It is in feeling the intensity that so much information moves and you begin to, finally, feel free. Because it takes immense amounts of energy to sustain intense energy in place. The intensity doesn't go anywhere, it simply manifests differently. Would you rather feel your feelings or get cancer? It really is that simple. 

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Discovering New Boundaries & Voting With My Feet

Discovering New Boundaries & Voting With My Feet

And that's when I realized voting with my feet is far more powerful than trying to explain or rationalize or make clear through words. Voting with my feet, with no explanation given, is far more potent in communicating: I am done. Voting with my feet empowers me out of my habituated freeze or fight response. Voting with my feet feels immesely powerful.

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Some of my most cherished pieces…

01 —

How CODE Model Coaching transforms lives

“I am the first of my long line ancestors afforded the freedom to be able to choose, to create my life in whichever way it is meaningful for me in each unfolding moment. What a gift I have given mySelf — one I am eternally grateful for and intend to honour, as if my life depends on it, because it does.” 

02 —

Dear Declan: A love letter to my son

“I am choosing to write these letters and post them publicly because I know I am not alone in what I see unfolding “out there”. I know I am not the only mother who is deeply concerned. And… I know that I choose not to hide in the closet, pretending, because there is no power there.”

03 —

Transcending A Life of Mediocrity

“What else is possible when you embrace the fundamental lie that plagues our global cultural beliefs? Everything is peachy out there and if you feel anything but numb to all the (utterly indisputable) bullshit, then there’s something wrong with you.”

04 —

How this process changes lives

“Today, I know well that the past does not serve me. It helped shape me, it has provided me with an opportunity to learn more about myself, and it does not define me. I know, with every single breath, I can choose choices that serve me, as I am, in this moment.”



Here’s how you slow down…and listen to the whispers of your inner truth.

Paradoxically, it is in slowing down that you accelerate your evolution!