Falling for the Illusion: What you resist, persists.
Today is a big day. It feels like a ‘bonus’ day because I thought I was going to the TCCHE 2024 Conference today – as in, had my bags packed and ready to go for a 7AM heading-out-the-door start.
However, at 10PM last night I texted Louise to express my excitement that we’re leaving tomorrow (and intuitively knowing thus asking myself and Jacob “what if she’s not ready to leave tomorrow?!), and she replies with “Tomorrow? You mean Friday?”.
Wait, what?
At that moment, it was as if the whole world had gone mad. I found myself feeling totally disoriented and confused, as if the time / space continuum had shifted and, somehow, did not apply to me.
Intellectually, I have known we are leaving on Friday the 13th for a few months now — a strangeness compounded by the fact that I love Friday the 13th. Still, somehow, I found myself in the midst of the day believing I am leaving “tomorrow” (as in, today). I was convinced of that all.damn.day. To the point I even kept my son home from Forest School to spend more time with him — after all, I would miss him gone for six days!
As I type this, I find myself realizing that …
this is how it feels when one awakens to an alternative reality they were not prepared for, yet there it is.
This is how it feels when we are so certain that we know what we know and then are exposed to a different reality that shows us otherwise.
This is how it feels when we live cloaked inside our worldview, resisting “the unknown” to penetrate because we would rather feel like we already know.
I think this is the state we are desperately seeking to avoid ever feeling. Because it’s disorienting. Because it’s confusing. Because it’s uncertain.
And our cultural conditioning has taught us that uncertainty = dangerous. This makes sense when we are four and left to fend for ourselves, however, it becomes an anchor of a double-bind that keeps us unable to differentiate.
Yet, I figure, without having awakened to the truth of the experience, I could have ended up at the train station a day ahead. However, sleeping at the station for 24 hours just doesn’t seem like much fun! So, I’m glad I awoke despite the discomfort.
Now, just imagine…
Imagine … a lifetime asleep to our own internalized illusions, because we’re too afraid of the consequences of waking up.
Imagine … a lifetime asleep to our pretenses, because we are too ashamed to stand out by offending another.
Imagine … a lifetime asleep to our patterns, because we are too afraid of dealing with the consequences of change.
The internal struggle to have reality be not-what-it-is takes up a lot of energy.
I mean, how much energy did I spend looking at a calendar over and over and not seeing what was evidently there? How much energy did I spend noticing my internal state saying “six days feels too long” but not checking to ensure? How much energy did I spend double and triple checking my tickets to make sure I am ready “on time”?
*deep exhale, indeed*
Turns out, resistance is utterly futile.
I have awakened to a very different reality about resistance. I grok, so profoundly, that the only way through any and all discomfort is the process of Quantum TLC™– surrender to the moment and the intelligence of the device to process the Signal of my truth. That truth, my intuitive truth, is always there. Question is: will I choose to pay attention to it?
Intellectually, I can never make sense of any of this. Nothing adds up. How could I not see what was always right in front of me?! Now that is a great question, should I choose to perceive it as a metaphor … where else in my life do I not see what’s right in front of me?
Life is all about the power of the process of living.
How I choose to live matters.
Living from history and external referencing will get me the life I’ve got (intergenerationally, for-freaking-ever, not-even-death-do-us-part).
Living choice-point up and internal referencing will get me the life I choose to intentionally create.
Truth be told, last night I felt like a fool. And feeling like a fool is no fun. But… choosing to stay in the discomfort of the disorientation without judgment or pretenses, compels me to evolve and become more. More mySelf. More real. More certain. More congruent. More Present. More able. More willing. More me.
Nothing more to this story than the utter simplicity of having chosen to stay with the illusion differently (in Quantum TLC to integrate its intelligence rather than ‘feel good’ by making it go away). In choosing this process, I choose Evolution by Intention. In having allowed that sensation to move and be in flow in my body, today I feel centered. Congruent. Present.
← In this 3 minute video, Celine Burlock and I explore the difference between “feeling good” and “transformation”. If you seek the latter, you cannot settle for the former.
Who you are does not have to be defined by who you have been. Who you are capable of becoming does not have to be defined by who you believe yourself to be.
How would you choose to live your life today if you had no rules or roles to subscribe to?
What if … your whole life is an illusion – a deeply held interwoven belief system that sustains your ‘reality’ in place?
What if … everything that’s presenting in your life is intelligence seeking to get your attention?
What if … resistance is futile? What if … resistance is simply information?
What if … in the name of deconstructing illusions: that which you resist persists?
So, if you are curious about the process to begin to integrate to stop resisting and start living Fully Alive…
It doesn’t really matter if you have been around the WEL-Systems® block for a long time or not – the question always worth asking is: are you living the process of Decloaking, or are you resisting life at every turn, engaging the habit and calling it not-that … hoping to get different results?
Your body just gave you the answer.
Are you listening …?
PS - given my now revealed track record with time / space you might want to check in regarding dates. Just kidding – I’ll be there. I always make it exactly where I’m supposed to be. If it’s meaningful for you, I hope you choose to join me … it’s a sweet journey.
New to my work and are curious about Decloaking? Start here with these audio files. Listening to the first “CD” for free will give you some context for the transformation you are seeking and is possible.
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