The Illusion of Separation: A journey to wholeness
I’m going to start this blog with the fact that my work is provocative in nature. It is as such because I know that the status quo of our lives is killing us (and there are many ways to die).
This particular exploration just poured out of me after I had this thought – separation from God is at the root of all our problems. It is also the greatest and most persistent illusion of all.
Let me share with you my thought process, and you take from it what resonates for you. I know this is not an easy exploration, so I am mindful of that. The personal transformational process I went through to discover this was necessary for me to come to these conclusions.
Prefer to listen? Here you go.
The world you and I live in is fueled by the illusion of separation. This illusion of separation is at the root of all our problems.
Why? Because separation is a state of mind and therefore manifests itself everywhere in the spiral of creation.
When we separate ourselves from God, we lose touch with that which is eternal in us.
What if … the story of separation is the most well-founded and culturally supported illusion?
What if … the story of separation from the Source that I AM is what’s the leading cause of the pain in your heart and in the world?
What if …when we reclaim the wholeness and interconnectivity that I AM our whole lives transform? And the world changes?
What if … what’s getting in the way of reclaiming that is merely stories, not facts, though it be it persistent.
Awakening to and integrating our wholeness changes everything.
In the awakening of the vibration of the wholeness that I AM, our lives transform. How we relate to ourselves and each other transforms. Who we choose to become transforms. And how we engage our life and each other transforms.
At the end of the day, the context of separation cannot produce unity.
Only the context of wholeness can do that.
So, I am here to unapologetically share with you the truth of my experience and my discoveries in my journey of personal evolution – I AM the godForce manifesting in tissue, and so are you. I AM the Force of Interconnectivity having unique experiences through different bodies. I AM the whole expressing uniquely.
I know – this line of inquiry challenges the status quo of our mind. It challenges our perceptions of god, belief systems, and perceptions of Self. It challenges what we hold as foundational in cultures. And because of that, it is a path we do not often dare to walk.
Why? Because it is easier to keep struggling with our perceived smallness than it is to face “going against the grain”. At least the struggle is familiar.
But that you do or don’t does not negate the much, much larger context of what we are. This context has been intentionally hidden from us for ions. Generation after generation the lie is repeated, and we are told we have little choice but to accept it.
If we don’t, if we dare to question it, the all powerful god-almighty will strike us down and punish us with eternal damnation.
There is a god, and you’re not it.
You’re the child of god. You’re the creation of god. You’re the …
But YOU are NOT god. Separation.
This separation has the most impact in how we choose to engage our lives. It creates deep internal pressure to comply, even when we feel that internal nagging sense of this can’t be right. But, what if it is? What if everyone around us knows something we don’t? What if they have come to enlightenment but somehow “I” am deficient? How can they not see what I see, and how come I don’t see what they see?
Enter the mindset of broken – somehow deficient. “There must be something wrong with me”. A familiar statement I’m sure in your mind, too.
But the radical truth is that there is nothing wrong with you, and everything wrong with your belief systems that taught you how to stay in the zone of familiarity and smallness, calling it “safe”. Playing it “safe”. Every fiber in your body knows that this isn’t true, but the double bind that runs the show tells you “it can’t be otherwise” “I’m missing something” “god would punish me if I think this way”.
Fear, itself an illusion, driving the bus of the quality of your life.
Rage to mask the fear so you feel like you’re the driver, but you know you’re not.
Grief and despair following the rage because giving up is the only feasible and reasonable option. After all, you are just too tired to have it be otherwise.
Shame, at the root of it all, holding you hostage to a reality that was never yours to begin with, locked in place with a single look from your mother.
I am writing this book because I am clear that without shining light on the deep, dark places we hold terrifying, we become slaves to the secrets. We create and sustain a reality of mounting lies, unable to differentiate the illusion from the truth.
That right there become the platform from which we build our lives. From which we seek to create and manifest meaning.
But how can we create a meaningful life from an intricate web of intergenerational lies?
We can’t, no matter how much we search. No matter how much we try. No matter how much we capitulate. No matter how much we numb, or dumb ourselves down.
The I AM in some of us simply will not be silenced. In that, we know we cannot escape the internal calling that demands we awaken to the Truth. We know it will be painful, and ugly, and uncertain, and raw. But at least it will be real.
And that’s what we hunger for.
Once you know, you can’t unknow. Even if you wish you hadn’t known. Now you know. And knowledge (aka wisdom) is power. Power to create your life, with intention.
The process I teach through the WEL-Systems® body of knowledge provides you with a framework and a process to follow that is reliable, predictable, and replicable. A scientific methodology that works when it is engaged. This is the power of the context and the process that we choose to live our lives from.
Cutlurally conditioned processes will give you more of what you’ve got.
The WEL-Systems way of life will transform your relationship to your body, your mind, and your connection to I AM.
If you’re up for a challenge, then start here.
If you’d like to further engage and discover the essence of you, connect with me and let’s dive into the deep end of the pool. The water is fine, and it is infinite.