Voices, unleashed!

Today has been an immensely wild day! A day that confirms, time and again, the power each of us carries to impact one another in ways that are unpredictable and unimaginable — all by daring to speak the truth of our experience!

Since Christina Blackmon wrote her pieces on her experience with the Decloaking intensive with me, three other women have chosen to SPEAK UP and SPEAK OUT about the impact of living the WEL-Systems® way has had on them.

This is the domino effect of women’s voices, unleashed!!!

The first one to delve in is Sarah, with her blog on the emergence of her as mother. Here’s what I commented on her blog:

“This line gave me chills!!!! "This is a platform for me to live out loud a life that might challenge others beliefs, it might irritate some and it might inspire some. Regardless it’s my life…… finally :) " Yes, yes yes yes yes yes yes YES!!! And here's what matters -- YOUR evolution moving forward!!! Choosing what lights you up and letting go of what other's think (because you now know -- it's only their perceptual filters, anyway ... it's not who they are, either). Such good stuff!! I look forward to the rest of the creations you manifest, Sarah ... and as always, here to support you 100%!”

Find her blog here, and subscribe for more!

Emerging into my unique core expression as mother by Simply Sarah

Read on Substack

Then Randi White jumped on board, with her incredible piece on what it’s like to overcome a diagnosis of OCD!

“All of these modalities, have been important steps in my healing. Today I understand the intelligence of obsessive complulsive behaviors: OCD is the body/mind/nervous system, being in red alert mode all the time. It is learned habitual behavior, born of past trauma, known and unknown, lived or inherited.

Through the Wel-Systems® paradym of living, I learned to “be with”, “invite and allow” the moments of panic. To breath through them, to respect them as important messagers of truth from my authentic self. Not a sickness to shut down as quickly as possible.”

Find Randi and follow her blog here!

OCD is not a diagnosis !! by Randi White

OCD is not a diagnosis !!

Read on Substack

Then, Kelly Walters also shared her first blog today — sharing about the importance her vulnerability and sharing her truth. I mean — come on!!! Talk about the power of contagion!

"I realize I don't have to think of the answers I can just be. Watching as triggers come up and allowing them to flow . I don't have to judge myself or others in the moment but breath and feel what comes up just as an observer. I can get curious about different things and I can question anything as I go. I am using my voice more even if old stories come up. My truth is important and deserves to be heard." Such immensely powerful words … reclaimed!

Find Kelly here and follow her!

Can you feel the fire — the power of contagion of an awakened community of women, engaged?! I literally cannot think of a more powerful Force then women’s voices, unleashed!
So thank you all for this unbelievably incredible day! Thank you for daring to be vocal. And thank you, Christina, for paving the way …

I will be sharing more in this series as it unfolds: Voices, Unleashed …


The Illusion of Separation: A journey to wholeness


“Walking into the fire”: The Gift of Being Called Out (With Love, But No Bullshit)