Revelations &

Choice Points

“It’s not our intellect or our knowledge that will change our lives; it is our willingness and ability to ENGAGE!”

Louise LeBrun

Stela Murrizi looking at the camera.



How Your Hurry Becomes Their Lifelong Worry: An invitation to slow down

How Your Hurry Becomes Their Lifelong Worry: An invitation to slow down

As my brain starts this nonsense chatter, I notice. I realized as I'm engaging in this habitual and familiar process of “hurry up, we have to go”, the effect of that is causing my son to speed up. Yikes!The gift of giving myself permission to notice became my invitation to slow down. To mindfully and intentionally take three deep breaths before I tell him to move along. In that nanosecond, both our lives transform …

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When Our Courage Outweighs Our Terror, Magic Happens!

When Our Courage Outweighs Our Terror, Magic Happens!

Yes, the fear of taking responsibility over our own lives is massive. In a world that conditions us to live soap opera lives, deeply committed to how “right” we are, the conversations I facilitate from the WEL-Systems paradigm become the pattern interrupt we all need to begin to notice that we are not doomed… we can, if we choose to, become the protagonists of our own lives, response-able to create the reality we are meant to be living.

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What if … we are all, already whole?

What if … we are all, already whole?

But how can you make congruent choices when you don’t know how else to listen? My job is to ask you questions that will provoke you to see something you have never seen before. It is to educate you to an alternative paradigm of being so that you discover how powerful you are when you intentionally own the territory of your body and mind by getting to know who and what you are as a quantum-biological being. Science says so, why not choose to reclaim it for yourself today?

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Secrets & Lies are Killing Us: A Whispers from Within™ invitation for exploration

Secrets & Lies are Killing Us: A Whispers from Within™ invitation for exploration

Secrets and lies.In my many, many years of engaging with others, these are the underpinnings of illness of body, mind and Spirit.We are killing ourselves by refusing to set them free.- Louise LeBrun

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Tips on Choosing Joy this Holiday Season!

Tips on Choosing Joy this Holiday Season!

Joy is a state of being...Joy is a state of being that most people look for outside of themselves, never finding it ‘out there’ because it can only ever exist ‘in here’, where one lives.Joy is a state of being that requires no doing; it simply exists in the moment one stops and inhales the sacredness of the moment.Joy is a state of being that invites us to live fully immersed in the unknowable mystery of life.Joy is a state of being that allows us to touch the meaning of life … the grace of our own divinity and that of all of life, lived.Joy is a state of being that children know inherently well, because it is our birthright.All we have to do to be in joy is to be in a state of receptivity.But, what gets in the way?Here are a few tips, if you will, about becoming more joyful.

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Ditch the content: Here's what to embrace, instead.

Ditch the content: Here's what to embrace, instead.

If you are sick and tired of managing your reality rather than creating it, I invite you to consider the paradigm shift that moves you from the trap of content to the exploration of process and discovery of context. Raise your thinking UP logical levels and watch your life transform! What's the alternative? Self-destruction...?It is all a matter of choice ...

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A Mother’s Internal Cues Matter to Our Children’s Evolution

A Mother’s Internal Cues Matter to Our Children’s Evolution

Children are intimately fine-tuned to the inner state of their mothers. It is the state of our mothers growing up that shows us the appropriate responses to the world. So if the mother dissociates (the I AM that she is disappears), children sense that and respond accordingly by developing their adaptive strategies to cope with their environment. 

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What is WEL-Systems®?

What is WEL-Systems®?

Living the WEL-Systems process is available to all of us; and, it is not for the faint of heart. It takes worshiping Truth to stay with it. There is always, in all ways, a higher order truth available. Questions is, how much do you desire to seek it? How willing are you to let go of the lies your hold on to, in the form of stories, in order to create space inside your body for the wave (the truth) that I AM (we each are) to be in perpetual flow?

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The Power of Salty Surrender - by Jennifer Hatt

The Power of Salty Surrender - by Jennifer Hatt

Conversations like Decloaking put you back in the driver’s seat of your life, and in fact, insist you stay there, minute by minute, choice by choice. No handing off responsibility to a therapist or drug or trusted friend. You are the expert of you. I am the expert of me. Empowering? Absolutely! But in this moment when I’m about to plunge into freezing cold water, well, what the hell do I do now?

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Women and Power: My life is not a democracy

Women and Power: My life is not a democracy

As I type that, I am aware of the multiplicity of bullshit that lives between manifesting a meaningful reality and habitually responding to the same old.In the reality that I live in now, I am so comfortable deciphering the bullshit from the Truth of my experience. And, I place all the value on the truth of my experience, NOT the cultural beliefs, values and attitudes everyone else around me buys into.Fear, rage, outrage, hopelessness, despair, and shame are running the show of the vast majority of people ‘out there’. Everyone waiting for someone to come save them from themselves. If I were to subscribe to their ideology, I’d be living from that space, too. As Declan likes to say recently: Definitely No.

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Some of my most cherished pieces…

01 —

How CODE Model Coaching transforms lives

“I am the first of my long line ancestors afforded the freedom to be able to choose, to create my life in whichever way it is meaningful for me in each unfolding moment. What a gift I have given mySelf — one I am eternally grateful for and intend to honour, as if my life depends on it, because it does.” 

02 —

Dear Declan: A love letter to my son

“I am choosing to write these letters and post them publicly because I know I am not alone in what I see unfolding “out there”. I know I am not the only mother who is deeply concerned. And… I know that I choose not to hide in the closet, pretending, because there is no power there.”

03 —

Transcending A Life of Mediocrity

“What else is possible when you embrace the fundamental lie that plagues our global cultural beliefs? Everything is peachy out there and if you feel anything but numb to all the (utterly indisputable) bullshit, then there’s something wrong with you.”

04 —

How this process changes lives

“Today, I know well that the past does not serve me. It helped shape me, it has provided me with an opportunity to learn more about myself, and it does not define me. I know, with every single breath, I can choose choices that serve me, as I am, in this moment.”



Here’s how you slow down…and listen to the whispers of your inner truth.

Paradoxically, it is in slowing down that you accelerate your evolution!