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Accelerate your evolution in the good company of women evolving with intention.

Explore your inner landscape | Discover new perceptual filters to live your life from |
Develop capacity to transform that which isn’t working |

You are never alone.

After all, we are reflections to one another of our own potential.

Decloaking & Living Authentically Intensive

A Signature WEL-Systems offering for a reason!

This small group, life-altering experience transforms who you are and awakens you to your potential to design your life. 

Discover how to trust yourself. 


for five consecutive days of exploration

In an increasingly busier and faster world filled with polarizing content, uncertainty prevails. So many changes, so many challenges, so much advice from so many sources. How do you decide what's right for you?

It's not just about how to keep up. It's about learning how to trust yourself – and discover how to awaken to more powerful and effective ways of moving through your own life.

Decloaking… and living authentically! isn't just any conversation – it's one that will change your life. This is not a training (relying on practices and techniques) but is a small group, life-altering experience that transforms who you are and awakens your potential to design your life. Whether it's your first time or whether you're back again to dive deeper and accelerate your evolution, your experience of transformation always includes safety, science and a touch of the sacred.

This extended, Open Forum conversation:

  • is guided and shaped  by the urgency of what's meaningful to you;

  • offers you new, cutting-edge and life-altering thinking;

  • unfolds in a safe place that allows you to think differently, know differently and engage differently; and

  • invites, cajoles, provokes and compels you into reclaiming more of who you already are and discovering who you are capable of becoming!

Take a moment to listen to what’s possible for you, from your 5-day Decloaking and Living Authentically Experience… 

Then say yes to your own accelerated evolution!

New Ways in Chaotic Times

A yearlong exploration of what it means to reclaim your personal power in today’s chaotic world. 

Explore, discover & practice – all in the good company of the same small group of women. 


for the year

  • for 12 monthly group coaching calls

  • 52 weekly emails with resources and videos 

  • Unlimited group email coaching (this part is priceless!)

The world we live in teaches us women to be powerless – when the essence of our being is to create. There are many illusions women inhale and hold as real – and the time has come to decloak those illusions and discover how to live from the truth of our own experience. 

This is why this yearlong exploration is, well, a year long. It gives you time to explore and practice. It gives you the opportunity to connect and begin to trust. It gives you the stepping stones you need to unveil the illusions that hold you captive and decloak your truth. 

It’s not about your intellect – it’s about living the talk. 

This extended, open forum conversation between the same group of women:

  • is guided and shaped  by the urgency of what's meaningful to you;

  • offers you new, cutting-edge and life-altering thinking;

  • unfolds in a safe place that allows you to think differently, know differently and engage differently; and

  • invites, cajoles, provokes and compels you into reclaiming more of who you already are and discovering who you are capable of becoming!

What life would be possible for you if you chose to delve deep and explore yourSelf fully?



Igniting Your Potential

A live women gathering conversation designed to support you in noticing what gets in the way of you living differently & meaningfully.

A stand-alone, commitment-free monthly gathering online. 


for a three hour exploration and individualized coaching (in a group context) | Via Zoom | By registration only | Max 10 women | Offered the first Monday of every month 

The conversations we are in either empower us to live authentically, or they compress us into a socially-acceptable box. In this Space, women gather to be themselves, and tell the truth of their own experience while exploring this single, most empowering question: 

How else might the godForce that I AM choose to live my life, today?
(a loaded question, isn’t it!? Let’s unpack it together.)  

My job is to actively listen while empowering you to expand your context about who and what you are as a human being. After all – you are far more than you have been taught to believe you are! 

This is for you if: 

  • You are a woman of depth seeking to connect with and evolve in the good company of other women of depth. 

  • You are actively seeking an alternative mindset to live your life from – come find out about stuff you’ve never heard of before that has the capacity to transform your life! 

  • You are curious to explore the WEL-Systems paradigm, working with me, and connecting with this community of women. This is a good place to start coaching with me because it gives you an opportunity to ‘dip your toes’ and test the waters without diving right in!

Engage as you are called to do so; there is no commitment! 

These conversations are intended to awaken the sacred  in you and enliven your potential so you discover what it’s like live connected and present.

Where to next? Engage to discover.

Book a discovery call.