Welcome, beloved

to this space of accelerated personal evolution that is beckoning you Home.


Are you ready to:

+ radically revolutionize how you relate to yourSelf?
+ unlock the power of your mind, body, and Spirit connection?
+ shed cultural conditioning and reclaim your Emerging Authentic Self?

If so, you are in the right place.


Beyond techniques and into a paradigm transformation through:

the WEL-Systems® body of knowledge
CODE Model Coaching™
and Quantum TLC™


“Here’s what I’ve discovered after 30 years of engaging with others: People don’t need advice or to have their answers put in place by another. They need a more powerful and effective way to find answers for themselves; and find value in the process that takes them there.”


-Louise LeBrun, founder of the WEL-Systems® Institute

If that’s you,let’s talk.

Women Gathering, Talking

Group Coaching

In a world designed to disconnect us from our essence, come discover how to reclaim your I AM by engaging in conversations with women … differently. These conversations are intended to Spark the Sacred in you!

Blossom in Power

One on One

Are you ready to take charge of your life by making friends with your mind and body? If you’re not living the life you were meant to live, let’s work together to make that happen! Learn how to evolve into the best version of yourself .

I’m here as a guide

to help you transform how you relate to your mind and body so you unfurl into your true potential.


As a certified CODE Model Coach™ I am an educator to a different paradigm, as outlined in the WEL-Systems® body of wisdom.


Because to live a different life, you need a different mindset.


Here are a few things that I have come to know about Stela over these last years.  There are many words I could use to describe who I have come to know her to be:  fierce… courageous… fearless… unrelenting… edgy.  She hears and sees things and is unwilling to look away and pretend that she does not.  Her grasp of this WEL-Systems® body of knowledge is broad and deep; her trust in the natural unfolding of its expression is without question.  All of these are formidable and compelling and immensely powerful in the dance of perpetual evolution for its own sake. 

But what makes me trust her with my life and yours… trust without question both her willingness and ability to stand with me as I take a stand for myself… is the depth of her compassion and caring.  Her willingness to stay… present and engaged… without judgment and without the need to protect herself. Such immense RIG for herSelf and others… and all of it, expressing in wave after wave after wave of her own great joy in this Life-altering journey of discovery!  Does not get much better than that.

Louise LeBrun
(founder of WEL-Systems)

Kind Words

about working with me


Your awareness of the little parts of us that hide, YOU reveal.  Your willingness, and fearlessness, helped me and I want people to know that.

- Karina Evangelista

Stepping into that brave new world of speaking my truth is so much easier with a soft place to land.

-Jennifer Hatt

What you offer is like nothing and no one I have ever experienced before. I have found meaning and expansion and awakening in your offerings.

- Anila Rehman

Stela is that self realized and courageous soul that dares to see your truth and dare to call you up on it. There are no words to express my gratitude and knowing Stela. I know she can hold me in complete safety and take me where I want to go.

- Randi White

My gift to you…

FREE 10 day jounaling guide to help you pattern interrupt your habits.

Because evolution demands engagement.

Part 1: discover the process
Part 2: journal for 10 consecutive days
Part 3: explore resources & what’s next

PS – there’s a really unique free offer inside about how I can support you through this process…


By joining my mailing list you receive 2-ish monthly emails from me and can opt-out at any time if my musings aren’t your cuppa tea. No spam or selling your info ever.








Are your habits hurting you?

If so, you are the only one who can pattern-interrupt what's not working for you and discover how else to engage your moment.



How wonderful you chose this for yourself! Now all that's left is to enjoy the process of self-discovery!