Group Offerings


Your Potential

This is the best place to start coaching with me because it gives you an opportunity to ‘dip your toes’ and test the waters without diving right in!

For $45 per three hour coaching call, you:
?connect on a monthly basis with women who are evolving together; ?receive three hours of coaching on issues that impact the women who show up;
?educate yourself to a different way of being; discover what the deal is with these WEL-Systems based conversations (and why I can’t shut up about it!). 
These c
onversations are intended to awaken the sacred  in you and enliven your wholeness.
Come discover: How else might you choose to live your life, today? $45/session. Over Zoom. By registration only.


If you know you’re ready for the deep dives,

here’s what’s coming up


& Living Authentically

This is the first of the three WEL-Systems Signature intensives designed to specifically for women who are ready to get to change and they know that in order to do so they must change their perceptual filters. This five day experience is designed to introduce you to the power of the journey through the WEL-Systems models as the perceptual shift that you need to take ownership of your life today. If you’ve been there, done that and are ready for something comprehensive, then this experience is for you.

New Ways in Chaotic Times

Reclaiming the Power of the Crone

In this year long experience, we gather and explore what it means to reclaim our personal power while being a woman today. It is an intensive intended to empower us to unapologetically embrace the unfuckwithable Force of the Crone. This experience is for those with a BIG heart and incredible compassion and are done being walked all over. A yearlong for a reason.

Come experience the difference


…of supportive spaces where small groups of women gather and talk, unedited and engaged.

…of conversations intended to educate you to the quantum paradigm of being.

…of the sensation of a safe space where you empty out and discover more about yourself.

… of the embodied warmth when the totality of who you are is welcomed and cherished.

…of the sacred explorations through intimacy and vulnerability that direct you toward living internally referenced.



Shed your cultural conditioning, discover your innate wisdom, and live as the quantum-biological being that you are.


Not talk the talk, but walk the walk.



Curious about what this means?

Stela, here. 

Are you wondering why join my coaching experiences?

Because I take a different approach than most coaches out there.


And I do so because it works.

I see beyond your problem and show you how to notice, own and change the process and context you operate from.

Go big to go Home.

Let’s delve into the big questions that you are too afraid to ask yourself, together.

Because when safely explored, those questions will free you from the confines of your perceived limitations. 

Stela Murrizi

The time has come:

Let’s Evolve with Intention, together


Transform your Self.

Transform your world.


Are your habits hurting you?

If so, you are the only one who can pattern-interrupt what's not working for you and discover how else to engage your moment.



How wonderful you chose this for yourself! Now all that's left is to enjoy the process of self-discovery!