Every day I get to wake up and decide:

How do I choose to live my life today

Do I choose to know myself as mere flesh OR do I choose to know myself as quantum Signal animating the physical? 

Do I choose to conceptualize my body as mechanical OR do I choose quantum-biological processor? 

Do I choose to believe the version of reality presented to me OR do I choose to create my own reality? 

Do I choose the truth of authority OR do I choose my own truth? 

Do I choose that which I can readily explain OR do I choose delving into the unknown?

Do I choose to believe my limited five senses OR do I choose more?

Do I choose preconceived facts OR do I choose magic? 

Do I choose all that meets the eye OR do I choose possibility?

Do I choose fragmented knowledge OR do I choose the wisdom of lived experience?

Do I choose reductionist science OR do I choose holistic? 

Do I choose contraction OR do I choose expansion?

Do I choose fatalism and determinism OR do I choose possibility and potential? 

Do I choose identifying with my intellect OR do I choose the totality of who and what I am? 

Do I choose disease OR do I choose information in flow? 

Do I choose 'normal' OR do I choose the infinite? 

Do I choose chaos OR do I choose universal order?

Do I choose to trust the experiences of others to lead my way OR do I choose my internal cues?

Do I choose to follow the path of perceived least resistance OR do I choose to create my own path of meaning? 

Do I choose stagnation OR do I choose growth?

Do I choose scarcity OR do I choose abundance?

Do I choose hoarding OR do I choose flow?

Do I choose to let stories lead my way OR do I choose authentic truth, in the moment? 

Do I choose to know myself as others describe me OR do I choose to know myself in my perpetually evolving identity?

Do I choose to let the fear and chaos of those around me define my actions OR do I choose to act on my own behalf, no matter what?

Do I choose to repeat history OR do I choose to mindfully create my future?

Do I choose who I have always been OR do I choose a perpetually evolving identity? 

Do I choose repetition OR do I choose creation? 

Do I choose complying OR do I choose engaging?

Do I choose incremental OR do I choose instantaneous quantum leaps? 

Do I choose conditioning OR do I choose authenticity? 

Do I choose time OR do I choose timelessness?

Do I choose finite OR do I choose infinite?

Do I choose mindlessness OR do I choose mindfulness?

Do I choose holding my breath OR do I choose to let it infinitely flow?

It is all a choice.


I Stand Firmly In Solidarity With Life


The Strategy of Lock-Down