Deciphering the messages of the body: Pain as an invitation to a better life

The only thing you can trust without question is that your body will never lie to you.

- Louise LeBrun (founder of WEL-Systems®)

This is an information based introductory experience
for the upcoming 7-week in-person retreat AND the online experience I am facilitating in February - March.
For more information on that, please click here.

Tue, January 24, 2023, 
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM EST
Over Zoom (link provided to those who sign up)
Max: 8 women (-inclusive)

Like any other living being, our bodies communicate with us. They have their own language that we have become unaccustomed to listening to. In our daily, habituated living, we have forgotten how to listen to and with our bodies.

P?ain is one of the ways in which the body speaks to us.

How that pain manifests is as unique to you as your fingerprints. Yet, there is a predictable structure to it all. Are you curious to find out? If so, join me and a small group of women to explore how the CODE Model ™ could help you decipher the messages of YOUR body.

While the CODE Model is not a diagnostic, it is a powerful perceptual filter through which to see what your pain is trying to tell you, differently. Hint: get familiar with communicating through metaphor.

What you can expect:

  • a wisdom sharing component explaining what is the CODE Model ™ and how it helped me heal IBS, anxiety, depression, hypothyroidism, and addiction
  • group Q&A coaching portion exploring your unique manifestations
  • resources to help you in your journey
  • a free email exchange with me about your questions that you'd like to explore

A maximum of 8 women.

C?urious about the topic but unsure? S?tart Here

Pain: Invitations to a Better Life?

Pain and Illness: The CODE Model™ Perspective

A WEL-Systems® Introduction

This is an introduction to the WEL-Systems® body of knowledge that took me from the path of addiction and certain death, to now living so differently than I could have ever imagined.

To decide if this type of conversation is for you (or not), I encourage you to listen to the first FREE CD from the Decloaking and Living Authentically audio files found here. This will help preframe the experiences within the life-affirming context that is WEL-Systems®.

Transformation requires safety, science and a touch of the sacred. Anything less, and what we get is incremental change.

- Louise LeBrun

Hunger for a deeper dive?
Check out upcoming intensives:


and Living Authentically

If you've been there, done that and still feel fucking crazy, then this unique educational WEL-Systems® five day intensive experience is for you. It isn't about a new strategy; it is an invitation to a paradigm shift.
In person.

Unapologetically Unfuckwithable

Embodying The Crone I AM

If you are looking to embrace and embody the unapologetic and unfuckwithable Force that YOU ARE, then this year long experience is for you. Online.


How the CODE Model™ can help you listen to your body, differently


Accelerated Evolution: A WEL-Systems® Approach