How the CODE Model™ can help you listen to your body, differently

To see the three experiences I am offering, scroll down.

Welcome to this exploration of what is the magnificent magic that is our body

I know intimately the magic our bodies are capable of. In my life, I have been diagnosed with (in no particular order): anxiety, depression, borderline personality disorder, bipolar type II, substance use disorder, hypothyroidism, IBS, SIBO. As you may well know, a lot of these are considered "life long diagnoses". In my short life on this planet, I have ingested so many pharmaceuticals in my 20s that I thought my body was no longer mine. Today, I am proud to say: I subscribe to none of those labels, and I take medication for none of those pathologies. I am free of the medicalization of my body. 

How did I do this? I leaped into the quantum paradigm of understanding what my body is (and, what I AM).

With new information, I changed my mind about what my body is and how I relate to it.

You see, our bodies have evolved over thousands (ok, millions) of years to be our messengers of what's going on in our lives and in our psyche (the Greek word for Soul). They have been designed to process energy and information, in flow. In other words, our bodies are brilliant quantum biological-processors that process energy (such as food, thoughts, emotions) at a rate unfathomable to our intellect. Our nervous system, for example, can process 10,000,000 * 11 neurological connections per second! Our intellect? +/-7. This is why in order to heal whatever is presenting in our bodies, we must learn how to listen to and decipher the messages of the body, not take more pills or read more books...

Yet in our world, we have been deeply conditioned to distrust our bodies. We have been told our bodies are inherently flawed, they are broken, insufficient, deficient, illusive, genetically diseased. They cause us useless pain. They never look good. They won't function perfectly. They just get in the way of our thinking. 

This, dear reader, is the by-product of thousands of years of cultural conditioning and hundreds of years of capitalist interests dictating to us what a human being is. It is part of the very ideology that is keeping us sick, and tired.

The Secret to healing our bodies, however, is not affirmations or mantras, nor more medication; the secret is processing the energy in the body so that it is digested and metabolized and new neurological connections are formed, thereby forming a brand new you! 

Whatever is presenting in your life is a messenger of your deep, private, personal, wild, intimate, paradoxical truth...waiting to be revealed... so that it can be healed

The way our bodies function in relation to stress and breathing patterns is predictable. As unique as we all are, our bodies function in a predictable pattern that is recognizable, once you know how to pay attention. Our job, if we are willing, is to discover how else to listen without judgement, overreaction, or absolute certainty that what we already know is all there is to know. Our job, if we want to heal, is to become our own best friend to our listen intently, with curiosity and trust instead of capitulating our personal power to a (Allopathic, reductionist, male-centric) system that claims to know best. 

It's hard to stay sane in an increasingly insane world that demands we distrust everything internal, like our bodies, our intuition, our impulses... and instead, trust everything external, like pharmacological interventions, self-proclaimed experts and authority figures with an agenda. 

Within the external reality of our culture, I believe getting to know our bodies is a radical act of self-care. It is the very place we need to start to look at for revelations of secrets that hold the key to our healing. 

...all you have to do is show up, and be willing to discover.

Curious about the topic? Start Here

Pain: Invitations to a better life?

Pain and Illness: The CODE Model™ Perspective


In honour of those willing to listen differently, I have created a series of experiences for you to consider, both in person and online. Because what I know intimately well is that our bodies cannot lie. Pain and dis-ease is simply an indicator that we have not been willing (or able) to hear the messages of the Truth (soul) delivered to us through our body.

With this series of events, I invite you to reconsider how else you might choose to listen and decipher the messages of your body. In all of the offerings we will move, flow, dance, talk, listen and learn.


  • If you are looking to discover what and how your body is communicating with you
  • If you are seeking to improve your relationship with your body
  • If you are looking for an alternative 'story' to the one you've been repeating that no longer feels right
  • If you wonder what 'the body is a quantum-biological processor' means for you in your life
  • If you are looking to find out why this shift in perspective is the key to healing
  • If you are looking to experience how thought directs breath and shapes the state of your body
  • If you are wondering how to transmute pain into possibility through breath, movement and flow

ONLINE - Introductory experience 

Learn what's possible ...

For those wondering how else to consider framing the messages of your body, join us for this 3 hour conversation on January 24th at 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST where we will explore how the CODE Model™  can help us decode the messages of our body. After all, our bodies speak to us in metaphor. Do you know how to listen? 

Bring a friend for free!

January 24th @ 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST
Zoom link provided to those who sign up.
$20 e-transfer to me or tickets through Eventbrite  

7 Week Experience (in person and online)

Practice what's possible...

7 week experience deepening our rapport with the body through yoga, breathing, dance, somatic stretch, intuitive flow, journaling, and CODE Model coaching™ conversations intended help us decode the messages of our body through the expansive lens of the CODE Model™. Experiences will be deepened through weekly emails with an educational component to help you reconsider from an empowerment paradigm how else to engage with your body. 

IN PERSON (Ottawa/Wakefield area) 

Every Friday from February 3rd until March 17th at the Wakefield Community Center from 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM. 
Cost: $110 for 7 classes or $20 drop in 


Every Monday from February 6th until March 20th @ 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM EST. Zoom link will be provided to those who sign up.
Cost is $85

I look forward to seeing you there and exploring with you the unique messages of your body!


Who am I? Beyond the roles I have always played


Deciphering the messages of the body: Pain as an invitation to a better life