Becoming resourceful and resilient in chaotic times: The women & fear conversation

The fear conversation is a tough one, because it keeps us trapped in a loop of powerlessness. We keep trying to 'figure it out' on our own, feeling disconnected and discontent, fearing the worst ... and in the process, creating our own nightmare. 

From a different perspective, fear can be an invitation to evolution. It can become our invitation to becoming resourceful and resilient


Fear is the greatest mind killer. Discover how to use fear to fuel you rather than deplete you. Perhaps in doing so you’ll discover getting to the water through the hot sand feels rather soothing … 

In this online retreat, we will explore and de-nominalize "fear" in order to discover its message.

We will explore how fear has been infused in our bodies intentionally to keep us trapped in a loop of (perceived) powerlessness. 

Fear underpins all other control mechanisms – because it leaves us feeling internally powerless. Trapped. Uncertain. Chaotic. Depleted. Unable. Fear activates the sympathetic nervous system and we immediately go into fight-flight-freeze. 

For some people, fear fuels their fire, and they fight for their righteous indignation. Righteous rage allows them to feel powerful in doing something… even if it is just depleting their own Life Force.

For others, fear activates the flight response and they feel compelled to run away. To just keep running. The problem is … the fear comes with them. 

For others still, fear paralyzes them on the spot. They can’t move. They can’t function. They can’t breathe. They hold their breath and hope for the best. 

Which is your habituated response?

The problem is, when we are in a sympathetic nervous response and we don’t know how to digest and metabolize what we feel, we feel trapped. We hoard the depleting energies because we don’t know what else to do. 

… That’s why some of us smoked dope. But no matter how much we seek to numb ourselves, the fear won’t go away. 

We have to be willing to discover an alternative way to live that allows us to become more … resourceful & resilient in chaotic times. 

In these two days together, we will explore: how to become resourceful and resilient in the face of it all through the process outlined in Fully Alive and Phoenix Rising. These are the foundations for the next conversation…and the rest of your life!

Mandatory audio files to listen to prior to participating in the retreat are Women and Fear: Choosing beyond limitation ($30).

Transcend through fear ...


Fear Paralysis: It's okay not to have all the answers...


Decloaking our Fear, Transforming through Fire