The New Normal: A collective walking on eggshells
I don't know about you but the last few years have been a massive roller-coaster ride for my internal state. I still often find myself disoriented, walking amongst a masses who like to pretend all is ‘normal’. Yet everyone seems to be walking on eggshells, politely tiptoeing around. Perhaps I’m more sensitive and therefore attuned, but I often feel a deep sense of agitation around it all as I watch people around me move through the world as if everything is somehow normal.
People want to be hopeful. Yet they seem profoundly desperate. A deep sense of agitation running the show of their lives while they desperately seek to fill the emptiness with business, the root cause of their desire to distract insistently out of their conscious awareness.
So it goes.
I have no control over how other people respond to their internal states. I have no desire to control them, either.
However, I notice what I notice and I know: this is far from over. In fact, it has barely begun. I know that, because the world the billionaire elite are envisioning is being created. This is a transitional period that will last, quite likely, a decade or two.
In the meantime ... experiences like going out and not knowing what I will find when I leave my house have left me feeling vulnerable, confused, and profoundly agitated. Public places are technically open, and yet there is such a massive energetic pull still reminding us: don't get too comfortable.
Perhaps, walking on eggshells has become a way of life …
The virtue signaling might be a sign of that. From where I stand, there is a constant reminder "in the air" to be vividly aware of division — the ongoing "us versus them".
Compliance works because we have all been taught to be terrified of not being a “good girl” (or a “good boy”) — and what that means is acting in accordance to what we believe would please our favourite parent.
You see, as women we are socialized from a very young age (from the womb, really), to normalize an internal state of overwhelm over giving. We play “nice”. That is our expectation, as the caretakers of the relationships. So we get sick, and we don’t know why. We don’t feel like we belong in our skin, so we try to crawl out of it. We freeze ourselves into compliance when our whole body is screaming.
The problem isn’t inherent in the compliance — the problem is that when you comply, the demands increase because no matter how much you give, they keep on taking. Most women reading this know what I’m talking about …
The fear of becoming the dreaded "them" keeps most women in compliance to what is. The fear of being left out (shunned / shamed / humiliated / excluded) keeps most women from setting intentional and congruent boundaries that they know would save their lives. The fear of feeling shame wins — even when you don't choose to, even when you feel violated, even when you believe in body autonomy, even when you disagree with the heavy-handed mandates, even when you're concerned about the future you are complying into…
To me, all this feels like a kind of collective PTSD that's actually playing out in real time. War in ongoing, and so is the fear of what could be. Caught in a collective double bind that feels impossible to get out of…
That nasty double bind is the direct consequence of the process of having been gaslighted our whooooooooole lives (by adults who said they cared — but they lied, even if it was “for your own good”).
Here’s the ugly truth most people don’t want to ever have to face: We are being intentionally manipulated. Given that fact, instead of running way and believing there’s something wrong with you for not being able to adapt to the norms and expectations of the culture, I encourage you to instead, consider for a moment that whatever you are feeling is an intelligent response to what is.
None of what's been happening the last few years is normal.
None of what's been happening the last few years is humane.
None of what's been happening the last few years is kind.
None of what's been happening the last few years is generous.
None of what's been happening the last few years is tolerable.
None of what's been happening the last few yeas is even safe.
And now, we are collectively expected to live with that lingering fear while simultaneously trying to ignore it. Because although things are supposed to be back to normal, they aren't really now, are they!?
And despite your best efforts to comply with the aforementioned double bind ^^^, your body feels it.
Mass fear continues to run the collective show. The narrative is pervasive, although it takes various forms at different times. The illusion that one thing is over while another begins but the point of power is noticing the process: mass indoctrination of fear prevails. The powers-that-be are simultaneously preparing us for "what's coming" while insisting things are normal. I dare say: this is intentional. The shapers of culture are intentionally giving us a break so we don't all revolt. They are intentionally opening up public spaces and pretending they didn’t mean to twist our arms into compliance while simultaneously continuing on with their narrative that we should be afraid of what's coming. See what I’m saying?
The narrative if sustained through consistent and persistent marketing (“nudge campaigns”, anyone?) that shape how the collective thinks, and therefore how it acts.
I fell for it, too ... because they are master manipulators who know our psychology and physiology.
I remember the first day things were "open" in Ontario and I chose to take my son, for the first time in his two year history on this planet, to the public pool. I felt anything but relaxed. I was worried, I was terrified, I was agitated, I was angry. I felt, truly, like I was walking on eggshells. I didn't know if I should trust this opening. I didn't know if it was smart to introduce my son to these spaces that could be taken away from him in a nanosecond. I didn't feel comfortable with any and all of it. I was holding my breath. I was a total wreck.
(But I live my life from a paradigm that invites me to take responsibility over the quality of my internal state of being. So, when I realized what’s happening, I engaged the life altering process of Quantum TLC and I relaxed into my experience. I slowed down my internal state and chose intentionally my next move. I stayed with the line of inquiry that compelled me to choose from what matters most to me. And I had a great freaking time with my son! All while internally recognizing — this is the carrot.)
For me, nothing is the same nor is anything anywhere close to normal. There isn't a single place we can go into where we are not reminded not to get too comfortable. It has preoccupied our existence the last few years, it has penetrated our cultural psyche, and it continues to do so.
Worst of all, it has torn families over ideology (in other words, fear of being wrong).
I can't speak for anyone other than myself, so here's what I've noticed about my internal state in the last couple of years:
Anywhere I go, I feel uncertain of what I'll find walking in.
Anywhere I go, I feel concerned I’ll get kicked out.
Anywhere I go, any expectation I've had of what it would be like, isn't.
Anywhere I go, I feel a sense of worry about introducing my son to public places that he'll fall in love with that I know will become conditional again (the price of admission? Capitulate your well-being and comply to eat the carrot while pretending you don’t notice stick — ain’t gonna happen).
When I walk into a medical facility (increasingly rare these days) I feel uncertain if I will be treated, and terrified that I won’t be allowed close to someone who needs me (this is a big one for me…).
When I walk into any space (let's say, the dentist's office) I never know whether to expect if they will ask me, in front of the whole office, about my previously personal medical status (a question I solemnly remain committed to never answering anyone). (Yet another form of virtue signaling as the people who proudly answer believe themselves as either "the good guys" or "the rebels" ...)
When I am invited to a family gathering, I never know if, as a healthy person, I'll be asked to be tested to prove the absence of disease in order to be allowed to participate. I also never know the mood of the room I’m walking into — there’s consistently a metaphorical giant pink elephant taking up all the air.
When I think about going anywhere, I have to double and triple check to make sure I am tolerated in that space (it seems, I rarely feel welcome in any public spaces).
The New Normal
In this video, I critically analyze the two Policy Horizon reports the federal government has published.
This internal state of mass fear and confusion here to stay. This is part of the new normal, especially for Westerners who are the targets of this new biodigital convergence reality.
Virtue signaling as a control mechanism through social shaming. Because it works. Fit in (even if you're pretending) or go home. Comply or be cut out. You are either socially responsible (and thus sane, deserving, competent, welcome, worthy) or irresponsible and corrupt (belonging to the far right and thus insane, insignificant, incompetent, unwelcome, unworthy).
My point is, there is a new normal that we are living in. In this new normal, what's to be expected is that there is no predictability. We are kept in a state of fear, bracing against, never knowing what's coming next, waiting for the next shoe to drop... (yes, even the "good" ones who follow orders...maybe especially them). Fear for our lives quickly turns into righteous rage ... usually misdirected toward the people we are told we should blame.
History repeats itself … unless and until we change the context from which we live our lives: we are not pawns in someone else’s game — we are “god eternal in every cell”.
How you believe this will play out in the near future depends entirely on your framework (context, paradigm, ontollogy) for understanding what's unfolding.
If your context is the pandemic, you probably believe it will end with "learning to live with the virus" and jabs every 9 months.
If your context is this is the beginning of the new (declared!) global governance, you probably believe this is just a small taste of what's to come.
And the point is this: In the midst of all of this that's now unfolding (everything and anything from biodigical convergence, nanotechnology, transhumanism, synthetic biology, vaccines-for-life, mRNA for life, federally mandated social credit system, cashless society, disappearance of the middle class, chips plugged directly to the cloud, smart homes, 15-minute smart megacities, hive living, etc.) constantly proving yourself so you are not shunned and shamed into exile existence will become a way of life. In that reality unfolding…
What's the most empowering question you can ask yourself ?
For me, it's this one: As the Creator of my reality, how do I choose to live my life, today?!
How else do I choose to live my life in the midst of all the perceived chaos? Who else will I choose to become?
Living the new context of what you are as a quantum-biological being processing Signals of information-in-flow changes everything. And to do so, you have to discover how. Start by finding a way to validate your internal cues, sensations, instincts, feelings — to trust what know and that you know. Quantum TLC™ is the process that helps with that.
By intentionally and mindfully adopting the process of Quantum TLC™ as a way of life. This process replaced my habituated strategies of say, raging against the machine, fighting, bracing, succumbing, resentment, etc... This way of life has profoundly transformed how I related to what I perceive as a problem.
Let me share with you some personal stories so you find examples that show you what’s possible for you when you let go of bracing and invite the process of Quantum TLC to guide you to actively find the genius of what is presenting in and through the moment you are in.
This first example comes from an experience when I recreated my own hair-disaster story through my son (as one does…).
This one is about that time when I almost divorced my husband (not reallyyyyy) because he shrunk my favourite wool cardigan!
And this one is about a time when I almost didn't eat my bread and margarine because the voice of shame presented itself.
Here’s my definitive stance on this: unless and until we are willing to leverage the genius of the moment we are in to digest and metabolize eeeeeeverything that shows up in our lives, we are doomed to repeat history.
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