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“It’s not our intellect or our knowledge that will change our lives; it is our willingness and ability to ENGAGE!”
Louise LeBrun
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Redefining Leadership: Permission to trust your senses
Have you ever noticed how different your internal state is from that which you present to the world? What I mean by this is that women are taught to silence our visceral truth in favour of appropriateness, politeness, and compliance with the cultural status-quo.Truth is, #allwomen are conditioned to live this way, which is why a congruent no seems to be the hardest word in the English dictionary for women to own.
The Illusion of Choice when Living Below the Choice-Point: Instead, leap into authenticity!
The problem is that from this paradigm of the world where reality is external and fixed, choosing becomes an illusion.Think about this: if what you’re doing is choosing from what you already have, are you really choosing to manifest? Or are you choosing to comply? If you mistake choice for options, then you will be trapped in the illusion of choice, yet your life your never change.
Bread & Shame: What do they have in common?!
Shame is culture's most powerful weapon because it works. In the last Igniting Your Potential monthly gathering, I found myself saying something along the lines of “parents intentionally choose shame as a tool in order to control their children's behaviour”.
Transcending A Life of Mediocrity: What else is possible?!
You see, that’s the fundamental lie that plagues our global cultural beliefs. Everything is peachy out there and if you feel anything but numb to all the (utterly indisputable) bullshit, then there’s something wrong with you.
How Your Hurry Becomes Their Lifelong Worry: An invitation to slow down
As my brain starts this nonsense chatter, I notice. I realized as I'm engaging in this habitual and familiar process of “hurry up, we have to go”, the effect of that is causing my son to speed up. Yikes!The gift of giving myself permission to notice became my invitation to slow down. To mindfully and intentionally take three deep breaths before I tell him to move along. In that nanosecond, both our lives transform …
When Our Courage Outweighs Our Terror, Magic Happens!
Yes, the fear of taking responsibility over our own lives is massive. In a world that conditions us to live soap opera lives, deeply committed to how “right” we are, the conversations I facilitate from the WEL-Systems paradigm become the pattern interrupt we all need to begin to notice that we are not doomed… we can, if we choose to, become the protagonists of our own lives, response-able to create the reality we are meant to be living.
What if … we are all, already whole?
But how can you make congruent choices when you don’t know how else to listen? My job is to ask you questions that will provoke you to see something you have never seen before. It is to educate you to an alternative paradigm of being so that you discover how powerful you are when you intentionally own the territory of your body and mind by getting to know who and what you are as a quantum-biological being. Science says so, why not choose to reclaim it for yourself today?
Secrets & Lies are Killing Us: A Whispers from Within™ invitation for exploration
Secrets and lies.In my many, many years of engaging with others, these are the underpinnings of illness of body, mind and Spirit.We are killing ourselves by refusing to set them free.- Louise LeBrun
A Mother's Transformation: The impact of embracing the Crone (testimonial)
Looking back on the mom I was to the mom I am now. Massive difference. It’s not perfect and never will be and that’s ok. It was never supposed to be perfect.
Pen & Punishment: Jennifer Hatt's latest blog
We are writers. We long to be writers. We wish we had time to write. I’ve been in all categories, and continue to meet folks who share in the joyful angst that is the call of the written word. The unspoken question: if we all want to write so damn badly, why is it so hard to just sit and do it?
Some of my most cherished pieces…
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How CODE Model Coaching transforms lives
“I am the first of my long line ancestors afforded the freedom to be able to choose, to create my life in whichever way it is meaningful for me in each unfolding moment. What a gift I have given mySelf — one I am eternally grateful for and intend to honour, as if my life depends on it, because it does.”
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Dear Declan: A love letter to my son
“I am choosing to write these letters and post them publicly because I know I am not alone in what I see unfolding “out there”. I know I am not the only mother who is deeply concerned. And… I know that I choose not to hide in the closet, pretending, because there is no power there.”
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Transcending A Life of Mediocrity
“What else is possible when you embrace the fundamental lie that plagues our global cultural beliefs? Everything is peachy out there and if you feel anything but numb to all the (utterly indisputable) bullshit, then there’s something wrong with you.”
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How this process changes lives
“Today, I know well that the past does not serve me. It helped shape me, it has provided me with an opportunity to learn more about myself, and it does not define me. I know, with every single breath, I can choose choices that serve me, as I am, in this moment.”