If you’re here, you know:

Parenting is the most critical thing we will ever do. 

What is your goal for raising children?

Raising empowered children requires a paradigm shift.

This Journey of Reflection guide is for you, if…

you seek to explore the power of modelling through parenting

you are done with habituated and familiar parenting and are seeking to evolve how you parent consciously & intentionally

you are willing and ready to ask yourself some critical questions to help you evolve into your highest potential
(cuz you can only give what you got!)


This guide is NOT for you if you are looking to find validation rather than evolution. It is not for you if you believe you are exactly who you’re meant to be, and therefore have nothing to improve. And it is definitely not for you if you seek another “how to” guide.

What you can expect to find inside


It is time to re-frame parenting as a process, not a role. That’s because processes are predictable and evolve; roles are obligatory. Find out why it’s critical for you to notice who you are is the template for who your children are capable of becoming. 


You already read all the books on parenting. Despite that, you’re still stuck. Take this ten day journaling journey and explore what’s sacred about your parenting. The more “you” you become, the more free your children are to be themselves!


Resources help you to discover that you are not alone. Resources also help you to discover how else you might choose to parent your children today. Plus my two-cents via interviews and podcasts. All resources to help you discover: you are powerful…

The only way, the only way, to raise children who are awake and aware is to become awake and aware ourselves.
The paradox of an awakened community is that each individual must first awaken to their own potential in order to inspire that in another. Without our own awakening, all we’ve got is habit and history. And how’s that working for us?! 

Ready to delve in?


* By joining my mailing list you receive 2-ish monthly emails from me full of resources intended to spark the sacred in you.
You can opt-out at any time if my musings aren’t your cuppa tea.