Allow yourself to pick a topic

& come learn

90 educational minutes to help you reframe that which matters to you yet has been holding you back.

Learn about the WEL-Systems® body of wisdom and how it can transform your life.

Bring your questions.

Date: second Monday of every month
Time: 11AM EST
Cost: FREE

WEL-Systems based

monthly thematic conversations


Monday February 20th @ 11:00 AM – 1:30 PM EST

Waking up, and staying awake, to the essence of what we are requires we educate ourselves differently.

Enter, WEL-Systems®.

WEL-Systems® is not a technique or a practice…

It is a gateway to a paradigm shift.

Are your habits hurting you?

If so, you are the only one who can pattern-interrupt what's not working for you and discover how else to engage your moment.



How wonderful you chose this for yourself! Now all that's left is to enjoy the process of self-discovery!