It Takes Great Courage...

It takes great courage to step out of the comfort zone and try something that feels real and true.

It takes courage to leave the shallow and the shell and dive head first into the deep and the dark. 

It takes courage to stop drowning in the shallow...

...and find buoyancy in the deep.

It takes courage to let go of the "just think positive" and "love and light" mantras that permeate every sphere of the patriarchal, capitalist, new age-y so-called spiritual domain. 

It takes courage to question the legitimacy of the cultural conditioning we have been indoctrinated into since birth... 

...and it takes great courage to actually choose to act in accordance to what vibrates as true inside our own being. 

It takes courage to stand out from the crowd, not to rebel, but to be yourSelf.

It takes courage to face the truth of our experience head on. 

It takes courage to give our own selves permission to be our greatest version of Self.

It takes courage to slow down, to consciously breathe, to hear our own breath. 

It takes courage to show up for our lives, for ourselves, for our mission in being here. 

It takes courage to express an original thought that emerges rather than replicate one that is copy + pasted. 

It takes courage to know our own truth... takes great courage to actually speak it...

...and it takes immense courage to actually live it! 

It takes great courage to get to know ourselves for who and what we are. 

It takes great courage to let go of the past and create from the perpetual now. 

It takes great courage to mindfully step into our full potential. 

It takes courage to mindfully choose authenticity and soul-freedom.

It takes great courage to step out of the shell and step into the Self.

And without that, we are as good as dead. 

I love writing and if you love reading what I write, subscribe to get my blogs delivered to your inbox!

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A Joy-Full Mother's Day


The Man I Allow To Penetrate Me (Poem)