Authenticity, Power and Impact

I am half-sitting, half-laying on the couch of my living room, half-debilitated from period cramps, totally-motivated to write (so here I am). 

My dear husband has taken over all the duties, putting pause on his plans for the day so he can be with our four-year-old son and take care of me (warm compress, coffee, and so on). Declan decided he wanted to help, too, so he grabbed me some fruit with peanut butter for breakfast, along with “kisses” to feel better. 

As I write, I notice the loves of my life playing on the floor, being silly and laughing.    

I don’t know about you, but my period impacts me heavily. 

More often than not, it is by ensuring I am deeply connected to another realm (I have no other way to say that), purely in love with my life and my loved ones. Other times I feel like I’m getting in the way of my loved ones by not being "all there". All of it real, for me, simultaneously.

As these thoughts are percolating, the word that popped into my awareness is impact

Living authentically is not a luxury — it is a necessity.

And it has impact.

How often do we stop, and ponder, the impact that each of us has on the other? 

How often do we consider ourselves impactful? 

I consider myself fortunate because I have made choices in life that have led me to categorically conclude and rejoice in living authentically. That, in my world, is the point of life. 

I am here to live authentically. And in that, I notice my impact. 

You see, you and I are quantum-biological beings (godForces in all)  whose potential and impact is infinite. Every choice you and I make, every single choice, either brings us closer to living in truth, or moves us further away from it.

Every choice we make impacts another, who then impacts another, and another. That’s how we form mindsets that become the intergenerational gift that keeps on giving. 

The quality of our choices shapes the quality of our life. 

When we make choices from a place of being awake, aware and engaged, our life is … well, the consequence of mindful creation. 

When we make choices from the default, we create more of the same. 

I know this isn’t rocket science, but it is immensely profound. I cannot begin to tell you the number of women I am in contact with who get this, and still have no sense of the impact they have on others. 

So many women, so many women, waiting for another to change or seeking to change the world “out there” before they give themselves permission to do so. The problem is that in waiting and fighting (let’s call it the good fight), women are not noticing that by waiting and bracing against they are recreating that which they don’t want. 

In other words, by choosing to stay a player in the game of another, women are channeling all their energy, all their creative force, into that which they don’t want (trying to save it, or make peace with it, or whatever). 

Meanwhile… they are not noticing the places and spaces where their energy could create magic. If only they’d let go of trying to fix what’s broken rather than create what has yet to exist.  

To be internally referenced is to be authentic, which is to be powerful.

Which brings me to the point of ownership and responsibility over ourselves. It’s easy for us to focus on what another is doing ‘wrong’ and to spend our lives bitching about it. Easy as pie. It is hard work to redirect the kaleidoscope inward, and spend our lives doing that over and over and over … 

Inward is the place of power. When my attention is focused on me, I have no one to blame. I am left fully at cause for my life, my creations, my internal state.

Paradoxically, it is only when I focus inside of me that I have the impact I am seeking out there.  

When my attention is on another, I fail to notice the impact I have on the world, including those I love and care about – my children, my partner, my workmates. I make promises I don’t keep. I forget to answer emails. I lash out. I become resentful. I become bitter. I become reliant … on a version of the story that will never deliver what I wish it would. And then, I’m trapped on the mindset that sustains all that, not noticing the consequences.    

Authenticity is power. But how many know what that even means? So many stories get in the way… stories that leave us cloaked to ourselves, and repeating patterns we don’t want because not doing so is hard

To be fair, not everyone knows what the women of WEL-Systems® know. Most people don’t have a clue what it means to focus on process and context over content. In fact, most people only know how to focus on content – the place where power goes to die. 

“If we want to create change… if we want to reshape culture differently… we must move away from the content of that culture and redirect our attention to the forces that shape that culture.  Into the process of culture shaping… into the forces that shape and mold and structure reality… we must inject what is required to move from external referencing to becoming internally referenced.  

The Declaration of Evolution by Intention offers an internally referenced framework of beliefs and values from which to engage the world.  

We must rediscover and reclaim the godforce that we are, in expression in a physical universe.  And we must ask:  how does the godforce that I AM choose to live?  In that moment, culture reshapes itself.  

When I know that I AM the godforce, I know that I create it all…shape it all… manifest it all.  I know that I am responsible for it all…” - Louise LeBrun on The Forces that Shape Culture.

To live from a place of authenticity is to live from a place of power — and no, it doesn’t always feel good.

It’s not that authenticity always feels good – no, ma’am. Authenticity only promises truth, not “feel good”. In fact, the reason why most of us avoid authenticity is because it means facing the truth (and in my experience, facing the truth rarely feels good in the moment). 

So how do you be in the midst of the truth, when it doesn’t feel good? In fact, when it feels fucking awful? Well, that’s what the process outlined in Decloaking is all about. That’s what Quantum TLC™ is all about. That’s what The CODE Mode™ helps us decipher. 

That’s what I’m here to guide you through…

Whether you’re new to the WEL-Systems way of life or whether you’ve been around for a while, this is a question I found myself asking women the last few weeks: How much of your experience do you filter through the WEL-Systems perceptual filters?

How much of it do you consider from The CODE Model?

How much of it do you intellectualize and try to figure out?

And how much of it do you surrender to discover its intelligence? 

“Thirty seconds of authenticity can undo decades of cultural conditioning. No wonder so many are terrified of it and committed to preventing it.” Louise LeBrun

  • When you are ready, to explore what’s possible for you through the Decloaking process, start with these audio files.

  • For those who are read for the deep dive, join us in the upcoming five day intensive coming up.

🪄 Dive Deep with us in Deloaking and Living Authentically


The path of Truth is not for everyone.


Striving for simplicity