Striving for simplicity

Today (as I type this) is the last day my son is in forest school for the holiday season. As I look around at my never ending 'to do' list, I find myself overwhelmed at the amount of noisy content there is 'out there'.

So, I choose to write to you, instead, and reveal the truth of my experience in this moment.

Every other email in my inbox is about doing things faster so I can share on more platforms more easily. More to do. And AI is the solution to do the more, faster, apparently "in my voice".

Deep exhale.

In a world that is headed to its own demise faster, I am mindful of the power of simplicity.

Even just typing that leaves me feeling calmer, more connected to mySelf, and more certain of what matters to me.

For the sake of simplicity, I have chosen, once again, to unsubscribe from a bunch of newsletters that make their way to my inbox daily. When I do this, I ask myself: does this email bring me joy? And if the answer is no, then I unsubscribe.

I invite you to now take a moment and check in with yourself: do my blogs bring Life into your inbox? If the answer is yes, then invite me in your inbox through the form below.

The truth is, this journey called life is full of ups and downs and all arounds.

I noticed today that a new subscriber received SIX emails from me in one day (she signed up for a few different freebies, some of which have daily emails associated with them). Still. SIX in one day is not acceptable.

So, I manually removed her from one of the 'sequences' and now I am going to hire an automation specialist to help me make sure these things don't happen again.

Why am I sharing this with you? Because sh*t happens. Life happens. And I cannot control everything. I cannot make sure things are always "perfect".

I am a solopreneur and that means I have many hats I wear -- sometimes, they don't all fit all that well. I have to know when to let go.

That's my lesson from 2024. I cannot do all the things, because it is exhausting.

So as I envision myself in 2025 and who I choose to become, I notice which offerings bring me Joy:

What all of these offerings have in common is conversation. I looooove to be in conversation with each and every single one of you who is intentionally seeking to evolve beyond your perceived limitations.

So, thank you for being part of my life. Thank you for being part of my small but mighty community of women choosing Evolution by Intention as a way of life.

It's not easy, that's for sure. In fact, it's THE hardest thing any of us ever choose to do (aka become more...*note* different from DO more). That's why it's not 10,000 women in our calls -- there's no intimacy in that, is there?! There's no personalization, either.

And that's where the power of this process I teach comes from: combining intimacy with personalization, and the tried & true process outlined in the WEL-Systems® body of knowledge.

If I had one wish for you this year, it would be this:

  • Use your voice. Women have stayed silent for far too long. And it has a cost. So find a meaningful way to share what lives inside you to share. Keep me posted -- I'd love to be included in your process.

  • Become the space within which evolution is possible. Notice what holds you back from living Fully Alive and Decloak the full measure of your truth to yourself.

  • Reclaim your boundaries. Know where "you" end and "another" begins. If you stay enmeshed in the lives of "other", you will constantly be sacrificing yourself. I know, that's what good girls do -- but maybe consider what would boundaried women do, instead?

  • Stop waiting. For permission. For prince charming. For someone to come save you. No one is coming. And if you keep waiting, you'll die with the song in you.

  • Engage the intuitive path now. Just yesterday I found myself telling my husband that I have spent over $5000 in fixing technical issues that would have been prevented had I listened to my gut in the first place.
    (in case you're interested: Squarespace over WordPress any-day, my own domain from the get-go rather than three domains later redirecting links etc etc etc, Kit over any other emailing platform, and hiring technical experts rather than DIYing everything. I would surely DIY everything I can though, cuz I do love it ...).

  • Claim what's meaningful for you, and let go of the rest. People will always have opinions. And in a world that is riddled with distractions everywhere, perhaps the time has come for you and I to double down on living internally referenced.

  • Live your truth, unapologetically. To live this way, you really have to choose to stay in the tough conversations with yourself so that you integrate the BS (belief systems) that keep captive to smallness.

I know none of this is easy -- I know because I've taken the journey, too. I know what it has taken for me to be both willing and able to be here, today, as clear as I am about my self, my life, and my sacred journey.

If you'll have me, it would be my honour to guide you through this journey of transformation. There are lots of ways to get started -- are you ready?


Authenticity, Power and Impact


On Boundaries: How differentiation leads to clarity.