The power of an intentional pause & reset.

The truth is, I'm finding myself in a vastly open and receptive internal state – curious with no answers. In my world right now, everything is up for grabs – especially how I am choosing to structure my coaching offerings. 

This morning, I buried my grandpa. Virtually, but that is better than not being there at all. Death has a profound and powerful way to bring us into the now, the only time that ever really matters.  

This post is about what it feels like when the very structure of your reality is up for grabs … 

Some of you will understand this, others may feel it in your bones but will not know what to do with content. I invite you to relax and simply inhale the words without attaching what you think you know to those words.

I know this feeling well. That vast feeling of Being in the Void, experiencing. Being in this vast Space, I see my reality differently. I see interconnected pieces of the puzzle of my life. I see what fits and what I have outgrown. While the picture isn't clear because it is being created, I know I get to weave it into existence by noticing the version of reality I intend to create (rather than the one I believe I am given).  

From this expansive and all encompassing point of view, I notice what brings my Life and joy, and what does not. 

Daring to push the pause button.

As it stands, I choose to push the pause button on seemingly everything in my creations, starting with the yearlong that was scheduled to start in two weeks. I have tried hard to massage the truth inside me to match what I think I want (as one does yet it never works), but the truth is I need to take some Space to be so I discover

With that in mind, I will be shifting the start of the Becoming a Boundaried Badda$$ yearlong, likely to April/May. In order to keep the container intimate, I cap the experience to only six women. Three women had already signed up, so if you want to secure your spot for the next cohort, email me to get on the waitlist.

I am crystal clear – I cannot NOT the internal boundary that says "pause". I know the consequences of betraying myself well, and I am unwilling to ever live like that again. 

  • How many of us push through our own discomfort because we feel we have to?

  • How many of us tell ourselves all kinds of stories so we do what we think we have to rather than what feels authentic?

  • Ultimately, what are the consequences of that?! (Dis-ease, discomfort, and dissociation.)

The truth is, we don’t do anyone a favor when we show up half-heartedly or inauthentically, no matter what we tell ourselves. There are profound consequences to pushing through when the invitation is to pause. 

I know that wouldn't do anyone in the group a favor by showing up because I feel I have to. That simply does not set the context that I wish to set … 

So, I let go. I trusted my inner cues to guide me. I pushed the pause button. I honoured the “not now” that was beckoning.

It was a hard decision for me to make, I have to say. And I am choosing to engage this so I don't go into a state of overwhelm out of obligation (the antithesis to the intention of the experience).

Like I tell all my clients, the truth of my experience is all I have to offer in the education of the WEL-Systems® process and context for living that profoundly and undoubtedly transformed the quality of my life and my relationship to mySelf (and it can transform yours, too, if that’s what you want despite being scared shitless, starting with this). This is my raison d’etre. It’s my life’s mission. It’s the only thing worth a damn …   

And it’s worth a damn because my life is filled with curious, capable and courageous women who dare — dare to defy the default of their lives and step into the domain of the unknown because they are sick and tired of trying to hold it all together while falling apart. 

With that, I’d like to leave you with a few comments I made note of from the women who participated in this year’s Decloaking and Living Authentically intensive… 

“I get to be me in this space. I’ve never been me…” 

“It’s funny how fast it [the energy] moves through. It’s weird. And it’s fun.” 

“I’ve heard that ‘energy flows where attention goes’ my whole life but it’s never made as much sense as it does now.” 

“I can finally exhale myself…”

“I need my darkness revealed because I avoid …” “I bury it deep to not feel, and it’s not working.” 

“I love how we use fuck!” 

And my favourite one …

“Raw, painful, deep … in a beautiful way! I want to experience more.”

Indeed, for those of us who are intuitively called to explore our inner landscape as a way of life, these conversations are IT.

What makes the difference, you ask?

  • Intimacy. These are always small containers of women, talking. About what’s real. About what matters. About truth and life and evolution.

  • A small container of women revealing the truth of their experience — often for the first time giving themselves permission to feel safe enough to go there.

  • Discovering how to trust their body by implementing a powerful process called Quantum TLC™ (aka the alternative to your self-destructive habits).

  • Trusting the intelligence of the  crazy making moments to reveal the conflict that hurts.

  • Trusting themselves as they discover the essence of who and what they are … 

In my world of be yourself, tell the truth of your experience: the wholeness of who we each are is welcome.

If living the Decloaking and Living Authentically way sounds like a good way for you to live, I invite you to start with the self-directed audio files here. If you want to work with me in any capacity, we always start here

Thank you for choosing to be part of my small but mighty yet evolving community of radical women intentionally making a dent in the fabric of what others dismiss as a given by calling it “reality”. Life is so much more fun because you choose to engage.

(I just realized few of you would actually let yourselves know that you are, indeed, radical. But, you are…) 

So... with all that in mind, here are the only two ways we can work together in the next few months: 

  1. One-on-one Decloaking Discovery for women who are sick and tired of being sick and tired and are looking to take charge of their life through discovering and living the WEL-Systems way| five 90 minute calls | over Zoom | with Telegram coaching throughout | $999 + tax 

  2. Monthly Igniting educational call for women who want to learn more about themselves by touching base, or for women curious to experience CODE Model Coaching with me | first Monday of the month | 5:30 - 8:30 PM |over Zoom |$45 (as I look at this I am clear – the format of this experience is definitely changing).

Apply here to see if you qualify to work together.


You cannot force alignment — surrender then choose.


The path of Truth is not for everyone.