Re-Contextualizing Trauma Differently: How this Crone now parents her child

Re-Contextualizing Trauma Differently: How this Crone now parents her child

For those of us for whom the WEL-Systems® paradigm and it’s body of knowledge have become a way of life, we viscerally grok the power of the conversations. For many who are new to the Institute and it’s offerings, what we do is not so evident; however, who...
Bread & Shame: What do they have in common?!

Bread & Shame: What do they have in common?!

Prefer to listen? Do so here. And make sure to subscribe for updates!  There I am, at 10:20 in the morning, cutting into a piece of freshly baked bread (because I married the type of man who normalizes baking sourdough bread…). The smell always takes me back into a...
A Mother’s Transformation: The impact of embracing the Crone (testimonial)

A Mother’s Transformation: The impact of embracing the Crone (testimonial)

This morning I woke up to an email that simply delighted my being! One of the women in the New Ways in Chaotic Times: Reclaiming the Power of the Crone yearlong experience shared with the group the impact the Crones experience has had on her and her daughter’s life. I...