
 What you’ll find here are resources intended to spark the sacred in you.

This is where share my life’s discoveries through stream of consciousness writings, blogs & poems; educational soundbites & videos; resources & experiences coming up; journal prompts & questions intended to educate you to a different paradigm of being.


My Spin on the 10 Year Challenge

“There is no use in going back to yesterday, I was a different person then.” – Alice in Wonderland

Breath: The Vehicle to Personal Evolution

The simplicity of it is astounding So just get started. Soon as you do, you’ll discover what works for you. The only way to peel the layers of the onion is to stay engaged. It’s a fascinating lifelong journey!

A Parenting Partnership

In my short time as a parent, however, I have learned that nothing is as “natural” as cultural conditioning would have us believe.

This Moment IS My Life

I feel deep gratitude for the wholeness of this very moment; for it’s absolute imperfect perfection.

Why am I here? Consciousness Transformation, of Course!

Matriarchal Consciousness as my Paradigm: Creating a more expansive and inclusive reality.

Embracing “The Madness of Mis”: Irish Mythology and it’s Significance to Our Becoming

The mad woman rising within you…Once you recognize the gift that she is to your becoming, you’d not be afraid of her. You’d love her, unconditionally, and allow her to guide you into becoming yourself.

Dear Declan, On Your First Birthday

It’s in your name: Declan “A Man of Prayer”.

Why I Became a CODE Model Coach™

In living my life through the WEL-Systems® paradigm I have discovered the immensity of my power. By engaging this process, my Life has transformed. From the conversations I am having, to the people I befriend, to the way I interpret Life: it has all transformed. Fundamental to all this has been the transformation of my perception of what a human being is; what consciousness is; what Life is. I have no sense of any complete “answers”, and yet I notice myself continuously asking bigger and bigger questions.

Wounded Masculine: The Silent Pain Of Toxic Masculinity

To be where I am, I’ve gifted myself with the permission to allow myself to see through different perceptual filters. The patriarchal narrative never worked for me; and yet I bought into it and felt stuck in my inability to “figure it out”. Something was wrong with me. So I tried to escape “me”. Now I know so much better! The process of continuing to clear the muck is essential, because tapping into the messages of the Signal from Self through the body has been critical to my healing, finding balance, self-evolution.

Shape or Be Shaped By Your World: The Structure of Reality & Truth

This is the context that has allowed me to wholeheartedly and unquestionably trust living from an internally referenced point. There is nothing ‘out there’ that can overcome the truth of my own experience delivered to me through the impulses that move through my body. 

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What is WEL-Systems®?

What is WEL-Systems®?

Living the WEL-Systems process is available to all of us; and, it is not for the faint of heart. It takes worshiping Truth to stay with it. There is always, in all ways, a higher order truth available. Questions is, how much do you desire to seek it? How willing are you to let go of the lies your hold on to, in the form of stories, in order to create space inside your body for the wave (the truth) that I AM (we each are) to be in perpetual flow?

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The Power of Salty Surrender – by Jennifer Hatt

The Power of Salty Surrender – by Jennifer Hatt

Conversations like Decloaking put you back in the driver’s seat of your life, and in fact, insist you stay there, minute by minute, choice by choice. No handing off responsibility to a therapist or drug or trusted friend. You are the expert of you. I am the expert of me. Empowering? Absolutely! But in this moment when I’m about to plunge into freezing cold water, well, what the hell do I do now?

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Women and Power: The Force of Manifestation (my life is not a democracy)

Women and Power: The Force of Manifestation (my life is not a democracy)

As I type that, I am aware of the multiplicity of bullshit that lives between manifesting a meaningful reality and habitually responding to the same old.

In the reality that I live in now, I am so comfortable deciphering the bullshit from the Truth of my experience. And, I place all the value on the truth of my experience, NOT the cultural beliefs, values and attitudes everyone else around me buys into.

Fear, rage, outrage, hopelessness, despair, and shame are running the show of the vast majority of people ‘out there’. Everyone waiting for someone to come save them from themselves. If I were to subscribe to their ideology, I’d be living from that space, too. As Declan likes to say recently: Definitely No.

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Letting Go of Our Illusions and Embracing Authenticity: A Different Way of Being

Letting Go of Our Illusions and Embracing Authenticity: A Different Way of Being

As I have stayed conversation after conversation in this paradigm we call WEL-Systems, I discover and integrate deeper and deeper layers that allow me own the totality of my truth – even when it’s “ugly”. And let me tell you, when it comes to uncovering self-manipulations that go on in the name of family, things get really ugly. And in that, a whole world of internal freedom opens up, because once you give yourself permission to know, you can’t unknow.

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The Cool Crone that I AM

The Cool Crone that I AM

Since I have embraced fire as the Life Force that nourishes me, it has meant delving into every nook and cranny of how I hold my fire so I intentionally digest the kind of fire that takes from me and mindfully nourish the one that sustains the vibrancy of my being.
This process has demanded embracing perpetual letting go. Of old roles, strategies, culturally conditioned identities … and all that comes not-so-neatly packaged with THAT.

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The Subtle Art of Self-Manipulation

The Subtle Art of Self-Manipulation

Self-manipulation is an interesting thing. It is so easy to never have to notice, because, of course, there are far too many external manipulations going on — all of which are easier to notice than those we have internalized against ourselves. Yet it is in the naming it that we claim it.

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Sensuality & Shame

Sensuality & Shame

I am always so intrigued and in love with the expressed sensuality of little ones. To be in the presence of that expression of Innocence, rejoicing in discovery, is a sacred gift. It is a reminder of how simple it could be, how joyous, how immensely precious.

And, simultaneously, it is a reminder of just how fucking few people are allowed to rejoice in it…

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Your next step…

Join our monthly women gathering

because engaging our life differently is what will transform us.


So, join me and a small group of women gathering online monthly to have the tough and critical conversations that when embraced, empower us to live congruently.