
 What you’ll find here are resources intended to spark the sacred in you.

This is where share my life’s discoveries through stream of consciousness writings, blogs & poems; educational soundbites & videos; resources & experiences coming up; journal prompts & questions intended to educate you to a different paradigm of being.


My Spin on the 10 Year Challenge

“There is no use in going back to yesterday, I was a different person then.” – Alice in Wonderland

Breath: The Vehicle to Personal Evolution

The simplicity of it is astounding So just get started. Soon as you do, you’ll discover what works for you. The only way to peel the layers of the onion is to stay engaged. It’s a fascinating lifelong journey!

A Parenting Partnership

In my short time as a parent, however, I have learned that nothing is as “natural” as cultural conditioning would have us believe.

This Moment IS My Life

I feel deep gratitude for the wholeness of this very moment; for it’s absolute imperfect perfection.

Why am I here? Consciousness Transformation, of Course!

Matriarchal Consciousness as my Paradigm: Creating a more expansive and inclusive reality.

Embracing “The Madness of Mis”: Irish Mythology and it’s Significance to Our Becoming

The mad woman rising within you…Once you recognize the gift that she is to your becoming, you’d not be afraid of her. You’d love her, unconditionally, and allow her to guide you into becoming yourself.

Dear Declan, On Your First Birthday

It’s in your name: Declan “A Man of Prayer”.

Why I Became a CODE Model Coach™

In living my life through the WEL-Systems® paradigm I have discovered the immensity of my power. By engaging this process, my Life has transformed. From the conversations I am having, to the people I befriend, to the way I interpret Life: it has all transformed. Fundamental to all this has been the transformation of my perception of what a human being is; what consciousness is; what Life is. I have no sense of any complete “answers”, and yet I notice myself continuously asking bigger and bigger questions.

Wounded Masculine: The Silent Pain Of Toxic Masculinity

To be where I am, I’ve gifted myself with the permission to allow myself to see through different perceptual filters. The patriarchal narrative never worked for me; and yet I bought into it and felt stuck in my inability to “figure it out”. Something was wrong with me. So I tried to escape “me”. Now I know so much better! The process of continuing to clear the muck is essential, because tapping into the messages of the Signal from Self through the body has been critical to my healing, finding balance, self-evolution.

Shape or Be Shaped By Your World: The Structure of Reality & Truth

This is the context that has allowed me to wholeheartedly and unquestionably trust living from an internally referenced point. There is nothing ‘out there’ that can overcome the truth of my own experience delivered to me through the impulses that move through my body. 

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A Mother’s Transformation: The impact of embracing the Crone (testimonial)

A Mother’s Transformation: The impact of embracing the Crone (testimonial)

Looking back on the mom I was to the mom I am now. Massive difference. It’s not perfect and never will be and that’s ok. It was never supposed to be perfect. My old parts were supposed to move and integrate and my daughter has kept that going.

I was so caught up in the external of what’s the best way to do x. Now I decide as I go what works and what doesn’t. What’s authentic for us in each moment as we become more. I direct that. I have so much more trust in what I feel is right for us in each moment. I think my daughter feels that as well.

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Pen & Punishment: Jennifer Hatt’s latest blog

Pen & Punishment: Jennifer Hatt’s latest blog

We are writers. We long to be writers. We wish we had time to write. I’ve been in all categories, and continue to meet folks who share in the joyful angst that is the call of the written word. The unspoken question: if we all want to write so damn badly, why is it so hard to just sit and do it?

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Allyship: Connection by Choice, not Obligation

Allyship: Connection by Choice, not Obligation

If you are interested in exploring, delving deeper into, and living from, the Truth that you are, you must give yourself permission to continuously notice things you weren’t willing to notice before. I promise: everything will change. And therein lays the root of our most intimate desire and our greatest fear…

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Tips on Choosing Joy this Holiday Season!

Tips on Choosing Joy this Holiday Season!

Joy is a state of being…

Joy is a state of being that most people look for outside of themselves, never finding it ‘out there’ because it can only ever exist ‘in here’, where one lives.

Joy is a state of being that requires no doing; it simply exists in the moment one stops and inhales the sacredness of the moment.

Joy is a state of being that invites us to live fully immersed in the unknowable mystery of life.

Joy is a state of being that allows us to touch the meaning of life … the grace of our own divinity and that of all of life, lived.

Joy is a state of being that children know inherently well, because it is our birthright.

All we have to do to be in joy is to be in a state of receptivity.

But, what gets in the way?

Here are a few tips, if you will, about becoming more joyful.

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Invitation to 7 Days of Rest: Reweaving Wholeness

Invitation to 7 Days of Rest: Reweaving Wholeness

Join me for the 7 Days of Rest annual, open co-creative event dedicated to the healing and replenishment of the planet and all its inhabitants event. This year, I am offering wisdom gatherings on the theme of reweaving wholeness…not a bad way to start the new year!

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Ditch the content: Here’s what to embrace, instead.

Ditch the content: Here’s what to embrace, instead.

If you are sick and tired of managing your reality rather than creating it, I invite you to consider the paradigm shift that moves you from the trap of content to the exploration of process and discovery of context. Raise your thinking UP logical levels and watch your life transform! What’s the alternative? Self-destruction…?
It is all a matter of choice …

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CODE Model Coaching™: It’s about how you choose, not the choice itself

CODE Model Coaching™: It’s about how you choose, not the choice itself

That is what trusting what the full measure of the godForce we each are looks like. Never betraying the Truth of my moment, nor giving directives on how to live your meaningful life. Truly, my greatest gift to each person that crosses my path is empowering them to the process of choice, while being indifferent to the choices they make. I trust this makes sense.

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A Mother’s Internal Cues Matter to Our Children’s Evolution

A Mother’s Internal Cues Matter to Our Children’s Evolution

Children are intimately fine-tuned to the inner state of their mothers. It is the state of our mothers growing up that shows us the appropriate responses to the world. So if the mother dissociates (the I AM that she is disappears), children sense that and respond accordingly by developing their adaptive strategies to cope with their environment. 

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What is WEL-Systems®?

What is WEL-Systems®?

Living the WEL-Systems process is available to all of us; and, it is not for the faint of heart. It takes worshiping Truth to stay with it. There is always, in all ways, a higher order truth available. Questions is, how much do you desire to seek it? How willing are you to let go of the lies your hold on to, in the form of stories, in order to create space inside your body for the wave (the truth) that I AM (we each are) to be in perpetual flow?

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Favorite Posts

Why I Became a CODE Model Coach™

I knew I wanted to become a certified CODE Model Coach™ since the first day I was introduced to the WEL-Systems® paradigm and it's magic, in the most unlikely of places (federal government work). Fast forward three years and what feels like a lifetime of integration...

Dear Declan, On Your First Birthday

Today, I broke all the rules. I picked you up from your bed and held you, embraced you like there wasn't ever going to be another moment in time. I felt your little body press up against mine, knowing, this is eternity. I felt the warmth of your skin on me, and...

Why am I here? Consciousness Transformation, of Course!

Matriarchal Consciousness as Paradigm Since the dawn of the agricultural era, masculine energies have sought to establish dominance and control over our species and the planet. Fast-forward thousands of years to our modern world and we find ourselves in a...

This Moment IS My Life

There is a powerful yet calm invitation within my being calling me to live increasingly in the space of the present moment. I feel such deep gratitude for the wholeness of this very moment; for it's absolute imperfect perfection. The rawness of just being, and...

A Parenting Partnership

Despite the magic, the joy, the absolute beauty of it all, adapting to life with a newborn baby comes with some unique challenges. One such challenge is finding time for one's Self. We all need time and space to just be with ourselves. This is of utmost importance to...

Breath: The Vehicle to Personal Evolution

I have now been devoted my accelerating my personal evolution for the last year and a half. I did not know exactly where this path I chose would take me, but I knew it was a path I had to walk. What I had going on before wasn’t serving me any longer, and so it was...

My Spin on the 10 Year Challenge

Prefer to listen? "There is no use in going back to yesterday, I was a different person then." - Alice in Wonderland This 10 year challenge could not have come at a better time, for me. These past few weeks have been all about personal introspection, reviewing and...

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because engaging our life differently is what will transform us.


So, join me and a small group of women gathering online monthly to have the tough and critical conversations that when embraced, empower us to live congruently.