
 What you’ll find here are resources intended to spark the sacred in you.

This is where share my life’s discoveries through stream of consciousness writings, blogs & poems; educational soundbites & videos; resources & experiences coming up; journal prompts & questions intended to educate you to a different paradigm of being.


My Spin on the 10 Year Challenge

“There is no use in going back to yesterday, I was a different person then.” – Alice in Wonderland

Breath: The Vehicle to Personal Evolution

The simplicity of it is astounding So just get started. Soon as you do, you’ll discover what works for you. The only way to peel the layers of the onion is to stay engaged. It’s a fascinating lifelong journey!

A Parenting Partnership

In my short time as a parent, however, I have learned that nothing is as “natural” as cultural conditioning would have us believe.

This Moment IS My Life

I feel deep gratitude for the wholeness of this very moment; for it’s absolute imperfect perfection.

Why am I here? Consciousness Transformation, of Course!

Matriarchal Consciousness as my Paradigm: Creating a more expansive and inclusive reality.

Embracing “The Madness of Mis”: Irish Mythology and it’s Significance to Our Becoming

The mad woman rising within you…Once you recognize the gift that she is to your becoming, you’d not be afraid of her. You’d love her, unconditionally, and allow her to guide you into becoming yourself.

Dear Declan, On Your First Birthday

It’s in your name: Declan “A Man of Prayer”.

Why I Became a CODE Model Coach™

In living my life through the WEL-Systems® paradigm I have discovered the immensity of my power. By engaging this process, my Life has transformed. From the conversations I am having, to the people I befriend, to the way I interpret Life: it has all transformed. Fundamental to all this has been the transformation of my perception of what a human being is; what consciousness is; what Life is. I have no sense of any complete “answers”, and yet I notice myself continuously asking bigger and bigger questions.

Wounded Masculine: The Silent Pain Of Toxic Masculinity

To be where I am, I’ve gifted myself with the permission to allow myself to see through different perceptual filters. The patriarchal narrative never worked for me; and yet I bought into it and felt stuck in my inability to “figure it out”. Something was wrong with me. So I tried to escape “me”. Now I know so much better! The process of continuing to clear the muck is essential, because tapping into the messages of the Signal from Self through the body has been critical to my healing, finding balance, self-evolution.

Shape or Be Shaped By Your World: The Structure of Reality & Truth

This is the context that has allowed me to wholeheartedly and unquestionably trust living from an internally referenced point. There is nothing ‘out there’ that can overcome the truth of my own experience delivered to me through the impulses that move through my body. 

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Accelerated Evolution: A WEL-Systems® Approach

Accelerated Evolution: A WEL-Systems® Approach

Together in conversation in The Joy of Decay Podcast with Tessa Rae, we explore topics that matter to women’s souls. We talk about our journey through WEL-Systems® experiences, decloaking to ourselves and living authentic lives, parenting, the power of the Crone, grief, intimacy, provocation to expand beyond our limits, and so much more! Have a listen …

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Re-Contextualizing Trauma Differently: How this Crone now parents her child

Re-Contextualizing Trauma Differently: How this Crone now parents her child

I am reentering this crones conversation because I have experienced how powerful it is. This time I enter with a very different knowing from last years exploration. I know through my own experience how fast my life has changed out there when I can take a deep dive in here in a space that exceeds the current cultural conditioning. This space has become sacred to me. I have not yet found them anywhere else.

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Transition Time: From captive to creator

Transition Time: From captive to creator

Here’s my promise to you: if you keep doing what you’re doing, believing what you believe, you’ll keep creating what you’re creating. Every choice you make either maps to your history and limitation, or to your potential and expansion. Why? Because that’s how choice works – if you don’t know how to choose from your Emerging Authentic Self, then you are trapped in seeking to create change from your culturally conditioned self. Yikes! Not only not fun at all, but also impossible. 

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Leveraging the Genius of the Moment

Leveraging the Genius of the Moment

Surrendering to the wave of information that the body carries in the moment you are in will invite and allow the body to do what it’s designed to do: process information! You trust your body to process food without you telling a story about it, don’t you? It’s the exact.same.thing with emotions (energy in motion).

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Redefining Leadership: Permission to trust your senses

Redefining Leadership: Permission to trust your senses

Have you ever noticed how different your internal state is from that which you present to the world? What I mean by this is that women are taught to silence our visceral truth in favour of appropriateness, politeness, and compliance with the cultural status-quo.

Truth is, #allwomen are conditioned to live this way, which is why a congruent no seems to be the hardest word in the English dictionary for women to own.

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Bread & Shame: What do they have in common?!

Bread & Shame: What do they have in common?!

Shame is culture’s most powerful weapon because it works. In the last Igniting Your Potential monthly gathering, I found myself saying something along the lines of “parents intentionally choose shame as a tool in order to control their children’s behaviour”. 

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How Your Hurry Becomes Their Lifelong Worry: An invitation to slow down

How Your Hurry Becomes Their Lifelong Worry: An invitation to slow down

As my brain starts this nonsense chatter, I notice. I realized as I’m engaging in this habitual and familiar process of “hurry up, we have to go”, the effect of that is causing my son to speed up. Yikes!
The gift of giving myself permission to notice became my invitation to slow down. To mindfully and intentionally take three deep breaths before I tell him to move along. In that nanosecond, both our lives transform …

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When Our Courage Outweighs Our Terror, Magic Happens!

When Our Courage Outweighs Our Terror, Magic Happens!

Yes, the fear of taking responsibility over our own lives is massive. In a world that conditions us to live soap opera lives, deeply committed to how “right” we are, the conversations I facilitate from the WEL-Systems paradigm become the pattern interrupt we all need to begin to notice that we are not doomed… we can, if we choose to, become the protagonists of our own lives, response-able to create the reality we are meant to be living.

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Favorite Posts

Transition Time: From captive to creator

Prefer to listen? Do so here. Also, subscribe to my podcast on Spotify to get updates! Have you ever felt hostage to your “reality”?  I know I sure have. The more I free myself from the infinite layers of cultural conditioning that takes my nervous system hostage...

A Mother’s Internal Cues Matter to Our Children’s Evolution

How a mother's internal cues matter to our children's evolution. While listening to this short video by Dr. Gabor Matte called “The trauma of abandonment”, I heard him say: “For the child to feel wanted, the mother has to be emotionally happy. The mother has to be...

The Subtle Art of Self-Manipulation

Prefer to listen over reading? Here you go. Self-manipulation is an interesting thing. It is so easy to never have to notice, because, of course, there are far too many external manipulations going on -- all of which are easier to notice than those we have...

Dear Declan: A love letter on your third birthday For those who prefer to listen rather than read, here you go! Dear Declan, Today you turn three. I have spent the last few weeks pushing aside any notion of three, waiting for the day to come....

Dear Declan: Pay attention, differently For those who prefer to hear the passion in my voice when it comes to this piece, I encourage you to listen as I read it. My dear, sweet boy, I have started writing some of these letters to...

WEL-Systems® conversations: The ticket to freedom

Prefer to listen rather than read? Click below.The WEL-Systems® experiences that I facilitate and participate in are not courses or programs; they are experiences. Their purpose is individualized integration of the historical habits that keep us stagnated in a...

Choice: The bridge between the past and the future For those of you who prefer to hear me read this post, here you go. I am profoundly aware of the fact that there are lots of different ways to see and move through the world.  Like most...

I call on the Mothers: Embrace Your Inner Wise Woman

I believe the future of the world is in the hands of women. Women, mothers to the creation of Life, deeply care. Because of that, it falls on us to awaken, embody, and express from the matriarchal consciousness that demands we let go of what isn't working and engage...

The Joy of Darkness

?Let's take a journey, immersed in the darkThe deep, The mysterious.  That's where the bottomless joy is found. Where the raging fire of all that was ever caused you pain Is alchemized into peace and possibility. Tranquility.  Where the pitch black infinite...

What it takes to let go as a parent, and why we must!

It always, in all ways, starts with ME. There’s a lump in my throat as I type this, and the tears are just behind my eye lids…they don’t want to flow, they simply want to be there. There is an energetic ‘ball’ in my chest and my stomach feels activated. This is the...

Sovereignty. That’s what women want most.

Sovereignty. That is the answer to the question what do women want most. But, what is that? What does it mean to be sovereign?  Sovereignty is a power sourced from within. It is a power sourced from our connection to our Self (our body, our earth, nature, heart, all...

Revelations of Truth, Information In Flow, Quantum TLC™

As I sit here covered with my grandmother's blanket on my couch, I realize just how much energy it takes to access and bring to awareness deeply burried truths...Truths I've been carrying since my mother's womb. Truths I'd rather look away from. Truths within boxes...

Declan’s Birth Story: When my Story Became His-Story??

A few months ago I decided to participate in a writing contest of birth stories facilitated by the Doula Support Foundation. I won an honourable mention, so that's pretty awesome! Still, for me, it was the invitation to write the story that mattered most. It allowed...

When the Illusion Seems Real: Albania Then & Covid Now

I was in the process of preparing for facilitating my third monthly Decloaking conversation when my parents came to visit. The "theme" of the conversation this month was exploring how the nervous system works, how it is wired, and how that wiring impacts who we know...

How do I Choose to Live My Life Today? 

Every day I get to wake up and decide: How do I choose to live my life today?  Do I choose to know myself as mere flesh OR do I choose to know myself as quantum Signal animating the physical?  Do I choose to conceptualize my body as mechanical OR do I choose...

The Strategy of Lock-Down

Before I get into my piece today, I want you to know that when I am called to write, I write. The inspiration always comes from somewhere -- something I'm reading, listening to, or watching. Something that expands my context for living. Something that invites me to...

Shape or Be Shaped By Your World: The Structure of Reality & Truth

In this post I share with you the explorations moving through me in this moment about deconstructing the constructs of mind that shape that which we perceive to be real and true. If what I am writing about does not seem familiar to you, I encourage you to stay with it...

Wounded Masculine: The Silent Pain Of Toxic Masculinity

The Messages of Patriarchy to Men As I was scrolling through my phone looking for a photo, I came across an old video I had made for my parents' birthday (dad turned 60, mom 50). It's a beautiful compilation of picture collages accompanied by personally meaningful...

Your next step…

Join our monthly women gathering

because engaging our life differently is what will transform us.


So, join me and a small group of women gathering online monthly to have the tough and critical conversations that when embraced, empower us to live congruently.